HP618 Food hardness tester (Texture analyzer)-產品推薦
The food hardness tester is suitable for measuring the physical properties of baked foods such as various types of food, pasta, noodle products, soy products, potato chips, biscuits, rice cakes, etc., such as biscuit strength measurement, biscuit crispness measurement, bread hardness measurement, candy hardness measurement, jelly rupture strength measurement, soy products, etc.
Characteristics of hardness tester:
1. The touch screen display displays real-time force values, displacement deformation, fully automatic testing, and automatically saves the maximum value of the current test; The display interface can display the test curve in real time; Test real-time parameters such as speed and deformation.
2. Using a high-precision, fully digital speed control system and precision reducer, the precision screw pair is driven for testing, achieving a wide range of adjustment of the test speed and smooth operation.
3. Adopting high-precision sensors and professional measurement and control software, with high testing accuracy, wide testing range, and simple operation.
4. Equipped with a standard micro printer, it can print results at any time and can calculate multiple test results, maximum, minimum, and average values.
5. After selecting a computer, the software curve and test results are displayed on the same interface, including the curve and test data. Test data such as force, time, distance, and software displayed synchronously during the testing process. Data analysis, result data and curves, can store data infinitely, and can print A4 reports.
6. Specialized probes and accessories.
Technical parameters of hardness tester:
Measurement range: (0-200) N or (0-20) kgf, other ranges optional
Resolution: 0.01N
Accuracy of indication:<± 1%,
Displacement accuracy: 0.01mm;
Test speed: 0.1-20 mm/s;
Adjustable cylindrical probe: 12.7 ± 0.1 mm;
Voltage: 220V 50Hz
Hardness tester configuration
Standard configuration: hardness tester host, testing aids, micro printer. (Single machine can also be used)
Purchase: Lenovo computers, inkjet printers, online computer control software.
Touch screen display diagram of hardness tester
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