閱讀:1427 發布時間:2020-8-13文件資料
名稱 | 資料下載 | 文件大小 |
名稱 | 資料下載 | 文件大小 |
用于胰島素皮膚輸送的3D打印微針 | 276 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
5.人體皮膚滲透澳大利亞茶葉的主要成分 | 139 下載 | 140.3 KB |
離子電滲療法和螯合劑的組合110 P .. | 120 下載 | 46.9 KB |
使用Franz擴散細胞對布洛芬跨合成膜的跨膜擴散和滲透的比較研究 | 108次下載 | 277.2 KB |
使用Franz擴散細胞對布洛芬跨合成膜的跨膜擴散和滲透的比較研究 | 103 下載 | 277.2 KB |
使用Franz擴散細胞對布洛芬跨合成膜的跨膜擴散和滲透的比較研究 | 97 下載 | 277.2 KB |
純活性藥物成分與治療性深層共溶溶劑之間的比較溶解度和滲透性研究 | 340 下載 | 929.1 KB |
了解基于甲基丙烯酸銨鹽設計皮膚成膜系統的關鍵屬性 | 139 下載 | 525.5 KB |
基于激光的可重復使用的微噴射注射器,用于透皮給藥 | 102 下載 | 295.7 KB |
藥物輸送學習系統 | 141 下載 | 183.5 KB |
3D組織模型-膜系統-孔板中滲透率和擴散的測定和模擬方法。 | 101次下載 | 1兆字節 |
一種提高外用鹽酸依氟鳥氨酸乳膏功效的方法 | 127 下載 | 1兆字節 |
用于透皮給藥的微針輥 | 179 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
微型流通池,用于評估內皮多芬的皮膚滲透 | 153 下載 | 1兆字節 |
超聲增強經角膜藥物輸送過程中孔隙率變化的模型 | 134 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
開發用于透皮藥物的Franz擴散測試的新判別標準 | 94 下載 | 226.1 KB |
牛皮癬的新型局部用藥制劑甲氨蝶呤負載的納米結構脂質載體的開發 | 138 下載 | 1兆字節 |
用于將血小板溶解產物和鹽酸萬古霉素聯合遞送至慢性皮膚潰瘍的新型敷料,用于藻酸鹽基質中的透明質酸顆粒 | 129 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
一種新型干粉可吸入制劑,其中包含三種一線抗結核抗生素 | 153 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
基于丙烯酸羧甲基纖維素2-羥乙酯的新型pH響應水凝膠用于柚皮苷的透皮遞送 | 382 下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
一種新穎的非腸道配方-指甲貼劑-用于將環吡酮奧拉明遞送至指甲和指甲褶中。 | 134 下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
具有不連續夾層條件的多層系統中藥物傳輸的數值框架 | 132 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
解釋透皮超聲穿入過程中化學滲透促進劑向皮膚輸送的物理機制-觀察到的協同作用 | 126 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
一項示范研究,展示了一種非侵入性方法來測量皮膚疾病中蛋白質更新的方法-在牛皮癬中的應用 | 124 下載 | 617.7 KB |
選擇適合配方的滲透促進劑的預配制策略 | 112 下載 | 395.5 KB |
脈沖電場增強全厚度豬皮中亞甲藍的皮膚遞送 | 92 下載 | 542.6 KB |
一種自清潔膜,可延長植入式葡萄糖生物傳感器的使用壽命 | 160次下載 | 3.4兆字節 |
化學滲透促進劑作用下胰島素的皮膚滲透性模型 | 136 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
固體聚合物微針貼片預處理可增強藥物分子滲透到皮膚中的速度 | 89 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
含嗎啡的熱敏性水凝膠,用于治療大規模皮膚傷口 | 272 下載 | 461.6 KB |
藥品交付學習系統 | 120 下載 | 359.4 KB |
a_pertinent_screening_tool(1) | 147 下載 | 799.5 KB |
部分厚度人離體皮膚培養模型在皮膚傷口愈合研究中的應用 | 99 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
唾液酸-聚唾液酸在藥物輸送系統中的應用 | 92 下載 | 596 KB |
評估農用噴霧劑中干燥殘留物的體外皮膚吸收 | 91 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
用于醫療器械提取物的體外皮膚刺激性測試的測試方法變量的評估 | 87 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
體外皮膚刺激性測試方法變量評估_2018_毒理學- | 100次下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
壁壘完整性評估 | 164 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
基于N-TERT的人體皮膚等效物的屏障性質 | 107 下載 | 895.3 KB |
用于局部應用的苯甲酸芐酯微乳液增強了皮膚動力學特性,并提供了更好的給藥承諾 | 121 下載 | 2.2兆字節 |
用麥角蛋白肽生化增強透皮遞送通過改變pH值改變靜電相互作用 | 130 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
生物相容性基于磷脂的混合膠束用于他莫昔芬的遞送從體外抗癌活性和皮膚動力學研究中有希望的證據 | 104 下載 | 1兆字節 |
可生物降解和生物相容性的聚乙二醇 | 126 下載 | 9兆字節 |
可生物降解的殼聚糖用于維甲酸的局部遞送 | 123 下載 | 232.5 KB |
可生物降解的聚合物微針的制造機理和透皮給藥 | 120 下載 | 598.2 KB |
聚合物水凝膠材料的生物污染及其對擴散和基于酶的發光葡萄糖傳感器功能特性的影響 | 102 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
伊馬替尼的生物啟發共晶體提供增強的動力學溶解度 | 258次下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
角質層剝離和蛋白質定量生物學 | 111 下載 | 144.2 KB |
仿生溶解是一種預測非晶態固體分散性能的工具 | 137 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
褪黑激素的雙相通量曲線由脂肪醇增強劑介導的透皮滲透增強的陰陽 | 132 下載 | 424.4 KB |
骨組織工程支架 | 107 下載 | 174.4 KB |
骨組織支架 | 104 下載 | 175.6 KB |
頰甲基黃嘌呤DDIP | 132 下載 | 293.7 KB |
頰片 | 136 下載 | 169 KB |
丁螺環酮人類 | 124 下載 | 227.5 KB |
一項體外皮膚刺激性試驗的補充驗證研究_2016_Toxicolog | 87 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
空化對角質層的影響 | 103 下載 | 228.4 KB |
皮膚老化的特征 | 96 下載 | 313.9 KB |
角質層中的化學滲透促進劑—分子效應與屏障功能之間的關系 | 82 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
粘膜黏附藥物遞送中的殼聚糖專注于局部陰道治療。 | 108次下載 | 392.6 KB |
經殼聚糖遞送的殼聚糖納米纖維 | 88次下載 | 208 KB |
基于殼聚糖的納米藥物可對抗生殖器念珠菌感染殼聚糖。 | 132 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
殼聚糖包衣脂質體可增強白藜蘆醇的皮膚滲透 | 172 下載 | 861.4 KB |
殼聚糖修飾的PLGA聚合物納米載體對他莫昔芬具有更好的釋放潛力 | 133 下載 | 2.3兆字節 |
環吡酮傳遞到人的指甲 | 133 下載 | 88.2 KB |
氯倍他索體外 | 170 下載 | 518.5 KB |
來自土耳其的膠原蛋白(Meleagris gallopavo)肌腱一種有前途的可持續性 | 123 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
膠體納米載體用于增強萘替芬的皮膚遞送-表征研究以及體外和體內評估 | 116 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
梳。離子電滲 | 128 下載 | 120.6 KB |
基于游離或封裝的紫外線過濾劑的防曬霜在皮膚滲透力保持和光穩定性方面的比較性能 | 362 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
比較工具4.TEWL-SR&T-2009 | 261 下載 | 168.8 KB |
氫可的松在Franz細胞和增強細胞之間擴散研究的比較 | 73 下載 | 348.4 KB |
增塑劑對Eudragit RS薄膜熱響應性能影響的比較 | 122 下載 | 322.2 KB |
Hanson Microettet和Van Kel儀器用于局部半固體制劑體外釋放測試的比較 | 93 下載 | 209.8 KB |
透皮吸收的比較 | 110 下載 | 38 KB |
設計用于咪喹莫特局部遞送的粘膜黏膜的競爭特性 | 114次下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
基于季銨化聚醚醚酮和季銨化無機填料的復合陰離子交換膜,用于釩氧化還原液流電池應用 | 155 下載 | 1兆字節 |
具有工程微區的復合水凝膠,可在低氧條件下進行光學葡萄糖傳感 | 118 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
體內和離體危害人類皮膚以研究皮膚屏障修復 | 118 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
共聚焦激光掃描顯微鏡可估計納米粒子在體外對人體的滲透 | 359 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
共聚焦激光掃描顯微鏡可估計納米粒子在體外對人體的滲透 | 178 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
保形涂層保護 | 102 下載 | 902.7 KB |
使用近紅外熒光碳進行連續葡萄糖監測 | 74 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
從親水和親脂配方控制醋酸qing化可的松的透皮滲透 | 74 下載 | 122.9 KB |
通過酶促脂解控制胰島素從反向六角(HII)液晶中間相釋放 | 250次下載 | 2兆字節 |
控制陰道環核心中親水性基質的水合速率決定了抗逆轉錄病毒的釋放 | 98 下載 | 920.5 KB |
氯化銅止汗作用 | 76 下載 | 127.9 KB |
調制胰島素遞送副本 | 104 下載 | 170.1 KB |
明膠軟骨素硫酸鹽支架在不同的NHS EDC摩爾比修飾下角膜基質細胞生長。 | 105 下載 | 674.5 KB |
硬葡聚糖基質中凝膠結構性質與藥物釋放模式的相關性 | 107 下載 | 36.4 KB |
化妝品-05-00001 | 116 下載 | 2兆字節 |
交聯膠原蛋白組織 | 105 下載 | 309.2 KB |
從卵磷脂和復合模擬腸液的過飽和溶液作用中結晶 | 260 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
培養的乳腺上皮單層(BME-UV)表達功能性有機陰離子和陽離子轉運蛋白。 | 110 下載 | 171.5 KB |
凍融豬皮作為體外經皮滲透測試模型的可靠性低的累積證據 | 142 下載 | 297.6 KB |
姜黃素通過Keap1-Nrf2途徑保護皮膚免受UVB誘導的細胞毒性使用微乳液輸送系統 | 118 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
當前改善口服核苷類似物吸收的前藥策略 | 87 下載 | 570.5 KB |
透皮藥物輸送的現狀和未來潛力 | 76 下載 | 349.3 KB |
N-(4-溴苯甲酰基)的皮膚生物轉化 | 90次下載 | 508.9 KB |
皮膚藥物遞送-zu 新消息 | 76 下載 | 248.2 KB |
負載環孢菌素A的SLN對細胞攝取和角膜細胞毒性的評估 | 141 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
DDT-問題與挑戰-2007 | 129 下載 | 713.5 KB |
減少ma拉硫磷施用虱子的治療 | 91 下載 | 159.4 KB |
定義超聲介導的胃腸道遞送的zu 佳滲透特性 | 103 下載 | 678.7 KB |
使用肽增強劑將siRNA和其他大分子遞送至皮膚和細胞 | 100次下載 | 1兆字節 |
局部麻醉中利多卡因和普羅卡因的熱敏調節膠束混合膠束納米凝膠的遞送,具有改善的皮膚動力學特性和治療功效 | 107 下載 | 6.5兆字節 |
使用聲觸發的全氟化碳雙乳劑遞送水溶性藥物 | 96 下載 | 372.2 KB |
用聲觸發的全碳雙乳劑輸送水溶性藥物 | 104 下載 | 829.8 KB |
局部皮質類固醇的遞送 | 94 下載 | 531.8 KB |
壓縮脫水過程同時產生的致密殼聚糖手術膜 | 121 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
衛生署-皮膚滲透指引 | 68 下載 | 430.3 KB |
通過大鼠野鴨和北方鮑勃白色全層皮膚的體外經皮[14C]-去津吸收,得出皮膚暴露模型的禽類皮膚LD50值 | 109 下載 | 792.6 KB |
皮膚吸收 | 97 下載 | 60.4 KB |
皮膚吸收用于農藥健康風險評估協調北美設計法規的研究設計和數據報告 | 195 下載 | 954.6 KB |
農藥的皮膚吸收-變異性評估和預防 | 109 下載 | 206.8 KB |
皮膚和透皮給藥系統的當前和未來前景 | 97 下載 | 3.8兆字節 |
與家具織物的皮膚接觸是人體接觸溴化阻燃劑的重要途徑 | 125 下載 | 796.5 KB |
皮膚微透析技術評估局部應用后表面改性脂質納米顆粒的運輸 | 108次下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
在離體人體皮膚模型中皮膚中β-萘胺和N-苯基-β-萘胺的皮膚滲透和吸收 | 191 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
雙酚A在人體皮膚中的透皮性對總暴露量的貢獻很小 | 108次下載 | 242.1 KB |
模型水混溶性化合物丙烯酸2-羥丙酯的皮膚滲透-濃度熱力學活性和皮膚水合作用的影響 | 92 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
皮膚轉移和穿透算法 | 225次下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
低溫期間親水性溶質的透皮運輸說明 | 104 下載 | 36.1 KB |
新型西格列汀治療糖尿病的透皮貼劑的設計與開發 | 107 下載 | 2.8兆字節 |
新型透皮貼劑-糖尿病的設計與開發 | 94 下載 | 2.8兆字節 |
一種新型的含有雙氯芬酸和特氟米特的透皮貼劑的設計和評估,用于治療類風濕關節炎 | 63 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
恩丹西酮經粘膜遞送的小兒頰膜片的設計和評價 | 128 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
新開發的一次性靜電的設計和性能驗證 | 84 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
新開發的一次性靜態Franz電池的設計與性能驗證 | 78 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
局部應用凝膠噴霧配方的設計 | 107 下載 | 845.4 KB |
新型脂質作為化學滲透促進劑的設計合成及透皮藥物遞送納米系統的開發 | 93 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
設計測試和驗證 | 225次下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
抗高血壓藥卡托普利經皮給藥的設計,開發和評估 | 63 下載 | 554.3 KB |
作為化學滲透促進劑的新型脂質的設計,合成和透皮藥物遞送納米顆粒系統的開發 | 75 下載 | 726.2 KB |
確定親水性或疏水性染料通過乳頭的滲透途徑 | 99 下載 | 905 KB |
底物滲透率的測定 | 105 下載 | 46.3 KB |
含有達比韋林的非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑(NNRTI)的陰道膜的開發與表征,用于預防HIV-1性傳播 | 115次下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
含有dapivirine(一種非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑(NNRTI))的陰道膜的開發和表征,用于預防HIV-1性傳播 | 105 下載 | 497.6 KB |
殼聚糖乙酰透明質酸透皮給藥的殼聚糖透明質酸膜的研制與表征 | 145 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
帶有雙成像劑的白藜蘆醇納米乳液的開發與表征 | 111 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
白藜蘆醇維生素E和表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯負載脂質納米粒的開發和評估,用于皮膚護理 | 212 下載 | 1兆字節 |
載有辛伐他汀作為潛在傷口敷料的藻酸鹽復合膜的研制和理化特性 | 188 下載 | 2兆字節 |
含EFdA的新型抗HIV核苷逆轉錄酶抑制劑的陰道分娩膜的研制 | 115次下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
親水藥物模型透聲遞送的優化應用方案的開發 | 87 下載 | 751.7 KB |
可生物降解的超支化核-多殼納米載體的開發,可有效地局部給藥 | 137 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
邊緣活化脂質體的開發,用于將siRNA遞送至人基底表皮用于黑色素瘤治療 | 108次下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
止血凈化劑的開發,用于治療被化學戰劑污染的傷口使用受損的皮膚消除體外局部去污功效 | 135 下載 | 770.1 KB |
納米乳劑的開發用于有效的頭孢呋辛腦腸胃外給藥設計特征和藥代動力學 | 115次下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
用于5-氟尿嘧啶皮膚遞送的新型離子液體基微乳液配方的開發 | 103 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
碘離子透皮給藥的WO微乳的研制 | 90次下載 | 434.9 KB |
雙氯芬酸鈉 | 92 下載 | 161.7 KB |
Diffus_Character_Vitreous_Humour-GACEO-2009 | 141 下載 | 201.4 KB |
擴散池基礎 | 122 下載 | 407.5 KB |
不帶電溶質的擴散 | 83 下載 | 869.8 KB |
使用Franz型擴散池,不同化合物在各種合成膜上的擴散特性 | 82 下載 | 370.6 KB |
基于擴散的反向膜生物反應器,用于同時進行高抑制劑木糖葡萄糖培養基的生物轉化 | 112 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
Diffusion_properties_of_different_compounds_across | 86 下載 | 369.8 KB |
溶出度試驗-新劑型 | 429 下載 | 361.7 KB |
溶解微針用于透皮給藥 | 104 下載 | 2.6兆字節 |
docslide .__ the-tinsley-lcr-databridge-model-6401-和電阻抗測量 | 414 下載 | 2.3兆字節 |
Dong-高NA水油浸物鏡的性能 | 87 下載 | 287.3 KB |
阿霉素脂質體作為研究模型研究納米載體的皮膚滲透 | 175 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
