CR Magnetics產品:
數字電流傳感器 、交流電流變壓器 、電路開關 、電流互感器
CR Magnetics, Inc. has been in operation since 1986, and is centrally located in St. Louis, Missouri, where we maintain a 40,000 square foot manufacturing facility and warehouse. CR Magnetics also maintains manufacturing and sales offices worldwide, including East Asia, Europe, and the Americas. CR Magnetics full team CR Magnetic's philosophy is to provide a complete line of products and components that enables our customers to solve the challenges they face in an ever changing competitive environment. With rising energy costs and shrinking margins, maintaining efficiencies of operations, processes,
CR Magnetics,Inc.自1986年開始運營,位于密蘇里州圣路易斯市中心,我們在那里擁有40000平方英尺的生產設施和倉庫。CR Magnetics還在全球范圍內設有制造和銷售辦事處,包括東亞、歐洲和美洲。CR Magnetics全團隊CR Magnetics的理念是提供一整套產品和組件,使我們的客戶能夠解決他們在不斷變化的競爭環境中面臨的挑戰
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