當前位置:BPS Bioscience Inc.>>Apoptosis Assay Kits>> 78804MCL-1 TR-FRET Assay Kit (Rat)
Caspase-3 Homogeneous Assay Kit
The Induced myeloid leukemia cell differentiation protein (MCL-1) TR-FRET Assay Kit (Rat) is designed to measure the inhibition of rat MCL-1 binding to its ligand in a homogeneous 384-well format. This TR-FRET based assay requires no time-consuming washing steps, making it especially suitable for high throughput screening applications. The assay is straightforward and fast. The TR-FRET signal is measured after a 1-hour incubation of the anti-His terbium (Tb)-labeled donor, dye-labeled acceptor, recombinant Rat MCL-1 protein, peptide ligand, and the inhibitor of interest.
Figure 1: MCL-1 TR-FRET Assay Kit.