裝載多西環素的聚乙二醇水凝膠,可治愈因藥引起的眼部傷口 | 97 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
藥物從納米顆粒儲庫輸送到微針孔指甲中 | 144次下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
藥物親脂性-萜類 | 90次下載 | 21.6兆字節 |
非諾貝特納米和微粒制劑的動態溶出滲透測試 | 98 下載 | 430.6 KB |
Econail海報 | 139 下載 | 344 KB |
硝酸益康唑雌二醇 | 95 下載 | 399.7 KB |
EDTA通過切除的羊角膜減少氟康唑在磷酸鹽緩沖液中的體外透角膜滲透 | 83 下載 | 624.1 KB |
透皮給藥系統中膠層厚度和載藥量對雌二醇結晶的影響 | 88次下載 | 375.5 KB |
頭孢西胺的作用 | 97 下載 | 77.9 KB |
化學滲透促進劑對皮膚滲透性的影響-使用分子動力學模擬進行計算機篩選 | 86 下載 | 3.4兆字節 |
環糊精對離體兔角膜細胞形態和屏障特性的影響 | 96 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
不同增強劑對INSLUIN類似物經皮滲透的影響 | 95 下載 | 898.8 KB |
藥物親脂性和電離性對頰粘膜通透性的影響技術說明 | 80 下載 | 93 KB |
實驗溫度對模型擴散劑跨豬頰黏膜滲透性的影響 | 94 下載 | 244.4 KB |
固定電荷基團濃度對離子交換膜中鹽滲透性和擴散系數的影響 | 167 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
制劑pH值對微針增強透皮給藥中納曲酮種類運輸和孔封閉的影響 | 110 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
兩種模型化合物對人體表皮冷凍時間和冷凍保護劑的屏障功能的影響 | 95 下載 | 471.2 KB |
葛米素的作用 | 99 下載 | 235.3 KB |
短桿菌肽對模型藥物經皮滲透的影響 | 89 下載 | 244.4 KB |
濕度對三嵌段三元共聚物SNIPS膜表面結構和滲透性的影響 | 172 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
離子對對青光眼治療中Δ9-si氫大麻酚前藥潛能的體外角膜通透性的影響 | 101次下載 | 2.9兆字節 |
分層施用對化妝品活性成分杜鵑花的皮膚滲透的影響 | 78 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
微針處理對納米囊化染料皮膚滲透的影響 | 142 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
調制交流電和直流電離子電滲療法對鹽酸利多卡因透皮給藥的影響 | 90次下載 | 671.4 KB |
油酸改性的聚合物雙層納米顆粒對斯帕替特Ⅱ和酮洛芬經皮遞送的影響 | 97 下載 | 967 KB |
聚(酰胺基胺)樹狀聚合物的大小表面電荷和疏水性對其皮膚滲透的影響 | 108次下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
表面活性劑混合物對皮膚結構和屏障性質的影響 | 101次下載 | 522.4 KB |
表面活性劑和pH值對頰粘膜納曲酮(NTX)滲透的影響 | 97 下載 | 894 KB |
多功能化妝品成分Sphinganine對男性和女性脫發的影響及彌漫性脫發 | 93 下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
β-片層晶體含量對絲綢薄膜傳質的影響 | 131 下載 | 554.5 KB |
鈣調節對模型藥物經皮吸收的影響 | 95 下載 | 36.1 KB |
化學和物理增強技術對3-fu苯丙an鹽酸鹽透皮遞送的影響 | 101次下載 | 2.8兆字節 |
脂肪酸的影響 | 101次下載 | 474.5 KB |
甘油對所有動物體外經皮吸收的影響 | 91 下載 | 35.5 KB |
魚鱗膠原蛋白肽的大小和構象對面部皮膚質量和透皮滲透效率的影響 | 122 下載 | 2.2兆字節 |
防曬霜的作用 | 101次下載 | 104.5 KB |
表面成分對吸入氣霧化和溶解的影響 | 91 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
超聲波和十二烷基硫酸鈉對親水性滲透劑的透皮遞送的影響豬和人皮膚全厚度和分開厚度的體外研究比較 | 98 下載 | 432.3 KB |
有效的皮膚輸送-Transcutol®毫不妥協 | 346 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
具有靶向藥物釋放特性的靜電紡納米纖維聚合物支架,可潛在地用作傷口敷料 | 127 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
通過微乳劑增強氟比洛芬的透皮遞送效果不同類型的表面活性劑和助表面活性劑 | 90次下載 | 375.5 KB |
表皮滲透增強,作為卷心菜彎管曲霉菌百里香精油主要成分的協同作用機理 | 107 下載 | 441.1 KB |
增強的益康唑滲透到人的指甲中 | 127 下載 | 85.6 KB |
增強人類指甲藥物的遞送 | 115次下載 | 131.5 KB |
使用聚精氨酸修飾的納米結構脂質載體增強皮膚滲透 | 117 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
在環糊精存在下,Delta-8-si氫大麻酚的溶解穩定性和透皮滲透性增強 | 100次下載 | 275.4 KB |
凝膠中兩種粒徑的姜黃素負載的PLGA納米顆粒增強的局部滲透系統暴露和抗銀屑病活性 | 190 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
厚樸酚通過乳房組織的透皮和局部遞送的增強 | 125 下載 | 3.3兆字節 |
負載環孢素的納米膠體載體的理化性質的增強,用于局部治療牛皮癬的體外擴散和體內水合作用 | 121 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
增強噻康唑的手部遞送結合納米膠囊制劑和指甲滲透方法 | 118 下載 | 429.1 KB |
透皮藥物傳遞的增強vi_2009_Biochimica-et-Biophysica-Ac | 71次下載 | 286.7 KB |
同時使用超聲和十二烷基硫酸鈉增強硬質納米顆粒的透皮遞送 | 99 下載 | 479.1 KB |
Entrez PubMed | 116 下載 | 49 KB |
通過人體皮膚基因表達分析,Equol的抗氧化劑,細胞外基質完整性和分解,生長因子和炎性生物因子的功效優于蝦青素。 | 84 下載 | 3.7兆字節 |
Estimation_of_skin_permeation_by_liquid_chromatogr | 105 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
動態溶解滲透模型的評估非穩態條件下溶解與屏障通量的相互影響 | 236 下載 | 1兆字節 |
從保存的兔眼提取的角膜中主動和被動轉運過程的評估 | 114次下載 | 665.3 KB |
評估基于活性炭的鈍化系統以處置高度濫用的阿片類藥物 | 105 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
通過相干拉曼散射和熒光顯微術評估藥物向完整和有孔皮膚的遞送 | 98 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
金雀異黃素和大豆苷元對人體皮膚滲透的評價 | 92 下載 | 78.9 KB |
魔芋鉀固體胃固體漂浮物的評價。 | 71次下載 | 683.5 KB |
倍半萜作為人體大分子模型的滲透促進劑的體外評估 | 132 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
使用皮膚模型評估幾丁質納米纖維對皮膚功能的影響 | 110 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
在受控的人用斑貼試驗和RhE體外皮膚刺激協議中評估醫療設備基準材料 | 89 下載 | 369.2 KB |
通過不同材料和厚度,不同表面處理的醫用手套評估抗腫瘤藥的滲透性 | 115次下載 | 635.8 KB |
評估橙皮素外用基質膜在眼后的遞送 | 100次下載 | 673.7 KB |
脂質體和Pluronic卵磷脂有機凝膠調節的透皮藥物滲透性評估 | 107 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
C的醫療設備基準材料評估_2018_Toxicolo | 87 下載 | 421.1 KB |
接觸皮膚化學物質 | 99 下載 | 106.4 KB |
長非編碼RNA在UVA誘導的人類皮膚成纖維細胞中的表達譜 | 71次下載 | 300.6 KB |
快速溶解的樹狀聚合物納米纖維墊作為滴眼液的替代品,可更有效地抗青光眼藥物輸送 | 112 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
脂肪酸和離子電滲療法 | 87 下載 | 475.6 KB |
FDA對OTC防曬藥物產品的執行政策 | 110 下載 | 163.5 KB |
FDA指導SUPAC-SS | 99 下載 | 85.6 KB |
FDA體外幻燈片放映 | 204 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
FDA局部用藥的體外生物等效性數據 | 271次下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
FDA_Guidance-SUPAC-SS | 102 下載 | 84.3 KB |
絲蛋白缺乏癥導致3D皮膚構造中的脂質分布受損和酸化途徑改變 | 102 下載 | 6.1兆字節 |
熒光探針 | 86 下載 | 324.7 KB |
驗證流 | 132 下載 | 725.8 KB |
Flow_Thru_Syst-減少ma拉硫磷施用虱子的治療 | 107 下載 | 159.4 KB |
流水線自動化的Flow_Thru_Syst-Validation協議 | 128 下載 | 7兆字節 |
透皮應用的熒光滲透增強劑 | 95 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
在體外,通過增加納曲酮和納曲酮的電荷可增加微針治療皮膚的通量 | 91 下載 | 1兆字節 |
助焊劑手稿2014 | 164 下載 | 5.3兆字節 |
離子染料跨微處理過的皮膚分子特性的皮膚通量 | 103 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
4-芐基哌啶類藥物基質型透皮貼劑的研制與評價 | 384 下載 | 844.6 KB |
口腔藥物輸送路線中氟康唑貼劑的配方與評價 | 64 下載 | 1兆字節 |
加蘭他敏凝膠作為透皮貼劑輸送系統中藥物儲庫的配方與評價 | 96 下載 | 960.5 KB |
米諾地爾片對雄激素性白血球的形成與評價 | 61次下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
口腔和口腔凍干制劑的配制和生產 | 80 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
用于局部應用的灰黃霉素的優化微乳劑配方的配方表征和評估 | 209 下載 | 1兆字節 |
噴昔洛韋經皮給藥的微乳配方設計 | 125 下載 | 574.6 KB |
用于類肝素局部遞送的基于納米乳劑的配方開發與表征 | 143 下載 | 703.1 KB |
用于類肝素局部遞送的基于納米乳劑的配方開發與表征 | 91 下載 | 677.9 KB |
用于眼科應用的納他霉素負載的聚乙二醇化納米脂質載體的配方開發優化和體外表征 | 111 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
局部皮膚病制劑的配方開發,工藝開發和測試 | 56次下載 | 212.4 KB |
生物啟發的絲綢為基礎的肺癌肺靶向藥物載體的配方。 | 94 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
用于沙眼衣原體體內預防陰道攻擊的殺菌劑INP0341的配方 | 94 下載 | 1兆字節 |
固態脂質基納米系統中槲皮素的配方優化和局部遞送 | 102 下載 | 865.4 KB |
阿爾茨海默氏病透皮貼劑中加氫加蘭他敏qing溴酸鹽凝膠劑儲庫的配方優化 | 88次下載 | 472.8 KB |
分次激光輔助藥物輸送通過壓力和真空改變主動填充激光通道 | 198 下載 | 6.3兆字節 |
法蘭茲和在線 | 105 下載 | 489.7 KB |
Franz Cells-視頻文件下載 | 68 下載 | 113字節 |
Franz擴散池預配制方法 | 128 下載 | 818 KB |
弗朗茲-人類角膜等效為體外1細胞培養模型 | 136 下載 | 513.4 KB |
Franz_Cell_Model30_Years-DDT-2008 | 112 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
游離脂肪酸的鏈長分布影響皮膚脂質模型膜的通透性 | 108次下載 | 1兆字節 |
由殼聚糖和藻酸鹽制成的獨立式聚電解質膜 | 149 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
用糖胺聚糖和曲烯酸冷凍干燥的殼聚糖醋酸鹽敷料 | 157 下載 | 3.9兆字節 |
燃料電池研究 | 104 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
聚己內酯納米粒子對棉織物功能的褪黑激素經皮釋放。 | 111 下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
直接共聚的非磺化聚(亞芳基醚砜)無規共聚物的基本鹽和水傳輸性質 | 97 下載 | 695.4 KB |
Gajraj_Rhiad_TC_201211_MASc_Thesis | 124 下載 | 2.9兆字節 |
gaskin2013 | 97 下載 | 293.5 KB |
使用毛囊來源的原代人角質形成細胞和成纖維細胞生成全層皮膚當量 | 123 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
戈什2014 | 92 下載 | 877.2 KB |
Ghosh 2014藥物研究 | 93 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
Giannos-2018-光動力學藥物傳遞-近紅外(NIR)誘導貝伐單抗,雷珠單抗和阿柏西普通過人鞏膜的滲透增強。 | 99 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
甘油和尿素可用于增加皮膚p_2013_歐洲Ph-Journal | 73 下載 | 468.8 KB |
糖基化促進大分子的透皮運輸 | 78 下載 | 872.7 KB |
深入皮膚直接比較基于脂質的納米囊在人皮瓣灌注模型中的滲透潛力 | 115次下載 | 811.4 KB |
指導方針 | 180 下載 | 915.1 KB |
哈恩 | 94 下載 | 489.7 KB |
氟哌啶醇 | 83 下載 | 77.9 KB |
哈梅爾2004 | 104 下載 | 181.2 KB |
Haut and Hautmodelle | 132 下載 | 3.8兆字節 |
熱-一種高效的皮膚促進劑,用于透皮給藥 | 76 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
肝素超聲 | 94 下載 | 145.7 KB |
空心硫化銅納米粒子介導的透皮藥物傳遞 | 168 下載 | 2兆字節 |
供體輸送溶劑如何影響膜的滲透 | 97 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
HPMC凝膠系統 | 184 下載 | 173.2 KB |
黃2005 | 89 下載 | 531.6 KB |
人體角膜等效物作為體外藥物滲透研究的細胞培養模型 | 76 下載 | 537.1 KB |
人類表皮生長因子與細胞穿透肽的不同結構類別偶聯比較研究 | 94 下載 | 2.6兆字節 |
三肽銅在體外對皮膚的滲透作用 | 75 下載 | 368 KB |
納曲酮3-O-烷基氨基甲酸酯產品的人皮膚滲透 | 137 下載 | 589.4 KB |
透明質酸修飾的他克莫司負載納米顆粒的有效方法,可 i大化皮膚靶向性和抗皮炎的功效 | 174 下載 | 2.7兆字節 |
qing化可的松通過合成膜小鼠皮膚和表皮培養皮膚的擴散 | 70 下載 | 810.8 KB |
ILC07-視頻文件下載 | 69 下載 | 113字節 |
生物相關介質對基于124-噻二唑的潛在神經保護劑的重要藥理性質的影響 | 100次下載 | 610 KB |
化妝品乳液對離體C57BL-6無毛小鼠和人皮膚的納米顆粒滲透的影響比較研究 | 115次下載 | 572.7 KB |
乙醇的影響 | 87 下載 | 436.7 KB |
膠束表面活性劑對過飽和的影響以及對阿扎那韋的過飽和溶液的增溶機理的認識 | 211 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
增溶劑對藥物的過飽和和膜運輸的影響 | 171 下載 | 3.2兆字節 |
超支化聚甘油-聚乙二醇納米粒子結構差異對皮膚藥物傳遞和生物相容性的影響 | 139 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
用于癌癥監測的可植入診斷設備 | 147 下載 | 696.8 KB |
改善設置 | 92 下載 | 177.6 KB |
殼聚糖調節的真皮基質改善了人類皮膚模型中的表皮屏障形成 | 94 下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
通過沖擊插入法改善皮膚皮膚皮膚中微針陣列的刺穿 | 182 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
通過納米超可變形脂質體改善甲氨蝶呤的皮膚滲透 | 106次下載 | 2兆字節 |
通過層層靜電沉積槲皮素遞送改善透明質酸鈉-殼聚糖鈉多層脂質體的穩定性和皮膚滲透性 | 196 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
通過實驗和建模改進MCDI的操作和設計,用鹽水再生和 i佳停留時間 | 202 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
評估生物皮的實驗裝置的改進 | 85 下載 | 33 KB |
體外 | 97 下載 | 64.3 KB |
眼藥膏中藥物釋放的體外和離體相關性 | 219 下載 | 920 KB |
HIV抑制劑IQP-0410透皮遞送的體內和體外評估 | 86 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
旨在小化維生素K1透皮吸收的局部制劑的體外和離體評估 | 81次下載 | 755.5 KB |
CDB4124的體外和體內透皮遞送 | 70 下載 | 158.8 KB |
強力霉素水合物的體外研究 | 96 下載 | 415.8 KB |
鹽酸多西環素的體外遞送 | 77 下載 | 420.8 KB |
體外皮膚吸收 | 91 下載 | 492 KB |
強力霉素的體外皮膚和透皮遞送 | 64 下載 | 130.3 KB |
體外增強皮膚的滲透和保留 | 79次下載 | 2兆字節 |
體外香水 | 104 下載 | 310.7 KB |
體外人指甲滲透 | 144次下載 | 535 KB |
ME1111甲癬的一種新的局部用藥的體外人甲的藥代動力學和藥效學分析 | 82 下載 | 429.6 KB |
ME1111-一種新型甲癬的局部用藥的體外人甲的藥代動力學和藥效學分析 | 65 下載 | 429.6 KB |
體外人體內內皮索芬的皮膚滲透潛力,可用于局部經皮治療,用于一級預防和原位癌 | 89 下載 | 701.4 KB |
評估醫療器械阻隔性能的體外方法 | 174 下載 | 926.1 KB |
體外滲透香膏海報 | 94 下載 | 260.3 KB |
含布洛芬的納米級乳劑的局部滲透,體外滲透及體內抗炎和鎮痛作用 | 82 下載 | 323.6 KB |
人指甲的體外滲透 | 111 下載 | 196.5 KB |
凝膠化納曲酮前體在微晶狀體處理皮膚上的體外滲透 | 87 下載 | 1兆字節 |
川methyl嗪在豬口腔粘膜中的體外滲透 | 94 下載 | 128.1 KB |
體外豬 | 135 下載 | 54 KB |
凝膠中雙氯芬酸二乙胺的體外釋放-評估 | 138 下載 | 803.7 KB |
眼藥膏的體外釋放測試方法開發 | 347 下載 | 3兆字節 |
純佛司可林與含有佛司可林的鳳尾根提取物的體外皮膚擴散研究 | 91 下載 | 354.1 KB |
使用麥芽糖微針體外透皮遞送治療性抗體 | 123 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
體外與體內 | 78 下載 | 63.7 KB |
