間充質干細胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)是骨髓中除造血干細胞以外的一種組織干細胞,廣泛分布于骨髓、肝臟、脂肪、臍帶等多種組織中,具有強大的自我更新能力和多向分化潛能。因此,間充質干細胞移植在再生醫學領域具有廣闊的應用前景。同時,作為一種重要的免疫調節細胞,MSCs在炎癥細胞因子刺激后對免疫系統表現出很強的調節作用,所以MSCs有望應用于治療系統性紅斑狼瘡等自身免疫疾病。在時玉舫研究員的帶領下,該研究組科研人員對間充質干細胞與免疫系統的相互作用進行了系統的研究工作,闡明了間充質干細胞對于免疫系統具體的調節機制,極大地豐富了人們對于間充質干細胞的理解,在該研究領域成果顯著,受到了同行的廣泛關注。
How mesenchymal stem cells interact with tissue immune responses
Yufang Shi, Juanjuan Su, Arthur I. Roberts, Peishun Shou, Arnold B. Rabson, Guangwen Ren
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), also called multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, exist in almost all tissues and are a key cell source for tissue repair and regeneration. Under pathological conditions, such as tissue injury, these cells are mobilized towards the site of damage. Tissue damage is usually accompanied by proinflammatory factors, produced by both innate and adaptive immune responses, to which MSCs are known to respond. Indeed, recent studies have shown that there are bidirectional interactions between MSCs and inflammatory cells, which determine the outcome of MSC-mediated tissue repair processes. Although many details of these interactions remain to be elucidated, we provide here a synthesis of the current status of this newly emerging and rapidly advancing field.
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