Instructions LeCroy XStream oscilloscopes provides powerful capability to add your own parameters, functions, display algorithms, or other routines to the oscilloscope user interface without having to leave the instrument application environment. You can customize the instrument to your needs by using the power of programs such as Excel™, Mathcad™, and MATLAB™, or by scripting in VBS. Whichever method you use, the results appear on the instrument's display together with the signals you started with. This ability offers tremendous advantages in solving unique problems for a large range of applications, with comparatively little effort from you. All of the programming example files for customization are VBScripts (.lss), Text (.txt), Microsoft™ Word Documents (.doc), or Microsoft™ Excel Spreadsheets (.xls). Once you download the .zip collection of example files, the following list maps the Zi documentation/help file topics to the programming example files.
Compatibility All Zi oscilloscope models. |
關于力科(About edyne LeCroy)
edyne LeCroy(力科)是一家提供的串行數據測試解決方案的公司,其所創造的的測量儀器能夠快速的測量、分析和驗證復雜的電子信號,從而推動產品研發的不斷創新。edyne LeCroy(力科)公司的總部設在Chestnut Ridge,New York。edyne LeCroy(力科)公司提供的高性能示波器、串行數據分析儀和通信協議測試解決方案,在計算機、半導體和消費電子、數據存儲、汽車和工業、軍事和航空航天等領域得到了設計工程師們的廣泛使用。edyne LeCroy(力科)公司保持了48年來持續不斷的的技術創新傳統,其基礎是*的“波形分析”的優勢——捕獲、查看以及測量高速信號,并推動當今信息和通信技術的發展。
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