卡馬西平納米分散體的離體體內相關性在配方開發中的應用 | 102 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
米氮平對肝病貓體內藥代動力學的體內和體外評估 | 77 下載 | 351.8 KB |
體內血腦屏障 | 83 下載 | 6.1兆字節 |
個體間局部生物活性藥物的體內人類轉移-雌二醇 | 59次下載 | 85 KB |
體內經皮吸收 | 101次下載 | 693.8 KB |
通過Dapivirine和Tenofovir的陰道膜Codelivery增加Dapivirine組織積累 | 83 下載 | 7.4兆字節 |
固體脂質納米粒提合成的酪氨酸酶抑制劑在色素沉著局部治療中的療效 | 85 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
吲哚美辛負載的固態脂質納米顆粒用于眼部遞送發育表征和體外評估 | 78 下載 | 749.5 KB |
成孔劑對溶脹的影響 | 69 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
納米混懸劑關鍵參數對難溶性藥物透過皮膚的滲透性的影響-一個案例研究 | 78 下載 | 383.4 KB |
預冷凍溫度對多孔透明質酸水凝膠載體角膜內皮細胞相容性和細胞傳遞性能的影響 | 96 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
脈沖特性和功率密度對介電勢壘放電對角質層通透性的影響 | 72 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
異黃酮生物素A對衣原體屬細胞內細菌的抑制活性和頰制劑的初步開發 | 90次下載 | 3兆字節 |
透皮微針的噴墨印刷以遞送抗癌藥 | 119 下載 | 2.9兆字節 |
在線細胞系統 | 124 下載 | 115.4兆字節 |
Int J Pharm 364298-327 2008年審查 | 347 下載 | 2兆字節 |
納米二氧化鈦與口腔的相互作用納米材料表面親水性的影響疏水性 | 162 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
低頻超聲反射時慣性空泡與角質層脂質雙層的相互作用 | 82 下載 | 228.4 KB |
納米凝膠-肽結合物對特莫泊芬的特異性和有效轉運 | 125 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
研究維生素D3的透皮遞送 | 91 下載 | 765 KB |
聚精氨酸和油酸修飾的納米顆粒的卵泡和非卵泡途徑研究 | 104 下載 | 2.9兆字節 |
用于克霉唑經皮膚遞送的微乳和微乳凝膠制劑的研究 | 102 下載 | 600.2 KB |
溢出處理多孔的研究 | 86 下載 | 6.6兆字節 |
硝酸司他康唑無水凝膠的皮膚吸收和刺激性研究 | 105 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
在豬模型中新型陰道內生物粘附聚合物裝置的理化和物理力學性能的研究 | 95 下載 | 698.9 KB |
碘化物紙 | 88次下載 | 429.6 KB |
甘草次酸的離子電滲療法和微針介導的透皮遞送 | 87 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
丁螺環酮小鼠的離子電滲療法 | 79次下載 | 286 KB |
鹽酸丁螺環酮的離子電滲透皮給藥.. | 91 下載 | 116.4 KB |
氧化鐵納米顆粒在體外途徑中引起多巴胺能損傷,體內成像揭示神經元損傷的機制 | 86 下載 | 3兆字節 |
IVPT-用于產品開發_FDA-2016 | 346 下載 | 260.7 KB |
IVPT現在 | 273 下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
ivrt方法 | 79次下載 | 2.2兆字節 |
IVRTissues-DDT-2007-1 | 91 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
JCC2007MIT_表面活性劑 | 95 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
JCR-InVitroDelOfDoxyHClBasedOnAOpartitioningSyst-2004 | 81次下載 | 419.4 KB |
JCR出版-1 | 75 下載 | 415.9 KB |
基于DoxyHCl-2009的JMS-AThermoSensitiveReleaseSystBasedOnlyPolymericMembrane4TDD | 101次下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
JMS-IontophoreticTDDusingAconductingPolymMemb-2008 | 102 下載 | 874.6 KB |
JMS-PANiPaper-2008-1 | 109 下載 | 864.9 KB |
卡格出版社 | 113 下載 | 32.3 KB |
游離多糖復合膜分子滲透性的動力學分析 | 104 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
koepper_04 | 626 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
激光工程化的溶解微鏈用于納達帕林鈣的主動透皮遞送 | 92 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
激光誘導的熱凝可增強皮膚對局部應用化合物的吸收 | 131 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
利多卡因頰片 | 151 下載 | 295.1 KB |
體內脂質體經皮滲透 | 68 下載 | 247.6 KB |
脂質體支持的腹膜透析治療嚴重高氨血癥潛在相互作用的研究 | 174 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
脂質體_經皮滲透_體內 | 66 下載 | 252.9 KB |
脂質體通過肺部遞送延長了抗哮喘藥的治療效果 | 97 下載 | 874.2 KB |
文章清單 | 81次下載 | 54.5 KB |
親脂性蛋白酶體抑制劑向人皮膚的局部遞送,用于治療牛皮癬 | 93 下載 | 155.4 KB |
角質形成蛋白的損失導致嚴重的皮膚屏障缺陷性瘙癢和特應性剝脫性皮膚病 | 85 下載 | 966.6 KB |
洛維奇-載體蛋白 | 96 下載 | 188.7 KB |
低分子量親水和親脂抗氧化劑 | 76 下載 | 645 KB |
洛沙平和MP方法 | 79次下載 | 1兆字節 |
磁透法可增強透皮藥物傳遞的機理研究和貼劑設計 | 114次下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
殼聚糖微球負載天然化合物半固體制劑的海洋藥物免費全文物理穩定性研究HTML | 96 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
SiO2納米流體中的傳質反對納米粒子對流效應的案例 | 107 下載 | 408 KB |
主 | 107 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
孕婦暴露于n-3多不飽和脂肪酸DET | 87 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
maximum_errors_tolerated_by_norm_iso8655__gilson_specs_lt800399英語 | 204 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
角質層中水分子的流動性--E_2014_投資雜志 | 90次下載 | 742.4 KB |
跨缺陷密封納米多孔單層石墨烯的納濾 | 77 下載 | 6.9兆字節 |
基于皮膚脂質模型的相行為和滲透性的新見解 | 76 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
基于鞘氨醇和physphingosine cermides的皮膚脂質模型的相行為和滲透性的新見解 | 126 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
新型消炎膜作為生物活性植物化學芹菜素外部藥物的遞送系統 | 75 下載 | 4.8兆字節 |
用于透皮給藥的新型化學滲透促進劑 | 66 下載 | 2.3兆字節 |
新型化學滲透增強劑_2014_亞洲醫藥雜志 | 71次下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
經合組織環境健康與安全出版物-估計皮膚吸收的指導說明 | 66 下載 | 373.8 KB |
克服皮膚滲透障礙-挑戰和機遇 | 91 下載 | 2.7兆字節 |
第1部分-實驗性70%qing氟酸灼傷-已建立的人類皮膚外植體離體模型的組織學觀察 | 118 下載 | 406.7 KB |
第2部分-在已建立的離體外植體模型中對70%氫fu酸燃燒的人皮膚中緊急洗滌溶液的比較 | 73 下載 | 451.7 KB |
局部和透皮給藥的被動增強策略 | 79次下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
青蛙皮膚對滲透促進劑的化學作用的滲透性 | 60 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
通過直接電介質阻擋層放電使人層角質和全層皮膚樣品通透 | 92 下載 | 3兆字節 |
滲透和儲層形成 | 98 下載 | 415.8 KB |
使用Franz擴散池測量某些生物可降解材料中的孕二烯酮的滲透率 | 83 下載 | 746.1 KB |
藥劑學02-00209 | 76 下載 | 285.9 KB |
藥劑學-10-00148 | 114次下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
藥劑學-11-00138 | 85 下載 | 3兆字節 |
透皮給藥系統中的物理和化學滲透促進劑 | 71次下載 | 700.1 KB |
藥物的體外皮膚刺激性測試的預驗證_2018_Toxicolog | 54 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
藥物的體外皮膚刺激性測試的預驗證_2018_Toxicolog | 100次下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
通過使用mol皮膚預測藥物滲透性_2018_控制雜志 | 94 下載 | 3.2兆字節 |
含滲透促進劑的利多卡因傳遞體凝膠的制備和優化 | 78 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
含滲透促進劑的利多卡因傳遞體凝膠的制備和優化 | 86 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
用于體外循環法研究的刺激性聚合物樣品的制備 | 74 下載 | 536.8 KB |
拉米夫定粘膠微球的制備,優化和評價 | 59次下載 | 817.2 KB |
程序02-00945 | 80 下載 | 718.5 KB |
納米結構超支化β-環糊精上的RNA負載 | 70 下載 | 811.1 KB |
循環研究評估重建的人類表皮__2018_Toxico | 87 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
兩種主動膜同時轉運 | 64 下載 | 811.2 KB |
大小和電荷依賴性baswan | 59次下載 | 602.1 KB |
用于測試經皮藥物的皮膚模型 | 79次下載 | 560.5 KB |
用于測試經皮藥物的皮膚模型 | 60 下載 | 1兆字節 |
Transcutol®(純凈或稀釋的混合物)的皮膚滲透性和滲透性 | 110 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
類固醇在水合和脫水人體皮膚中的皮膚滲透通量和類固醇的滯后時間 | 63 下載 | 176.7 KB |
與平衡增強劑濃度和辛醇水分配系數相關的水溶液中的皮膚滲透增強 | 88次下載 | 733.8 KB |
iling陵縣海葵提取物的皮膚滲透特性及抗炎作用 | 72 下載 | 861.4 KB |
局部應用的皮膚毒性-Hashempoor評論 | 80 下載 | 1兆字節 |
換膚選擇篩選程式 | 95 下載 | 242.5 KB |
SkinEthic--RHE對皮膚刺激性的體外評估__2018_毒理學i | 79次下載 | 972.9 KB |
Solenopsin A和類似物表現出神經酰胺樣的生物活性 | 81次下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
體外人體皮膚的標準化方法-TAAP2019 | 24 下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
預測透皮滲透性的數學模型的足跡 | 78 下載 | 1兆字節 |
對半固體配方進行體外研究的技術 | 233 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
Nanomicelles與萜烯的組合可增強皮膚藥物的遞送 | 123 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
使用深共熔溶劑的全銅混合氧化還原液流電池的開發 | 115次下載 | 636.4 KB |
用于皮膚測定肽修飾的陽離子雙子表面活性劑用作基因傳遞載體的皮膚的簡單流動注射分析串聯質譜法的開發 | 118 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
不同聚合物對難溶性124-噻二唑衍生物的溶解性和滲透性的影響 | 113 下載 | 733.8 KB |
熱量對皮膚滲透性的影響 | 107 下載 | 4.1兆字節 |
滲透促進劑對藥物通過皮膚遞送的作用-Enhancer-Ghafourian-rev | 158次下載 | 443.1 KB |
化學和物理滲透促進劑通過馬術滑雪板對利多卡因經皮滲透的影響 | 89 下載 | 317.4 KB |
乙醇對工程皮膚結構中ka啡因的體外皮膚滲透率的影響。 | 92 下載 | 436.7 KB |
制劑和賦形劑對普萘洛爾皮膚滲透和保留的影響 | 57 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
口腔作為生物屏障系統口腔體外滲透性模型的設計 | 188 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
神經酰胺鏈長分布對皮膚脂質膜屏障特性的作用 | 107 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
皮膚點刺測試–歐洲標準 | 61次下載 | 433.7 KB |
護膚霜的三個時刻 | 62 下載 | 466.8 KB |
透皮給藥市場 | 113 下載 | 457 KB |
極性賦形劑-jian苯三酚和葡聚糖的作用_2016_Coll日記 | 59次下載 | 964.9 KB |
免疫放療對腦轉移性BRAF-MEK抑制劑耐藥的治療效果 | 65 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
酒石酸托特羅定酒后代凝膠透皮遞送 | 80 下載 | 13.4兆字節 |
外用全反式維甲酸(ATRA)是一種有前途的皮膚癌化學預防劑 | 112 下載 | 39.9 KB |
使用融合肽載體將siRNA靶向和靶向遞送至黑素瘤細胞 | 94 下載 | 1.9兆字節 |
局部作用皮膚病學制劑中雙氯芬酸的局部生物利用度 | 91 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
甲氨蝶呤和依那西普局部使用脂質納米粒共同給藥銀屑病管理的靶向方法 | 169 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
局部遞送 | 181 下載 | 562 KB |
通過新型脂質-聚合物雜化納米顆粒局部遞送抗TNFαsiRNA和辣椒素可有效抑制體內皮膚炎癥 | 120 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
含有皮質類固醇的局部Lyogel降低IgE表達并增強針對特應性濕疹的治療功效 | 83 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
吲哚美辛的局部眼科制劑,可遞送至后段眼組織 | 98 下載 | 4.6兆字節 |
吲哚美辛的局部眼用脂質納米顆粒制劑(SLN NLC)用于遞送至后段眼組織 | 164 下載 | 2.1兆字節 |
局部施用的神經酰胺累積在皮膚字形中 | 92 下載 | 2.9兆字節 |
真空誘導表面定向凍結在氧化鋁膜中排列通道的曲折性 | 98 下載 | 4兆字節 |
阿特拉津的反滲透 | 74 下載 | 120.4 KB |
經頰遞送中樞神經系統治療性納米粒子的合成表征和體外滲透研究 | 110 下載 | 2.6兆字節 |
阿昔洛韋的L-和D-天冬氨酸酯前藥的透角膜滲透描繪了被動擴散與轉運蛋白的關系。 | 98 下載 | 240.9 KB |
STAT3 siRNA的經皮離子電滲療法使用殼聚糖包被的金納米顆粒治療黑色素瘤 | 127 下載 | 2.8兆字節 |
NCI PHE透皮分析系統2014年5月 | 81次下載 | 335.1 KB |
麥角蛋白成孔肽增強了透皮遞送 | 90次下載 | 781.1 KB |
使用微乳劑透皮遞送鹽酸倍他司汀物理表征生物物理評估共聚焦成像和滲透研究 | 112 下載 | 1.6兆字節 |
安非他酮及其活性代謝物羥基安非他酮的透皮給藥是前藥策略的替代方法 | 87 下載 | 437.8 KB |
分子的透皮遞送受全表皮的限制,而不僅是角質層 | 84 下載 | 623.3 KB |
通過大鼠皮膚透皮遞送 | 91 下載 | 161.7 KB |
透皮給藥系統-綜述 | 94 下載 | 467.5 KB |
透皮給藥系統:概述 | 204 下載 | 902 KB |
透皮給藥系統:配方,開發和評估-概述 | 56次下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
透皮給藥:明天更好的方法 | 60 下載 | 896.9 KB |
透皮貼劑 | 125 下載 | 362.6 KB |
ke卡因使用障礙的4-芐基哌啶透皮制劑 | 149 下載 | 1.4兆字節 |
透皮離子電滲療法 | 162 下載 | 269.4 KB |
各種動物中藥物的透皮滲透 | 47次下載 | 540.2 KB |
跨皮膚層的細胞穿透肽植入納米粒子的易位。 | 97 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
經乳頭藥物輸送到乳房 | 87 下載 | 794.3 KB |
樹狀大分子跨人類胎兒膜的運輸和生物分布 | 81次下載 | 4.8兆字節 |
跨人類胎兒膜的樹狀聚合物的運輸和生物分布對樹狀聚合物的陰道內給藥具有重要意義。 | 86 下載 | 4.8兆字節 |
殼聚糖-N-乙酰半胱氨酸殼聚糖寡糖或羧甲基殼聚糖修飾的香豆素-6負載的納米結構脂質載體在兔眼中的轉運機制 | 115次下載 | 1兆字節 |
皮膚局部和非局部運輸區域內的運輸途徑和增強機制 | 83 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
低頻超聲滲析法和十二烷基硫酸鈉治療皮膚中局部和非局部運輸區域內的運輸途徑和增強機制 | 78 下載 | 1.1兆字節 |
腫瘤壞死因子α增加乳腺上皮細胞的BME-UV體外模型中的P糖蛋白表達。 | 94 下載 | 785.7 KB |
調整甲基丙烯酸銨共聚物的流變性質,以設計適合于透皮貼劑的粘合劑 | 188 下載 | 1兆字節 |
雙光子熒光顯微鏡 | 71次下載 | 275.1 KB |
超柔納米載體,可增強局部親脂性抗氧化分子的局部遞送,以預防皮膚癌 | 97 下載 | 1.8兆字節 |
超聲增強眼部抗生素和消炎藥的輸送 | 115次下載 | 1兆字節 |
超聲增強經角膜藥物遞送 | 95 下載 | 500 KB |
超聲介導的RNA傳遞到活小鼠結腸黏膜 | 101次下載 | 1.3兆字節 |
超聲介導的胃腸道藥物輸送 | 77 下載 | 726.3 KB |
用于角膜組織工程的超薄殼聚糖-聚乙二醇水凝膠膜 | 110 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
紫外線A增強組織蛋白酶L的表達和活性 | 65 下載 | 1兆字節 |
患者消費品中未申報的甲醛含量 | 56次下載 | 324.1 KB |
了解強大的指甲屏障_指甲微觀結構,成分和疾病的評論 | 67 下載 | 857.2 KB |
新南威爾士大學風險與安全科學學院 | 76 下載 | 59.2 KB |
使用人類體外皮膚模型進行準確和合乎道德的風險 | 65 下載 | 2.6兆字節 |
使用Permeapad®預測口腔吸收 | 67 下載 | 362.9 KB |
USP第1724章 | 2990 下載 | 4.4兆字節 |
USP M5695 4月5日至2日 | 85 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
USP_Draft_Gen_Chapter_1724-Updates_052012 | 91 下載 | 1兆字節 |
