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HP-HCN-CCircular initial viscosity tester (Fully automatic)

來源:濟南恒品機電技術有限公司   2024年09月26日 09:24  

Product Introduction of Circular Initial Adhesion Tester:

Mainly used for the initial adhesion of various products such as tapes and adhesives. The product meets the FINAT (FINAT Test Method No. 9: Loop stack measurement) and complies with international standards such as GB/T31125-2014 "Circular method for initial adhesion test of adhesive tapes" and ASTM D6195. It is suitable for research institutions, adhesive import and export enterprises, inspection and quarantine institutions, etc.

Testing principle of circular initial viscosity tester:

After fully contacting the circular specimen with the standard test plate at a constant speed of 300mm/min, the instrument automatically separates the circular specimen and the test plate in reverse at a constant speed of 300mm/min. The maximum force generated is the initial adhesive force of the tested sample.

Features of the circular initial viscosity tester:

1. Newly upgraded touch screen control and display, with clear operation and automatic testing throughout the entire process, without the need for manual operation.

2. Adopting microcomputer control technology, different from traditional inclined rolling ball method, it has high accuracy and simple operation.

3. Using high-precision sensors, the accuracy can reach+0.1% of the weight sensor standard.

4. Advanced servo motor and screw drive technology ensure smooth operation and more accurate displacement measurement.

5. The data collection system has the characteristics of being precise and easy to use, and is currently one of the more advanced measuring instruments.

6. Connect to a micro printer: It can achieve experimental dates and results, and print them directly and in a timely manner!

7. It has the function of maintaining experimental force values and can store up to 20 test data, making it more convenient to view experimental results.

8. Stepless speed regulation can set accuracy within the range of 1-500

Technical parameters of the annular initial viscosity tester:

1. Load range: 0-50N (optional configuration 10N 20N 50N 100N 200N 500N)

2. Accuracy: 0.5 level

3. Resolution: 0.01N

4. Loading speed: 300mm/min (adjustable from 0.001 to 500mm/min)

5. Test plate size: 30.00mm x 25.00mm x 3mm (length, width, thickness)

6. Sample size: 180mm x 25mm

7. Power unit switching: kgf, gf, N, kN, lbf

8. Power: 40w

9. Power supply: 220V 50Hz

10. External dimensions: 300mm (B) x 380mm (L) x 410mm (H)

11. Net weight: 17Kg

National standard for circular initial adhesion tester: ASTM, TLMI,FINAT,GB/T31125

Standard configuration of the circular initial adhesive tester: host, power cord, fixture, and 2 test boards

Circular initial viscosity tester 【 Operation interface 】


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