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南京熙億儀器設備公司>技術文章>FluorPen FP110手持式葉綠素熒光儀相關文獻


FluorPen FP110手持式葉綠素熒光儀相關文獻

閱讀:2114          發布時間:2019-9-19

FluorPen FP110手持式葉綠素熒光儀用于實驗室、溫室和野外快速測量植物葉綠素熒光參數,具有便攜性強、度高、性價比高等特點;雙鍵操作,具圖形顯示屏,內置鋰電和數據存儲,廣泛應用于研究植物的光合作用、脅迫監測、除草劑檢測或突變體篩選,還可用于生態毒理的生物檢測,如通過不同植物對土壤或水質污染的葉綠素熒光響應,找出敏感植物作為生物傳感器用于生物檢測。FP110配備多種葉夾型號,用于不同的樣品與研究 




1. JA Pérez-Romero, et al. 2018. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment effect on the Cu-tolerance of the C4 cordgrass Spartina densiflora. Journal of Plant Physiology 220: 155-166.

2. SK Yadavet al. 2018Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Extended and Sudden Heat Stress Tolerance in Maize.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88(1): 249-263.

3. D Balfagónet al. 2018Involvement of ascorbate peroxidase and heat shock proteins on citrus tolerance to combined conditions of drought and high temperaturesPlant Physiology and Biochemistry 127: 194-199.

4. JI Vílchezet al. 2018Protection of Pepper Plants from Drought by Microbacterium sp. 3J1 by Modulation of the Plant's Glutamine and α-ketoglutarate Content: A Comparative Metabolomics ApproachFront. Microbiol. 9: 284.

5. MC Sorrentinoet al. 2018Performance of three cardoon c*rs in an industrial heavy metal-contaminated soil: Effects on morphology, cytology and photosynthesisJournal of Hazardous Materials 351: 131-137.

6. E Niewiadomskaet al. 2018Lack of tocopherols influences the PSII antenna and the functioning of photosystems under low lightJournal of Plant Physiology 223: 57-64.

7. S Singhet al. 2018Cadmium toxicity and its amelioration by kinetin in tomato seedlings vis-à-vis ascorbate-glutathione cycleJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 178: 76-84.

8. EL Fryet al. 2018Drought neutralises plant–soil feedback of two mesic grassland forbsOecologia 186(4): 1113–125.

9. B Duarteet al. 2017. Disentangling the photochemical salinity tolerance in Aster tripolium L.: connecting biophysical traits with changes in fatty acid compositionPlant Biology,19(2): 239-248

10. OO Ajigboyeet al. 2017Altered gene expression by sedaxane increases PSII efficiency, photosynthesis and growth and improves tolerance to drought in wheat seedlingsPesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 137: 49-61.


Bckg = background

Fo = F50μs; fluorescence intensity at 50 μs

Fj = fluorescence intensity at j-step (at 2 ms)

Fi = fluorescence intensity at i-step (at 60 ms)

Fm = maximal fluorescence intensity

Fv = Fm - Fo (maximal variable fluorescence)

Vj = (Fj - Fo) / (Fm - Fo)

Fm / Fo = Fm / Fo

Fv / Fo = Fv / Fo

Fv / Fm = Fv / Fm

Mo = TRo / RC - ETo / RC

Area = area between fluorescence curve and Fm

Sm = area / Fm - Fo (multiple turn-over)

Ss = the smallest Sm turn-over (single turn-over)

N = Sm . Mo . (I / Vj) turn-over number QA

Phi_Po = (I - Fo) / Fm (or Fv / Fm)

Phi_o = I - Vj

Phi_Eo = (I - Fo / Fm) . Phi_o

Phi_Do = 1 - Phi_Po - (Fo / Fm)

Phi_Pav = Phi_Po - (Sm / tFM); tFM = time to reach Fm (in ms)

ABS / RC = Mo . (I / Vj) . (I / Phi_Po)

TRo / RC = Mo . (I / Vj)

ETo / RC = Mo . (I / Vj) . Phi_o)

DIo / RC = (ABS / RC) - (TRo / RC)


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