美國專li申請20070232985-2 | 75 下載 | 473.4 KB |
Acyclovir-1的L和D-天門冬氨酸酯類藥物的透透角膜滲透 | 102 下載 | 309 KB |
V6 Stirrer-視頻文件下載 | 63 下載 | 113字節 |
瓦迪2009 | 79次下載 | 589.4 KB |
陰道殺菌劑凝膠,用于遞送IQP-0528一個嘧啶二酮類似物,具有對抗HIV-1的雙重作用機制 | 88次下載 | 2.5兆字節 |
驗證Maputaland藥用植物在治療皮膚疾病方面的傳統用途 | 86 下載 | 5.2兆字節 |
靜態Franz擴散池系統用于體外滲透研究的驗證 | 56次下載 | 504.8 KB |
在線驗證協議 | 97 下載 | 7兆字節 |
自動化在線流程的驗證協議 | 152 下載 | 369 KB |
Validation_of_a_Static_Franz_Diffusion_C | 96 下載 | 205.9 KB |
Valiveti 2003 | 112 下載 | 169.1 KB |
氣隙膜用于高度選擇性的滲透驅動脫鹽 | 99 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
囊泡藥物遞送系統:靶向藥物的新方法 | 68 下載 | 182.6 KB |
沃爾塔倫·埃默格爾 | 123 下載 | 746.2 KB |
裝載伏立康唑的納米結構脂質載體(NLC)用于在釘板的較深區域進行藥物輸送 | 138 下載 | 2.4兆字節 |
粘膜粘附凝膠的可洗性 | 99 下載 | 118.8 KB |
水鹽運輸 | 73 下載 | 188.5 KB |
水鹽運移行為 | 90次下載 | 188.5 KB |
無溶劑熔融擠出形成的二磺化聚(亞芳基醚砜)脫鹽膜的水鹽傳輸特性 | 98 下載 | 577.9 KB |
兩性離子聚合物薄膜的水鹽傳輸特性 | 95 下載 | 704.5 KB |
當藥物增塑薄膜涂層時,美托洛爾和Eudragit RS觀察到異常的配方效果 | 123 下載 | 713.4 KB |
世衛組織皮膚吸收 | 192 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
皮膚吸收性 | 84 下載 | 1.5兆字節 |
Wiley InterScience_ Journal_摘要 | 78 下載 | 67.1 KB |
世界衛生組織-皮膚接觸和滲透 | 172 下載 | 11兆字節 |
Yu-Evaloff熒光探針表面強度作為透皮滲透分布的指標 | 99 下載 | 317 KB |
玉米蛋白微針用于局部遞送化學治療劑以治療乳腺癌藥物負荷釋放行為和皮膚滲透研究 | 91 下載 | 1.2兆字節 |
玉米蛋白微針用于經皮疫苗遞送的制備表征和使用卵清蛋白作為模型抗原的體內評估 | 82 下載 | 10.2兆字節 |
醋酸角叉菜膠凝膠對高劑量單純皰疹病毒2陰道和直腸挑戰體內表現出強大的活動。 | 127 下載 | 1.7兆字節 |
Name | Downloads | File Size |
Name | Downloads | File Size |
3D printed microneedles for insulin skin delivery | 276 downloads | 1.4 MB |
5. Human skin penetration of the major components of Australian tea | 139 downloads | 140.3 KB |
A Combination of Iontophoresis and the Chelating Agent 110 P.. | 120 downloads | 46.9 KB |
A Comparative Study of Transmembrane Diffusion and & Permeation of Ibuprofen across Synthetic Membranes Using Franz Diffusion Cells | 108 downloads | 277.2 KB |
A Comparative Study of Transmembrane Diffusion and & Permeation of Ibuprofen across Synthetic Membranes Using Franz Diffusion Cells | 103 downloads | 277.2 KB |
A Comparative Study of Transmembrane Diffusion and Permeation of Ibuprofen across Synthetic Membranes Using Franz Diffusion Cells | 97 downloads | 277.2 KB |
A comparison between pure active pharmaceutical ingredients and therapeutic deep eutective solvents Solubility and permeability studies | 340 downloads | 929.1 KB |
A glimpse in critical attributes to design cutaneous film forming systems based on ammonium methacrylate | 139 downloads | 525.5 KB |
A laser based reusable microjet injector for transdermal drug delivery | 102 downloads | 295.7 KB |
A Learning System for Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery | 141 downloads | 183.5 KB |
A Method for Determination and Simulation of Permeability and Diffusion in a 3D Tissue Model - Membrane System - Well Plate | 101 downloads | 1 MB |
A method to improve the efficacy of topical eflornithine hydrochloride cream | 127 downloads | 1 MB |
A microneedle roller for transdermal drug delivery | 179 downloads | 1.1 MB |
A miniaturized flow-through cell to evaluate skin permeation of endoxifen | 153 downloads | 1 MB |
A Model for Porosity Changes Occurring During Ultrasound-Enhanced Transcorneal Drug Delivery | 134 downloads | 2.4 MB |
A New Discriminative Criterion for the Development of Franz Diffusion Test for Transdermal Pharmaceuticals | 94 downloads | 226.1 KB |
A new topical formulation for psoriasis Development of methotrexate-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers | 138 downloads | 1 MB |
A novel dressing for the combined delivery of platelet lysate and vancomycin hydrochloride to chronic skin ulcers Hyaluronic acid particles in alginate matrices | 129 downloads | 1.8 MB |
A novel dry powder inhalable formulation incorporating three first-line anti-tubercular antibiotics | 153 downloads | 1.1 MB |
A novel pH-responsive hydrogel based on carboxymethyl cellulose 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate for transdermal delivery of naringenin | 382 downloads | 2.5 MB |
A Novel Transungual Formulation - Nail Patch - for Delivery of Ciclopirox Olamine Into the Nail and the Nail Folds | 134 downloads | 2.5 MB |
A numerical framework for drug transport in a multi-layer system with discontinuous interlayer condition | 132 downloads | 1.3 MB |
A Physical Mechanism to Explain the Delivery of Chemical Penetration Enhancers into Skin during Transdermal Sonophoresis - Insight into the Observed Synergism | 126 downloads | 1.8 MB |
A pilot study demonstrating a non-invasive method for the measurement of protein turnover in skin disorders - application to psoriasis | 124 downloads | 617.7 KB |
A Preformulation Strategy for the Selection of Penetration Enhancers for a Transungual Formulation | 112 downloads | 395.5 KB |
A Pulsed Electric Field Enhances Cutaneous Delivery ofMethylene Blue in Excised Full-Thickness Porcine Skin | 92 downloads | 542.6 KB |
A Self-Cleaning Membrane to Extend the Lifetime of an Implanted Glucose Biosensor | 160 downloads | 3.4 MB |
A Skin Permeability Model of Insulin in the Presence of Chemical Penetration Enhancer | 136 downloads | 1.1 MB |
A solid polymer microneedle patch pretreatment enhances the permeation of drug molecules into the skin | 89 downloads | 1.5 MB |
A thermosensitive morphine-containing hydrogel for the treatment of large-scale skin wounds | 272 downloads | 461.6 KB |
A-Learning-System-for-Pharmaceutical-Drug-Deliveries | 120 downloads | 359.4 KB |
a_pertinent_screening_tool (1) | 147 downloads | 799.5 KB |
Application of a partial-thickness human ex vivo skin culture model in cutaneous wound healing study | 99 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Application of sialic acid-polysialic acid in the drugdelivery systems | 92 downloads | 596 KB |
Assessing in vitro dermal absorption of dry residues of agrochemical sprays | 91 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Assessment of test method variables for in vitro skin irritation testing of medical device extracts | 87 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Assessment-of-test-method-variables-for-in-vitro-skin-irrit_2018_Toxicology- | 100 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Barrier Integrity Assessment | 164 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Barrier Properties of an N-TERT-Based Human Skin Equivalent | 107 downloads | 895.3 KB |
Benzyl Benzoate-Loaded Microemulsion for Topical Applications Enhanced Dermatokinetic Profile and Better Delivery Promises | 121 downloads | 2.2 MB |
Biochemical enhancement of transdermal delivery with magainin peptide Modification of electrostatic interactions by changing pH | 130 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Biocompatible Phospholipid-Based Mixed Micelles for Tamoxifen Delivery Promising Evidences from in vitro Anticancer Activity and Dermatokinetic Studies | 104 downloads | 1 MB |
Biodegradable and Biocompatible Poly(Ethylene Glycol) | 126 downloads | 9 MB |
Biodegradable Chitosan for Topical Delivery of Retinoic Acid | 123 downloads | 232.5 KB |
Biodegradable polymer microneedles Fabrication mechanics and transdermal drug delivery | 120 downloads | 598.2 KB |
Biofouling of Polymer Hydrogel Materials and its Effect on Diffusion and Enzyme-Based Luminescent Glucose Sensor Functional Characteristics | 102 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Bioinspired co-crystals of Imatinib providing enhanced kinetic solubility | 258 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Biology of Stratum Corneum Tape Stripping and Protein Quantification | 111 downloads | 144.2 KB |
Biomimetic Dissolution A Tool to Predict Amorphous Solid Dispersion Performance | 137 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Biphasic Flux Profiles of Melatonin The Yin–Yang of Transdermal Permeation Enhancement Mediated by Fatty Alcohol Enhancers | 132 downloads | 424.4 KB |
Bone Tissue Eng Scaffold | 107 downloads | 174.4 KB |
Bone Tissue Scaffold | 104 downloads | 175.6 KB |
Buccal Methylxanthines DDIP | 132 downloads | 293.7 KB |
Buccal Tablets | 136 downloads | 169 KB |
Buspirone Human | 124 downloads | 227.5 KB |
Catch-up-validation-study-of-an-in-vitro-skin-irritation-test_2016_Toxicolog | 87 downloads | 1.6 MB |
cavitational Effects on Stratum Corneum | 103 downloads | 228.4 KB |
Characteristics of the Aging Skin | 96 downloads | 313.9 KB |
Chemical penetration enhancers in stratum corneum — Relation between molecular effects and barrier function | 82 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Chitosan in Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery Focus on Local Vaginal Therapy | 108 downloads | 392.6 KB |
Chitosan Nanofibers for Transbuccal Insulin Delivery | 88 downloads | 208 KB |
Chitosan-Based Nanomedicine to Fight Genital Candida Infections Chitosomes | 132 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Chitosan-coated liposomes for enhanced skin permeation of resveratrol | 172 downloads | 861.4 KB |
Chitosan-modified PLGA polymeric nanocarriers with better delivery potential for tamoxifen | 133 downloads | 2.3 MB |
Ciclopirox Delivery into the Human Nail | 133 downloads | 88.2 KB |
Clobetasol In Vitro | 170 downloads | 518.5 KB |
Collagen from Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) tendon A promising sustainable | 123 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Colloidal nanocarriers for the enhanced cutaneous delivery of naftifine - characterization studies and in vitro and in vivo evaluations | 116 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Comb. Iontophoreis | 128 downloads | 120.6 KB |
Comparative behavior between sunscreens based on free or encapsulated UV filters in term of skin penetration retention and photo-stability | 362 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Comparing.Tools4.TEWL-SR&T-2009 | 261 downloads | 168.8 KB |
