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HP-DKL01 paper box opening force tester-產品推薦

來源:濟南恒品機電技術有限公司   2024年09月29日 10:46  

The HP-DKL01 paper box opening force tester is suitable for testing the opening pressure of flat stacked paper boxes. This test has important guiding significance for quality assurance and research and development in the production process of paper boxes. The size of the opening force can affect the production time and efficiency of the paper box. When the opening force is within an appropriate range, the paper box will open smoothly and conveniently. This machine is also suitable for testing the opening force of small cardboard boxes, plastic boxes, etc. This machine is also known as a paper box opening force tester

Technical characteristics of HP-DKL01 paper box opening force tester

★ Micro computer processing system, automatic measurement, intelligent judgment function, automatic completion of experimental process, automatic return to position.

Equipped with a micro printer for convenient data printing and output

During the experiment, real-time display of force values and other information

★ Adopting high-precision motor control, with advantages such as high precision and low noise; The instrument has precise positioning, fast response speed, saves testing time, and improves testing efficiency.

Testing principle of HP-DKL01 paper box opening force tester

Place the sample between the two clamps of the fixture, and the clamps move relative to each other. The force value changes during the test are collected through a force sensor located on the clamp, and the maximum force value will be memorized, displaying the test results.

Executive standard for HP-DKL01 paper box opening force tester

GB/T 12914, GB/T 2792, GB/T 24218.3, GB/T 1040, TAPPI T 494

Technical specifications of HP-DKL01 paper box opening force tester:

1. Maximum test force: 50N (other optional).

2. Accuracy: First level accuracy

3. Sample size: Maximum sample size: 300mm (customizable), minimum sample size: 40mm.

4. Test speed: 0.1-300mm/min

5. The overall volume of the machine is approximately 500 * 300 * 1100mm

6. Machine as a whole 30kg

7. Power supply: 220V.

Instrument configuration

Host, opening and closing force fixture, professional software, power cord, instruction manual.


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