Drawn cup roller clutches: |
Figure 1 Component performs a swivel motion Component performs a gradual rotational motion |
Product design |
Drawn cup roller clutches are available: |
Drawn cup roller clutches |
| Drawn cup roller clutches give very precise indexing, since the individual spring loading of the needle rollers ensures continuous contact between the shaft, needle rollers and ramps. They allow high indexing frequencies due to their low mass and the resulting low moment of inertia of the clamping elements. They also have a low overrunning frictional torque. |
| Drawn cup roller clutches can be used in various applications such as indexing clutches, back-stopping clutches and overrunning clutches. In these cases, the drawn cup roller clutch performs an overrunning or locking function. |
Drawn cup roller clutches should not be used if a malfunction could lead to personal injury. New applications, especially those involving extreme conditions, should first be verified by tests. Correct functioning can only be guaranteed if the concentricity error between the support bearing and the shaft can be kept to a low value. |
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