Comparison of diffusion studies of hydrocortisone between the Franz Cell and the enhancer cell | 73 downloads | 348.4 KB |
Comparison of Plasticizer Effect on Thermo-responsive Properties of Eudragit RS Films | 122 downloads | 322.2 KB |
Comparison of the Hanson Microettet and the Van Kel Apparatus for In Vitro Release Testing of Topical Semisolid Formulations | 93 downloads | 209.8 KB |
Comparison of the Transdermal Absoption | 110 downloads | 38 KB |
Competing properties of mucoadhesive films designed for localized delivery of imiquimod | 114 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Composite anion exchange membranes based on quaternized cardo-poly(etherketone) and quaternized inorganic fillers for vanadium redox flow battery applications | 155 downloads | 1 MB |
Composite Hydrogels with Engineered Microdomains for Optical Glucose Sensing at Low Oxygen Conditions | 118 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Compromising human skin in vivo and ex vivo to study skin barrier repair | 118 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Confocal laser scanning microscopy to estimate nanoparticles’ human skin penetration in vitro | 359 downloads | 2.4 MB |
Confocal laser scanning microscopy to estimate nanoparticles’ human skin penetration in vitro | 178 downloads | 2.4 MB |
Conformal Coating Protection | 102 downloads | 902.7 KB |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Using Near-Infrared Fluorescent Carbon | 74 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Control of Transdermal Permeation of Hydrocortisone Acetate from Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Formulations | 74 downloads | 122.9 KB |
Controlling insulin release from reverse hexagonal (HII) liquid crystalline mesophase by enzymatic lipolysis | 250 downloads | 2 MB |
Controlling the hydration rate of a hydrophilic matrix in the core of an intravaginal ring determines antiretroviral release | 98 downloads | 920.5 KB |
Copper chloride antiperspirant action | 76 downloads | 127.9 KB |
Copy of Modulated Insulin Delivery | 104 downloads | 170.1 KB |
Corneal Stromal Cell Growth on Gelatin Chondroitin Sulfate Scaffolds Modified at Different NHS EDC Molar Ratios | 105 downloads | 674.5 KB |
Correlation Between Gel Structural Properties and Drug Release Pattern in Scleroglucan Matrices | 107 downloads | 36.4 KB |
cosmetics-05-00001 | 116 downloads | 2 MB |
Cross-linked Collagen Tissue Subst | 105 downloads | 309.2 KB |
Crystallization from Supersaturated Solutions Role of Lecithin and Composite Simulated Intestinal Fluid | 260 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Cultured Mammary epithelial Monolayers (BME-UV) Express Functional Organic Anion and Cation Transporters | 110 downloads | 171.5 KB |
Cumulative evidence of the low reliability of frozen thawed pig skin as a model for in vitro percutaneous permeation testing | 142 downloads | 297.6 KB |
Curcumin Protects Skin against UVB-Induced Cytotoxicity via the Keap1-Nrf2 Pathway The Use of a Microemulsion Delivery System | 118 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Current prodrug strategies for improving oral absorption of nucleoside analogues | 87 downloads | 570.5 KB |
Current Status and Future Potential of Transdermal Drug Deliver | 76 downloads | 349.3 KB |
Cutaneous biotransformation of N-(4-bromobenzoyl) | 90 downloads | 508.9 KB |
Cutaneous Drug Delivery - An Update | 76 downloads | 248.2 KB |
Cyclosporine A loaded SLNs Evaluation of cellular uptake and corneal cytotoxicity | 141 downloads | 1.2 MB |
DDT-Issues&Chanllenges-2007 | 129 downloads | 713.5 KB |
Decreasing Malathion Application Lice Treatment | 91 downloads | 159.4 KB |
Defining optimal permeant characteristics for ultrasound-mediated gastrointestinal delivery | 103 downloads | 678.7 KB |
Delivery of siRNA and other macromolecules into skin and cells using a peptide enhancer | 100 downloads | 1 MB |
Delivery of Thermoresponsive-Tailored Mixed Micellar Nanogel of Lidocaine and Prilocaine with Improved Dermatokinetic Profile and Therapeutic Efficcy in Topical Anaesthesia | 107 downloads | 6.5 MB |
Delivery of Water-Soluble Drugs Using Acoustically Triggered Perfluorocarbon Double Emulsions | 96 downloads | 372.2 KB |
Delivery ofTopical corticosteroids | 94 downloads | 531.8 KB |
Dense chitosan surgical membranes produced by a coincident compression-dehydration process | 121 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Department of Health - Skin Penetration Guideline | 68 downloads | 430.3 KB |
Derivation of avian dermal LD50 values for dermal exposure models using in vitro percutaneous absorption of [14C]-atrazine through rat mallard and northern bobwhite full thickness skin | 109 downloads | 792.6 KB |
Dermal Absorption | 97 downloads | 60.4 KB |
Dermal absorption for pesticide health risk assessment Harmonization of study design and data reporting for North American Regulatory submissions | 195 downloads | 954.6 KB |
Dermal absorption of pesticides - evaluation of variability and prevention | 109 downloads | 206.8 KB |
Dermal and Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems Current and Future Prospects | 97 downloads | 3.8 MB |
Dermal contact with furniture fabrics is a significant pathway of human exposure to brominated flame retardants | 125 downloads | 796.5 KB |
Dermal microdialysis technique to evaluate the trafficking of surface modified lipid nanoparticles upon topical application | 108 downloads | 2.5 MB |
Dermal penetration and resorption of beta-naphthylamine and N-phenyl-beta-naphthylamine from lubricants in an ex vivo human skin model | 191 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Dermal penetration of bisphenol A in human skin contributes marginally to total exposure | 108 downloads | 242.1 KB |
Dermal permeation of 2-hydroxypropyl acrylate a model water-miscible compound - Effects of concentration thermodynamic activity and skin hydration | 92 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Dermal Transfer and Penetration Algorithms | 225 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Description of transdermal transport of hydrophilic solutes during low | 104 downloads | 36.1 KB |
Design and Development of a Novel Sitagliptin-Loaded Transdermal Patch for Diabetes Treatment | 107 downloads | 2.8 MB |
Design and Development of a Novel Transdermal Patch - Diabetes | 94 downloads | 2.8 MB |
Design and evaluation of a novel transdermal patch containing diclofenac and teriflunomide for rheumatoid arthritis therapy | 63 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Design and evaluation of buccal films as paediatric dosage form for transmucosal delivery of ondansetron | 128 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Design and Performance Verification of Newly Developed Disposable Static Franz Cells | 78 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Design of a Topically Applied Gel Spray Formulatio | 107 downloads | 845.4 KB |
Design Synthesis of Novel Lipids as Chemical Permeation Enhancers and Development of Nanoparticle System for Transdermal Drug Delivery | 93 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Design Testing and Validation | 225 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Design, Synthesis of Novel Lipids as Chemical Permeation Enhancers and Development of Nanoparticle System for Transdermal Drug Delivery | 75 downloads | 726.2 KB |
Determination of permeation pathways of hydrophilic or hydrophobic dyes through the mammary papilla | 99 downloads | 905 KB |
Determination of Substrate Permeability | 105 downloads | 46.3 KB |
Development and Characterization of a Vaginal Film Containing Dapivirine a Non- nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NNRTI) for prevention of HIV-1 sexual transmission | 115 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Development and characterization of a vaginal film containing dapivirine a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) for prevention of HIV-1 sexual transmission | 105 downloads | 497.6 KB |
Development and characterization of chitosan hyaluronan film for transdermal delivery of thiocolchicoside | 145 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Development and characterization of resveratrol nanoemulsions carrying dual-imaging agents | 111 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Development and evaluation of resveratrol Vitamin E and epigallocatechin gallate loaded lipid nanoparticles for skin care applications | 212 downloads | 1 MB |
Development and physicochemical characterization of alginate composite film loaded with simvastatin as a potential wound dressing | 188 downloads | 2 MB |
Development of a vaginal delivery film containing EFdA a novel anti-HIV nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor | 115 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Development of an Optimised Application Protocol For Sonophoretic Transdermal Delivery of a Model Hydrophilic Drug | 87 downloads | 751.7 KB |
Development of biodegradable hyperbranched core-multishell nanocarriers for efficient topical drug delivery | 137 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Development of edge-activated liposomes for siRNA delivery to human basal epidermis for melanoma therapy | 108 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Development of haemostatic decontaminants for treatment of wounds contaminated with chemical warfare agents Evaulation of in vitro topical decontamination efficacy using damaged skin | 135 downloads | 770.1 KB |
