Carbon & sulfur high speed analysis meter operation (Model:TL-CS)
一、打開所有電源和前氧,再開氧氣(壓力控制在0.02—0.04Mpa )zui后關前氧。
1. Turn on all power supply and frontal oxygen switch,then open the oxygen(the pressure limitation is 0.02—0.04Mpa)shut down the frontal oxygen switch finally.
2. Put half spoon of silicon molybdenum powder in turn,a little tin grain and metal sample(the quantity of carbon steel and low alloy copper sample is 1G, analytical balance quantify)into copper crucible.
3. Put down switch to the zero scale, lower down liquid level to the bottom of air measuring cylinder, adjust the button“ Carbon to the zero” to the scale“0”.
4. Touch the switch preparation, after topping up air measuring cylinder and buret, adjust the button“Sulfur to the zero”to the “0.000”the last number could not be 0.
5. Rise up the lifting shaft, Turn on, adjust and Turn on frontal oxygen again(adjusted flow area 80-1200)
6.Touch the analysis switch, when the liquid level of gas collecting bottle is back to original place shut down the frontal oxygen switch and read the number of D4 light when it is off(Read standard data:touch the reposition, adjust “C”、“S” and read standard data.
7. turn off back controller,lower down the lifting shaft.
8. Shut down the power supply and oxygen.
Note: Overstriking words show the button of machine or operation handle.
2011 03
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