NanjingBeidi Experimental Instrument Co.,Ltd PRODUCT PROFILEGlass Reactor ----Model:BDX10-50L Prohibit copying the products' profile of BEIDI. According to investigation area’s expanding by Chinese’s universities and related enterprises, Nanjing Beidi Experimental Instrument Co.,Ltd R&D and desigin Glass Reactor(Model:BDX10-50L) and its matching heating-cooling-refrigerationcirculated equipment with the markedt development demand. Our glass reator can provide high –temperature reflection(max to 300℃) as well as low-temperature reflection(max to -80℃), at the same time, it also can do vacuum reflection. BDX10-50L’s sepecial design makes test safer and more convienent. Double glass reactor’s working principle Inpouring constant high or low temperature thermal solution or cooling fluid via double reator ,the glass reator can stir the rawmaterial in it under the condition of constant heating or refrigeration and well control evaporation as well as refluence of the reflected solution. The readymaterialalso can be easily discharged from the bottom churn. It is the best device of small or middle sample test for morden chemistry, biopharming and new material. 1. Frequency Control and AC induction motor. It can work continuously for the轉速恒定,無電刷、無火花,安全穩定,可連續工作。constant speed without brush, spark and it is safe and stable. .2.全套玻璃儀器采用GG17高硼硅玻璃生產,有良好的化學、物理性能。2.It is made out of GG17 Borosilicate glass with good chemical and physical properties. 6.四口反應器蓋,特大口設計便于清潔,標準口插口可選擇組裝回流,蒸餾合成裝置。6. Four reactor-covers with large size design is easy to clean, the reflux or distillation device can be combined by connnecting to the forcet with standard size The techinical parameters of double glass reactor
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