Development of nanoemulsion for efficient brain parenteral delivery of cefuroxime designs characterizations and pharmacokinetics | 115 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Development of Novel Ionic Liquid-Based Microemulsion Formulation for Dermal Delivery of 5-Fluorouracil | 103 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Development of WO Microemulsion for Transdermal Delivery of Iodide Ions | 90 downloads | 434.9 KB |
Diclofenac Sodium | 92 downloads | 161.7 KB |
Diffus_Character_Vitreous_Humour-GACEO-2009 | 141 downloads | 201.4 KB |
Diffusion Cell Basics | 122 downloads | 407.5 KB |
Diffusion of uncharged solutes | 83 downloads | 869.8 KB |
Diffusion properties of different compounds across various synthetic membranes using Franz-type diffusion cells | 82 downloads | 370.6 KB |
Diffusion-based reverse membrane bioreactor for simultaneous bioconversion of high-inhibitor xylose-glucose media | 112 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Diffusion_properties_of_different_compounds_across | 86 downloads | 369.8 KB |
Dissolution Tests-Novel Dosage Forms | 429 downloads | 361.7 KB |
Dissolving Microneedles for Transdermal Drug Delivery | 104 downloads | 2.6 MB |
docslide.-_the-tinsley-lcr-databridge-model-6401-and-electrical-impedance-measurements | 414 downloads | 2.3 MB |
Dong-Performance of high NA water and oil immersion objective | 87 downloads | 287.3 KB |
Doxorubicin liposomes as an investigative model to study the skin permeation of nanocarriers | 175 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Doxycycline loaded poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels for healing vesicant-induced ocular wounds | 97 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Drug delivery into microneedle-porated nails from nanoparticle reservoirs | 144 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Drug Lipophilicity - Terpenes | 90 downloads | 21.6 MB |
Dynamic dissolution permeation-testing of nano and microparticle formulations of fenofibrate | 98 downloads | 430.6 KB |
Econail Poster | 139 downloads | 344 KB |
Econazole Nitrate Estradiol | 95 downloads | 399.7 KB |
EDTA decreases in vitro transcorneal permeation of fluconazole in phosphate buffer through excised sheep cornea | 83 downloads | 624.1 KB |
Effect of Adhesive Layer Thickness and Drug Loading on Estradiol Crystallization in a Transdermal Drug Delivery System | 88 downloads | 375.5 KB |
Effect of Cetrimide | 97 downloads | 77.9 KB |
Effect of Chemical Permeation Enhancers on Skin Permeability - In silico screening using Molecular Dynamics simulations | 86 downloads | 3.4 MB |
Effect of Cyclodextrins on Morphology and Barrier Characteristics of Isolated Rabbit Corneas | 96 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Effect of Drug Lipophilicity and Ionization on Permeability Across the Buccal Mucosa A Technical Note | 80 downloads | 93 KB |
Effect of Experimental Temperature on the Permeation of Model Diffusants Across Porcine Buccal Mucosa | 94 downloads | 244.4 KB |
Effect of fixed charge group concentration on salt permeability and diffusion coefficients in ion exchange membranes | 167 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Effect of formulation pH on transport of naltrexone species and pore closure in microneedle-enhanced transdermal drug delivery | 110 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Effect of Frozen Human Epidermis Storage Duration and Cryoprotectant on Barrier Function using Two Model Compounds | 95 downloads | 471.2 KB |
Effect of Gramicidin | 99 downloads | 235.3 KB |
Effect of gramicidin on percutaneous permeation of a model drug | 89 downloads | 244.4 KB |
Effect of humidity on surface structure and permeation of triblock terpolymer derived SNIPS membranes | 172 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Effect of Ion-Pairing on In Vitro Transcorneal Permeability of a Δ9- Tetrahydrocannabinol Prodrug Potential in Glaucoma Therapy | 101 downloads | 2.9 MB |
Effect of layered application on the skin permeation of a cosmetic active component, rhododendrol | 78 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Effect of Modulated Alternating and Direct Current Iontophoresis on Transdermal Delivery of Lidocaine Hydrochloride | 90 downloads | 671.4 KB |
Effect of oleic acid modified polymeric bilayered nanoparticles on percutaneous delivery of spantide II and ketoprofen | 97 downloads | 967 KB |
Effect of Size Surface Charge and Hydrophobicity of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers on Their Skin Penetration | 108 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Effect of Surfactant Mixtures on Skin Structure and Barrier Properties | 101 downloads | 522.4 KB |
Effect of surfactants and pH on naltrexone (NTX) permeation across buccal mucosa | 97 downloads | 894 KB |
Effect of the multifunctional cosmetic ingredient sphinganine on hair loss in males and females with diffuse hair reduction | 93 downloads | 2.5 MB |
Effect of β-sheet crystalline content on mass transfer in silk films | 131 downloads | 554.5 KB |
Effects of Calcium Modulation on Percutaneous Absorption of a Model Drug | 95 downloads | 36.1 KB |
Effects of chemical and physical enhancement techniques on transdermal delivery of 3-fluoroamphetamine hydrochloride | 101 downloads | 2.8 MB |
Effects of Fatty Acids | 101 downloads | 474.5 KB |
Effects of Glycerol on the In Vitro Percutaneous Absorption of All | 91 downloads | 35.5 KB |
Effects of Sizes and Conformations of Fish-Scale Collagen Peptides on Facial Skin Qualities and Transdermal Penetration Efficiency | 122 downloads | 2.2 MB |
Effects of Sunscreen | 101 downloads | 104.5 KB |
Effects of Surface Composition on the Aerosolisation and Dissolution of Inhaled | 91 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Effects of ultrasound and sodium lauryl sulfate on the transdermal delivery of hydrophilic permeants Comparative in vitro studies with full-thickness and split-thickness pig and human skin | 98 downloads | 432.3 KB |
Efficient skin delivery - no compromise with Transcutol® | 346 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Electrospun nanofibrous polymeric scaffold with targeted drug release profiles for potential application as wound dressing | 127 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Enhance transdermal delivery of flurbiprofen via microemulsions Effects of different types of surfactants and cosurfactants | 90 downloads | 375.5 KB |
Enhanced cuticular penetration as the mechanism of synergy for the major constituents of thyme essential oil in the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni | 107 downloads | 441.1 KB |
Enhanced Econazole Penetration into Human Nail | 127 downloads | 85.6 KB |
Enhanced Human Nail Drug Delivery | 115 downloads | 131.5 KB |
Enhanced skin permeation using polyarginine modified nanostructured lipid carriers | 117 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Enhanced Solubility Stability and Transcorneal Permeability of Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Presence of Cyclodextrins | 100 downloads | 275.4 KB |
Enhanced topical penetration system exposure and anti-psoriasis activity of two particle-sized curcumin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles in hydrogel | 190 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Enhancement in the Transdermal and Localized Delivery of Honokiol through Breast Tissue | 125 downloads | 3.3 MB |
Enhancement of physicochemical properties of nanocolloidal carrier loaded with cyclosporine for topical treatment of psoriasis in vitro diffusion and in vivo hydrating action | 121 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Enhancement of tioconazole ungual delivery Combining nanocapsule formulation and nail poration approaches | 118 downloads | 429.1 KB |
Enhancement-of-transdermal-drug-delivery-vi_2009_Biochimica-et-Biophysica-Ac | 71 downloads | 286.7 KB |
Enhancing the transdermal delivery of rigid nanoparticles using the simultaneous application of ultrasound and sodium lauryl sulfate | 99 downloads | 479.1 KB |
Entrez PubMed | 116 downloads | 49 KB |
Equol’s efficacy is greater than astaxanthin for antioxidants, extracellular matrix integrity & breakdown, growth factors and inflammatory bioma rkers via human skin gene expression analysis | 84 downloads | 3.7 MB |
Estimation_of_skin_permeation_by_liquid_chromatogr | 105 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Evaluation of a dynamic dissolution permeation model Mutual influence of dissolution and barrier-flux under non-steady state conditions | 236 downloads | 1 MB |
Evaluation of Active and Passive Transport Processes in Corneas Extracted from Preserved Rabbit Eyes | 114 downloads | 665.3 KB |
Evaluation of an activated carbon based deactivation system for the disposal of highly abused opioid medications | 105 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Evaluation of drug delivery to intact and porated skin by coherent Raman scattering and fluorescence microscopies | 98 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Evaluation of Ex Vivo Human Skin Permeation of Genistein and Daidzein | 92 downloads | 78.9 KB |
Evaluation of sesquiterpenes as permeation enhancers for a model macromolecule across human skin in vitro | 132 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Evaluation of the effects of chitin nanofibrils on skin function using skin models | 110 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Evaluation of the medical devices benchmark materials in the controlledhuman patch testing and in the RhEin vitroskin irritation protocol | 89 downloads | 369.2 KB |
Evaluation of the permeation of antineoplastic agents through medical gloves of varying materials and thickness and with varying surface treatments | 115 downloads | 635.8 KB |
Evaluation of Topical Hesperetin Matrix film for Back-of-the-Eye Delivery | 100 downloads | 673.7 KB |
Evaluation of Transdermal Drug Permeation as Modulated by Lipoderm and Pluronic Lecithin Organogel | 107 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Evaluation-of-the-medical-devices-benchmark-materials-in-the-c_2018_Toxicolo | 87 downloads | 421.1 KB |
Exposure Skin Chemicals | 99 downloads | 106.4 KB |
Expression Profiles of Long Noncoding RNA in UVA-Induced Human Skin Fibroblasts | 71 downloads | 300.6 KB |
Fast Dissolving Dendrimer Nanofiber Mats as Alternative to Eye Drops for More Efficient Antiglaucoma Drug Delivery | 112 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Fatty acids and iontophoresis | 87 downloads | 475.6 KB |
FDA Enforcement Policy for OTC Sunscreen Drug Products | 110 downloads | 163.5 KB |
FDA guidance SUPAC-SS | 99 downloads | 85.6 KB |
FDA In Vitro Slide Show | 204 downloads | 1.3 MB |
FDA InVitro Bioequivalence Data for a Topical Product | 271 downloads | 1.3 MB |
FDA_Guidance-SUPAC-SS | 102 downloads | 84.3 KB |
Filaggrin Deficiency Leads to Impaired Lipid Profile and Altered Acidification Pathways in a 3D Skin Construct | 102 downloads | 6.1 MB |
Flourescent Probe | 86 downloads | 324.7 KB |
Flow Thru Validation | 132 downloads | 725.8 KB |
Flow_Thru_Syst-Decreasing Malathion Application Lice Treatment | 107 downloads | 159.4 KB |
Flow_Thru_Syst-Validation Protocol Automated In Line | 128 downloads | 7 MB |
Fluorescent Penetration Enhancers for Transdermal Applications | 95 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Flux across microneedle-treated skin is increased by increasing charge of naltrexone and naltrexol in vitro | 91 downloads | 1 MB |
Flux Manuscript 2014 | 164 downloads | 5.3 MB |
Formulation and evaluation of 4-benzylpiperidine drug-in-adhesive matrix type transdermal patch | 384 downloads | 844.6 KB |
Formulation and Evaluation of Galantamine Gel as Drug Reservoir in Transdermal Patch Delivery System | 96 downloads | 960.5 KB |
Formulation and manufacturing of buccal and oral lyophilizates | 80 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Formulation characterization and evaluation of an optimized microemulsion formulation of griseofulvin for topical application | 209 downloads | 1 MB |
Formulation design of microemulsion for dermal delivery of penciclovir | 125 downloads | 574.6 KB |
Formulation Development and Characterization of Nanoemulsion-Based Formulation for Topical Delivery of Heparinoid | 143 downloads | 703.1 KB |
Formulation Development and Characterization of Nanoemulsion-Based Formulation for Topical Delivery of Heparinoid | 91 downloads | 677.9 KB |
Formulation Development Optimization and In Vitro–In Vivo Characterization of Natamycin-Loaded PEGylated Nano-Lipid Carriers for Ocular Applications | 111 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Formulation Development, Process Development, and Testing of Topical Dermatologic Products | 56 downloads | 212.4 KB |
Formulation of Biologically-Inspired Silk-Based Drug Carriers for Pulmonary Delivery Targeted for Lung Cancer | 94 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Formulation of the Microbicide INP0341 for In Vivo Protection against a Vaginal Challenge by Chlamydia trachomatis | 94 downloads | 1 MB |
Formulation optimization and topical delivery of quercetin from solid lipid based nanosystems | 102 downloads | 865.4 KB |
Formulation optimization of galantamine hydrobromide loaded gel drug reservoirs in transdermal patch for Alzheimer’s disease | 88 downloads | 472.8 KB |
Fractional laser‐assisted drug delivery Active filling of laser channels with pressure and vacuum alteration | 198 downloads | 6.3 MB |
franz and in-line | 105 downloads | 489.7 KB |
Franz Cells - Video File Download | 68 downloads | 113 bytes |
Franz Diffusion Cell Approach for Pre-Formulation | 128 downloads | 818 KB |
Franz-Human corneal equivalent as cell culture model for in vitro-1 | 136 downloads | 513.4 KB |
Franz_Cell_Model30_Years-DDT-2008 | 112 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Free fatty acids chain length distribution affects the permeability of skin lipid model membranes | 108 downloads | 1 MB |
Free-standing polyelectrolyte membranes made of chitosan and alginate | 149 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Freeze dried chitosan acetate dressings with glycosaminoglycans and traxenamic acid | 157 downloads | 3.9 MB |
Fuel Cell Research | 104 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Functionalization of Cotton Fabrics with Polycaprolactone Nanoparticles for Transdermal Release of Melatonin | 111 downloads | 2.5 MB |
Fundamental salt and water transport properties in directly copolymerized disufonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) random copolymers | 97 downloads | 695.4 KB |
Gajraj_Rhiad_TC_201211_MASc_Thesis | 124 downloads | 2.9 MB |
gaskin2013 | 97 downloads | 293.5 KB |
Generation of full‐thickness skin equivalents using hair follicle‐derived primary human keratinocytes and fibroblasts | 123 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Ghosh 2014 | 92 downloads | 877.2 KB |
Ghosh 2014 Pharm Res | 93 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Giannos-2018-Photokinetic Drug Delivery- Near infrared (NIR) Induced Permeation Enhancement of Bevacizumab, Ranibizumab and Aflibercept Through Human Sclera | 99 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Glycerol-and-urea-can-be-used-to-increase-skin-p_2013_European-Journal-of-Ph | 73 downloads | 468.8 KB |
Glycosylation facilitates transdermal transport of macromolecules | 78 downloads | 872.7 KB |
Going skin deep A direct comparison of penetration potential of lipid-based nanovesicles on the isolated perfused human skin flap model | 115 downloads | 811.4 KB |
Guidelines | 180 downloads | 915.1 KB |
Hahn_SD | 94 downloads | 489.7 KB |
Haloperidol | 83 downloads | 77.9 KB |
Hammell 2004 | 104 downloads | 181.2 KB |
Haut und Hautmodelle | 132 downloads | 3.8 MB |
Heat- A Highly Efficient Skin Enhancer for Transdermal Drug Delivery | 76 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Heparin Using Ultrasound | 94 downloads | 145.7 KB |
Hollow Copper Sulfide Nanoparticle-Mediated Transdermal Drug Delivery | 168 downloads | 2 MB |
How membrane permeation is affected by donor delivery solvent | 97 downloads | 1.8 MB |
HPMC Gel Systems | 184 downloads | 173.2 KB |
Huang 2005 | 89 downloads | 531.6 KB |
Human corneal equivalent as cell culture model for in vitro drug permeation studies | 76 downloads | 537.1 KB |
Human epidermal growth factor coupled to different structuralclasses of cell penetrating peptides A comparative study | 94 downloads | 2.6 MB |
Human skin penetration of a copper tripeptide in vitro as a function of skin layer | 75 downloads | 368 KB |
Hyaluronic acid decorated tacrolimus-loaded nanoparticles Efficient approach to maximize dermal targeting and anti-dermatitis efficacy | 174 downloads | 2.7 MB |
Hydrocortisone Diffusion Through Synthetic Membrane Mouse Skin & Epiderm Cultured Skin | 70 downloads | 810.8 KB |
ILC07 - Video File Download | 69 downloads | 113 bytes |
Impact of biorelevant media on pharmacologically important properties of potential neuroprotectors based on 124-thiadiazole | 100 downloads | 610 KB |
Impact of Cosmetic Lotions on Nanoparticle Penetration through ex vivo C57BL-6 Hairless Mouse and Human Skin A Comparison Study | 115 downloads | 572.7 KB |
Impact of Ethanol | 87 downloads | 436.7 KB |
Impact of Micellar Surfactant on Supersaturation and Insight into Solubilization Mechanisms in Supersaturated Solutions of Atazanavir | 211 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Impact of Solubilizing Additives on Supersaturation and Membrane Transport of Drugs | 171 downloads | 3.2 MB |
Impact of structural differences in hyperbranched polyglycerol-polethylene glycol nanoparticles on dermal drug delivery and biocompatibility | 139 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Implantable Diagnostic Device for Cancer Monitoring | 147 downloads | 696.8 KB |
Improve in Setup | 92 downloads | 177.6 KB |
Improved epidermal barrier formation in human skin models by chitosan modulated dermal matrices | 94 downloads | 2.5 MB |
Improved piercing of microneedle arrays in dermatomed human skin by an impact insertion method | 182 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Improved skin permeation of methotrexate via nanosized ultradeformable liposomes | 106 downloads | 2 MB |
Improved stability and skin permeability of sodium hyaluronate-chitosan multilayered liposomes by Layer-by-Layer electrostatic deposition for quercetin delivery | 196 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Improvement of MCDI operation and design through experiment and modelling Regeneration with brine and optimum residence time | 202 downloads | 1.7 MB |
In vitro | 97 downloads | 64.3 KB |
In vitro and ex vivo correlation of drug release from ophthalmic ointments | 219 downloads | 920 KB |
In Vitro and Ex Vivo Evaluations on Transdermal Delivery of the HIV Inhibitor IQP-0410 | 86 downloads | 1.2 MB |
In vitro and ex-vivo evaluation of topical formulations designed to minimize transdermal absorption of Vitamin K1 | 81 downloads | 755.5 KB |
In Vitro and In Vivo Transdermal Delivery of CDB4124 | 70 downloads | 158.8 KB |
In Vitro Del of Doxycycline Hydro | 96 downloads | 415.8 KB |
In vitro delivery of doxycycline hydrochloride | 77 downloads | 420.8 KB |
In Vitro Dermal Absorption | 91 downloads | 492 KB |
In vitro dermal and transdermal delivery of doxycycline | 64 downloads | 130.3 KB |
