AAL00018進口Norprene Food(A-60F)蠕動泵管24號
Norprene®食品過程油管是理想的用于clean-in-place和steam-in-place清潔和消毒系統。它幾乎與所有商業廣告兼容 清潔劑和消毒劑可以重復使用5個周期 不影響其整體使用壽命。Norprene®食品過程*符合FDA21CFR油管,177.2600標準,衛生標準和NSF標準3 51歲,是適用于許多食品接觸應用。AAL00018進口Norprene Food(A-60F)蠕動泵管24號
Simplifies Cleaning and Sterilization
Norprene® Food Process Tubing is ideal for use in clean-in-place and steam-in-place
cleaning and sterilization systems. It is compatible with virtually all commercial
cleaners and sanitizers and can be repeatedly autoclaved for up to five cycle times
without affecting its overall service life. Norprene® Food Process Tubing fully complies with FDA21CFR,177.2600 criteria,3 A Sanitary Standards and NSF Standard 51, which are applicable in many food contact applications.
AAL00018進口Norprene Food(A-60F)蠕動泵管24號
AAL00018進口Norprene Food(A-60F)蠕動泵管24號