當前位置:托馳(上海)工業傳感器有限公司>>2B臭氧分析儀>>2B臭氧分析儀>> Model 306 OCS美國2B臭氧標定源
Model 306OCS臭氧標定源是一種輕便的臭氧源,可用于標定任意的臭氧檢測儀。該儀器凈化從周圍空氣中獲得的臭氧,且可產生30到1000ppbv臭氧的混合氣體。總流量輸出是2.5升/分鐘。臭氧混合比是被控制的,不受周圍空氣溫度、壓力和濕度的影響。儀器根據NIST溯源的臭氧標準校準。
臭氧濃度范圍: 0ppbv 和30ppbv-1,000ppbv
改變臭氧輸出值的反應時間: ≤30秒到95%濃度變化
流量: 2.5L/min
The 2B Technologies Model 306 Ozone Calibration Source™ is a portable source of ozone that allows you to calibrate any ozone monitor - not just those manufactured by 2B Tech. The instrument scrubs ozone from ambient air and produces any mixing ratio of ozone in the range 30 to1,000 ppbv. The desired ozone concentration is chosen from the easy-to-use menu using a rotary select switch. The total output flow rate is 3.0 L/min volumetric, and the ozone mixing ratio is controlled so as to be independent of ambient temperature, pressure and humidity. You can attach the Ozone Calibration Source (OCS™) output directly to the inlet of any ozone monitor; the excess flow is vented through an ozone scrubber internal to the OCS. Although the instrument comes calibrated against a NIST-traceable ozone standard, the menu allows the user to change the calibration parameters of the ozone output if desired. For example, if you maintain an ozone reference instrument in the lab, you can use the OCS as a transfer standard for calibrating ozone instruments in the field relative to your lab standard.
The Ozone Cal Source™ is housed in the same small, rugged instrument case as the Model 202 and Model 205 Ozone Monitors™.
Some applications of the Model 306 Ozone Calibration Source™ include: