PAN Biotech UK Ltd成立于2013年,為英國提供由PAN Bietech GmbH生產的優質血清、血清替代品、培養基和細胞培養試劑。PAN Biotech自1988年在德國巴伐利亞州成立,以生產創新、高質量的產品、高效的供應和優質的服務而自豪。PAN Biotech UK Ltd以勤勉、準確和高效的態度將這些創新產品推向英國市場,同時提供優質的客戶服務。我們新的英國配送中心于2019年1月開業。我們直接向客戶銷售,以確保選擇了正確的產品。我們的目標是超越客戶關懷的期望,提供從產品選擇到交付的個性化服務。PAN Biotech UK Ltd現在是英國科學領域一家實力強大且不斷壯大的細胞培養專家,為大學、研究、臨床和工業實驗室提供可靠的產品供應和支持。
PAN Biotech熱銷產品列表:
大類 | 產品名稱 | 規格 | 貨號 |
Human Serumm
| Human Platelet Lysate, ready to use,pooled,sterile filtered | 50ml | P40-28050
Human Platelet Lysate, w/o:Heparin,pooled,sterile filtered | 100ml | P40-29100
| |
Human Serum off-the-clot,sterile filtered | 500ml | P30-2702 | |
Human Serum off-the-clot,Type AB, male, sterile filtered | 500ml | P40-2702 | |
Human Serum, sterile filtered | 500ml | P30-2402 | |
Human Serum, Type AB, male, sterile filtered | 500ml | P30-2902 | |
Human Serum, Type AB, sterile filtered | 500ml | P30-2502 | |
Bovine Sera & Other Animal Sera
| Activated Charcoal Absorbed,FBS Premium, South America origin, Fetal bovine serum, 0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml
| P30-2302
Bovine serum, Australia origin, 0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml
| P30-0602 | |
Chicken Serum, sterile filtered | 500 ml | P30-0302 | |
Delipidized,Fetal bovine serum,EU approved | 500 ml | P30-3402 | |
Dialyzed FBS, South America origin, Fetal bovine serum,0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml | P30-2102 | |
Donkey Serum,sterile filtered | 500 ml | P30-0102 | |
Donor Horse Serum,EU origin,0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml | P30-0702 | |
FBS Good Forte, Australia origin, filtrated bovine serum with additive fortifier, 0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml | P40-49500 | |
FBS Good Forte, EU approved regions,filtrated bovine serum with additive fortifier,0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500ml | P40-47500 | |
FBS Good Forte, US origin, filtrated bovine serum with additive fortifier, 0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml | P40-48500 | |
Treated Sera
| Activated Charcoal Absorbed,FBS Premium, South America origin, Fetal bovine serum,0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml | P30-2302 |
Delipidized, Fetal bovine serum, EU approved | 500 ml | P30-3402 | |
Dialyzed FBS, South America origin, Fetal bovine serum,0.2 Um sterile filtered | 500 ml | P30-2102 | |
Serum- free Systems
| Endopan 300 SL-Serum-free medium for HUVEC and endothelial cells | 500 ml | P04-0065K
Endopan 300 SL-Serum-free medium for HUVEC and endothelial cells, Basal Medium | 500 ml | P04-0065B | |
ISF-1 Medium for Hybridoma, w:stable Glutamine, w: Insulin hum. rec.,w:2.438 g/L NaHCO3 | 1000 ml | P04-995968 | |
PANcell Hybridoma | 500 ml | P04-99550 | |
Human Serum Albumin (HSA)
| Human Serum Albumin(HSA),20%Solution,Premium Grade | 100 ml | P06-27100 |
Human Serum Albumin, HSA, lyophilized powder | 10g | P06-26010 | |
Human Serum Albumin, HSA, lyophilized powder | 25g | P06-26025 | |
Human Serum Albumin, HSA, lyophilized powder,Fatty acid free | 10g | P06-26110 | |
Cell Culture Media
| Alpha MEM Eagle,w: L-Glutamine, w/o: Ribonucleosides, w/o:Deoxyribonucleosides,w:2.2g/L NaHCO3 | 500 ml | P04-21060 |
Alpha MEM Eagle,w: L-Glutamine, w: Ribonucleosides, w: Deoxyribonucleosides,w:2.2g/L NaHCO3 | 500 ml | P04-21500 | |
Alpha MEM Eagle,w:stable Glutamine, w: Ribonucleosides, w:Deoxyribonucleosides,w:2.2 g/L NaHCO3 | 500 ml | P04-21250 | |
Alpha MEM Eagle,w:stable Glutamine, w/o: Ribonucleosides, w/o: Deoxyribonucleosides, w:2.2g/L NaHCO3 | 500 ml | P04-21350 | |
Reagents | (10x) Trypsin 0.5 %/5.3 mM EDTA 4Na, in 0,85 % saline | 500 ml | P10-025500
(10x) Trypsin 0.5%/EDTA 0.2% in PBS,w/o:Ca and Mg | 500 ml | P10-024500 | |
Accumax, Cell Dissociation Solution | 500 ml | P10-21250 | |
Accutase Cell Detachment Solution, w: 0.5 mM EDTA, w: Phenol red | 500 ml | P10-21500 | |
SenTraGor™ Reagent
SenTraGorTM Reagent | 20 mg | AR8850020 |
40mg | AR8850040 | ||
80mg | AR8850080 |
PAN Biotech代理——北京百奧創新科技有限公司,提供PAN Biotech系列產品。PAN Biotech華中代理,PAN Biotech 華北代理,PAN Biotech 華南代理,PAN Biotech 華東代理。北京百奧創新科技有限公司作為一家專注于免疫學、細胞生物學、分子生物學等領域核心試劑產品的研發、生產與銷售的高新企業。北京百奧創新科技有限公司是中關村高新技術企業,于2017年在北京成立。百奧創新依托于中科院的科研技術力量,以中科院資深科學家為核心,整合經驗豐富的商業團隊及管理團隊組建而成。百奧創新在產品自主研發的同時,也與全球多家生命科學試劑供應商建立良好的合作關系,基于“客戶第一”的核心理念,向全國10000+客戶提供200000+優質產品。百奧創新將以品質樹立品牌,以服務贏得口碑,致力于成長為重要的生物原料及生物化學試劑開發與成果轉化的開TUO者,并成為行業的優質供應商。
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