近日,天津醫(yī)科大學與天津大學在《Nature Communications 》( IF 14.7 )期刊發(fā)表文獻《Microorganism microneedle micro-engine depth drug delivery》,文獻中的實驗使用了路陽儀器上海公司生產的LUYOR-3109臺式高強度紫外線燈,實驗采用了LUYOR-3109 365nm臺式大功率紫外線燈用于微針制作過程中的固化。
LUYOR-3109 365nm紫外光源安裝了27w 大功率365nm led,通過二次光學透鏡進行聚焦,紫外光強度超過了傳統(tǒng)400w高壓汞燈的輻照強度,上市以來,LUYOR-3109已經廣泛用于科研院所的科學實驗室的紫外輻照,目前,使用LUYOR-3109發(fā)表的文獻近百篇。如果您實驗需要一臺大功率、高強度的365nm紫外光源,路陽儀器上海公司提供樣機免費試用。
作為一種透皮給藥方法,微針具有微創(chuàng)、無痛和精確的原位治療。然而,目前的微針依賴于被動擴散,導致藥物滲透不可控。為了克服這個問題,我們開發(fā)了一種氣動微針貼劑,它使用活的產氣腸桿菌作為微引擎來主動控制藥物輸送。這些微生物產生氣體,將藥物驅使進入更深的組織,可調節(jié)的葡萄糖濃度可以精確控制該過程。我們的結果表明,這種微生物驅動的系統(tǒng)將藥物輸送深度增加了 200% 以上,達到皮膚以下 1000 μm。在銀屑病動物模型中,該技術有效地將骨化三醇輸送到皮下組織,從而快速緩解癥狀。這項創(chuàng)新解決了傳統(tǒng)微針的 局限性,提高了藥物效率、透皮滲透性,并引入了按需受控藥物輸送的創(chuàng)造性范式。
Preparation method of single-layer bacteria-carrying microneedles
First, a solution was prepared by mixing PEGDA and anhydrous ethanol in a 7:3 ratio to make a 10?mL solution. Then, 100?µL of HMPP (1%, v/v) was added to the solution, and it was thoroughly mixed to obtain the substrate solution. Next, a solution of Enterobacter Aerogenes ATCC 13048(E.A.) was placed in a centrifuge tube, and the centrifuge was set to 3000?rpm for 15?min. The resulting centrifuged pellet was thoroughly mixed with the substrate solution to obtain a bacteria-loaded substrate material. Different proportions of glucose solution can be added to the substrate solution as needed to obtain microneedle patches with varying substrate concentrations. Subsequently, a microneedle fabrication mold (microneedle width 200?µm, needle length 500?µm) was taken, and 300?µL of the bacteria-loaded substrate material was added to it. The mold was placed in a vacuum pump for 20?seconds to remove any bubbles from the microneedle mold’s needle array. The mold was then removed, and if necessary, it was exposed to a UV lamp(LUYOR-3109, 27w LED lamp) for 5?s to cure, resulting in complete microneedles. If there was any remaining liquid not drawn into the mold’s pores, an additional 300?µL of the substrate solution was added to fill the mold. A UV lamp was used to cure it for 5?s, and the microneedles were demolded to prepare complete bacteria-loaded microneedles.
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