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德國E+H恩德斯豪斯Liquiphant T FTL20音叉料位開關資料選型

來源:上海申思特自動化設備有限公司   2011年08月31日 14:46  

德國E+H恩德斯豪斯Liquiphant T FTL20音叉料位開關資料選型:恩德斯豪斯E+H音叉開關#E+H音叉開關      :     徐

產品型號: FTL 20             :     徐
產品名稱 液體音叉液位計
35 mm / 1.4
-40...150 °C / -40...302 °F
-1...40 bar / -14.5...580 psi
½, ¾, 1
AC, DC, ASi         

Point level switch for liquids


Your benefits      :     徐

  • Operational safety, reliability and universal applicability through use of the tuning fork measuring principle
  • External test option using test magnet
  • On-site control using external LED display
  • Easy to install even at points difficult to access due to compact construction
  • Rugged stainless steel housing (316L)
  • Service-friendly plug-in connections
  • For medium temperatures up to 150 °C


Field of application

The Liquiphant T FTL20 is a point level switch for all kinds of fluids and is used in tanks, containers and pipelines. It is used in cleaning and filtering systems and coolant and lubricant tanks as an overspill protection or as a pump protector.

The FTL20 is ideal for applications which previously used float switches and conductive, capacitive and optical


It also works in applications which are unsuitable for these measuring methods due to conductivity, build-ups,

turbulence, flows or air bubbles.

The FTL20 is not suitable for hazardous areas and areas where the medium temperature is above 150 °C.

For hygienic areas the use of FTL20H is recommended.

Order information

Production time:
Endress+Hauser works to a defined standard production time (from order entry to goods issue) depending on the variant of the Liquiphant T FTL20.
Production times can be confirmed via your contact person or via the online shop.

Endress+Hauser will ship your order direct to your delivery address. In certain cases express or emergency shipments can be made on request.

Track & Trace:
Check your order status online using your reference number or the Endress+Hauser order confirmation number.

   :     徐
Spare Parts Logistics:
Spare parts are handled as standard products with a short standard delivery time. On request we deliver on shortest possible delivery time (extra charge).

Liquiphant T FTL 20液體音叉物位測量

產品應用   德國E+H恩德斯豪斯Liquiphant T FTL20音叉料位開關資料選型:恩德斯豪斯E+H音叉開關#E+H音叉開關

Liquiphant T FTL 20適用于各種液體的限位開關,可用于儲罐,容器、管道中。它可用于清洗過濾系統和冷凍劑或潤滑劑的罐中起溢出保護或泵的保護作用。FTL 20不受介質電導率、堆積、擾動、流動、氣泡的影響,是浮球開關、電導式電容式、光學傳感器的理想替代品。FTL 20不適用于危險場合和介質溫度高于150的場合。FTL 20還可用于衛生場合.

產品性能      :     徐

  • 操作安全性、可靠性高,且適用范圍廣
  • 外部的LED顯示可進行現場控制
  • 緊湊的結構可安裝在難于安裝的地方
  • 堅固的不朽鋼外殼(316L
  • 插頭連接便于維護

介質溫度可達150℃德國E+H恩德斯豪斯Liquiphant T FTL20音叉料位開關資料選型:恩德斯豪斯E+H音叉開關#E+H音叉開關



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