In Vitro Enhanced Skin Permeation and Retention of | 79 downloads | 2 MB |
In Vitro Fragrance | 104 downloads | 310.7 KB |
In Vitro Human Nail Penetration | 144 downloads | 535 KB |
In Vitro Human Onychopharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Analyses of ME1111 a New Topical Agent for Onychomycosis | 82 downloads | 429.6 KB |
In Vitro Human Onychopharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Analyses of ME1111-a New Topical Agent for Onychomycosis | 65 downloads | 429.6 KB |
In vitro human skin permeation of endoxifen potential for local transdermal therapy for primary prevention and carcinoma in situ of the breast | 89 downloads | 701.4 KB |
In vitro method to evaluate the barrier properties of medical devices | 174 downloads | 926.1 KB |
In Vitro Penet Fragrance POSTER | 94 downloads | 260.3 KB |
In vitro permeation and in vivo anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of nanoscaled emulsions containing ibuprofen for topical delivery | 82 downloads | 323.6 KB |
In Vitro Permeation of a Human Nail | 111 downloads | 196.5 KB |
In vitro permeation of tetramethylpyrazine across porcine buccal mucosa | 94 downloads | 128.1 KB |
In Vitro Porcine | 135 downloads | 54 KB |
In vitro release of diclofenac diethylamine from gels-evaluation of | 138 downloads | 803.7 KB |
In vitro release testing method development of ophthalmic ointments | 347 downloads | 3 MB |
In Vitro Skin Diffusion Study of Pure Forskolin versus a Forskolin-Containing Plectranthus barbatus Root Extract | 91 downloads | 354.1 KB |
In vitro transdermal delivery of therapeutic antibodies using maltose microneedles | 123 downloads | 1.1 MB |
In Vitro vs. In Vivo | 78 downloads | 63.7 KB |
In VitroeIn Vivo Correlations of Carbamazepine Nanodispersions for Application in Formulation Development | 102 downloads | 1.3 MB |
In vivo and in vitro assessment of mirtazapine pharmacokinetics in cats with liver disease | 77 downloads | 351.8 KB |
In Vivo Blood-Brain Barrier | 83 downloads | 6.1 MB |
In Vivo Human Transfer of Topical Bioactive Drug between Individuals - Estradiol | 59 downloads | 85 KB |
In Vivo Percutaneous Absorption | 101 downloads | 693.8 KB |
Increased Dapivirine Tissue Accumulation through Vaginal Film Codelivery of Dapivirine and Tenofovir | 83 downloads | 7.4 MB |
Increased therapeutic efficacy of a newly synthesized tyrosinase inhibitor by solid lipid nanoparticles in the topical treatment of hyperpigmentation | 85 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Indomethacin-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Ocular Delivery Development Characterization and In Vitro Evaluation | 78 downloads | 749.5 KB |
Influence of a Pore-Forming Agent on Swelling | 69 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Influence of Critical Parameters of Nanosuspension Formulation on the Permeability of a Poorly Soluble Drug through the Skin—A Case Study | 78 downloads | 383.4 KB |
Influence of Pre-Freezing Temperature on the Corneal Endothelial Cytocompatibility and Cell Delivery Performance of Porous Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Carriers | 96 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Influence of pulse characteristics and power density on stratum corneum permeabilization by dielectric barrier discharge | 72 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Inhibitory Activity of the Isoflavone Biochanin A on Intracellular Bacteria of Genus Chlamydia and Initial Development of a Buccal Formulation | 90 downloads | 3 MB |
Inkjet printing of transdermal microneedles for the delivery of anticancer agents | 119 downloads | 2.9 MB |
Inline Cell System | 124 downloads | 115.4 MB |
Int J Pharm 364 298-327 2008 review | 347 downloads | 2 MB |
Interactions between nano-TiO2 and the oral cavity Impact of nanomaterial surface hydrophilicity hydrophobicity | 162 downloads | 2.4 MB |
Interactions of Inertial Cavitation Bubbles with Stratum Corneum Lipid Bilayers during Low-Frequency Sonophoresis | 82 downloads | 228.4 KB |
Intradermal drug delivery by nanogel-peptide conjugates specific and efficient transport of temoporfin | 125 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Investigating Transdermal Delivery of Vitamin D3 | 91 downloads | 765 KB |
Investigation of follicular and non-follicular pathways for polyarginine and oleic acid modified nanoparticles | 104 downloads | 2.9 MB |
Investigation of microemulsion and microemulsion gel formulations for dermal delivery of clotrimazole | 102 downloads | 600.2 KB |
Investigation of Overrun-Processed Porous | 86 downloads | 6.6 MB |
Investigation of the Dermal Absorption and Irritation Potential of Sertaconazole Nitrate Anhydrous Gel | 105 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Investigation of the Physicochemical and Physicomechanical Properties of a Novel Intravaginal Bioadhesive Polymeric Device in the Pig Model | 95 downloads | 698.9 KB |
Iodide Paper | 88 downloads | 429.6 KB |
Iontophoretic and Microneedle Mediated Transdermal Delivery of Glycopyrrolate | 87 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Iontophoretic of Buspirone Mouse | 79 downloads | 286 KB |
Iontophoretic Transdermal Delivery of Buspirone Hydrochloride.. | 91 downloads | 116.4 KB |
Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Induce Dopaminergic Damage in vitro pathways and in vivo imaging reveals mechanism of neuronal damage | 86 downloads | 3 MB |
IVPT-for products development_FDA-2016 | 346 downloads | 260.7 KB |
IVPT-present | 273 downloads | 2.5 MB |
ivrt methods | 79 downloads | 2.2 MB |
IVRTissues-DDT-2007-1 | 91 downloads | 1.3 MB |
JCC2007MIT_Surfactant | 95 downloads | 1.9 MB |
JCR-InVitroDelOfDoxyHClBasedOnAOpartitioningSyst-2004 | 81 downloads | 419.4 KB |
JCRpublished-1 | 75 downloads | 415.9 KB |
JMS-AThermoSensitiveReleaseSystBasedOnPolymericMembrane4TDDofDoxyHCl-2009 | 101 downloads | 1.1 MB |
JMS-IontophoreticTDDusingAconductingPolymMemb-2008 | 102 downloads | 874.6 KB |
JMS-PANiPaper-2008-1 | 109 downloads | 864.9 KB |
Karger Publishers | 113 downloads | 32.3 KB |
Kinetic Analysis of Molecular Permeabilities of Free‐Standing Polysaccharide Composite Films | 104 downloads | 1.5 MB |
koepper_04 | 626 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Laser‐induced thermal coagulation enhances skin uptake of topically applied compounds | 131 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Lidocaine Buccal Films | 151 downloads | 295.1 KB |
Liposome percutaneous penetration in vivo | 68 downloads | 247.6 KB |
Liposome-supported peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of severe hyperammonemia An investigation on potential interactions | 174 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Liposome_percutaneous_penetration_in_vivo | 66 downloads | 252.9 KB |
Liposomes prolong the therapeutic effect of anti-asthmatic medication via pulmonary delivery | 97 downloads | 874.2 KB |
List of Articles | 81 downloads | 54.5 KB |
Localized delivery of a lipophilic proteasome inhibitor into human skin for treatment of psoriasis | 93 downloads | 155.4 KB |
Loss of Corneodesmosin Leads to Severe Skin Barrier Defect Pruritus and Atopy Unraveling the Peeling Skin Disease | 85 downloads | 966.6 KB |
Lovich--Carrier-Proteins | 96 downloads | 188.7 KB |
Low-Molecular-Weight Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Antioxidants | 76 downloads | 645 KB |
Loxapine and MPmethod | 79 downloads | 1 MB |
Magnetophoresis for enhancing transdermal drug delivery Mechanistic studies and patch design | 114 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Marine Drugs Free Full-Text Physical Stability Studies of Semi-Solid Formulations from Natural Compounds Loaded with Chitosan Microspheres HTML | 96 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Mass transfer in SiO2 nanofluids A case against purported nanoparticle convection effects | 107 downloads | 408 KB |
master | 107 downloads | 1.4 MB |
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maximum_errors_tolerated_by_norm_iso8655__gilson_specs_lt800399english | 204 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Mobility-of-Water-Molecules-in-the-Stratum-Corneum--E_2014_Journal-of-Invest | 90 downloads | 742.4 KB |
Nanofiltration across Defect-Sealed Nanoporous Monolayer Graphene | 77 downloads | 6.9 MB |
New insight into phase behavior and permeability of skin lipid models based | 76 downloads | 1.9 MB |
New insight into phase behavior and permeability of skin lipid models based on sphingosine and phystosphingosine cermides | 126 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Novel anti-inflammatory film as a delivery system for the external medication with bioactive phytochemical Apocynin | 75 downloads | 4.8 MB |
Novel chemical permeation enhancers for transdermal drug delivery | 66 downloads | 2.3 MB |
Novel-chemical-permeation-enhancers-for-tran_2014_Asian-Journal-of-Pharmaceu | 71 downloads | 2.4 MB |
OECD Environment Health & Safety Publications - Guidance Notes For The Estimation Of Dermal Absorption | 66 downloads | 373.8 KB |
Overcoming the Skin Permeation Barrier - Challenges and Opportunities | 91 downloads | 2.7 MB |
Part 1 - Experimental 70% hydrofluoric acid burns - histological observations in an established human skin explants ex vivo model | 118 downloads | 406.7 KB |
Part 2 - Comparison of emergency washing solutions in 70% hydrofluoric acid-burned human skin in an established ex vivo explants model | 73 downloads | 451.7 KB |
Passive enhancement strategies in topical and transdermal drug delivery | 79 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Permeability of frog skin to chemicals effect of penetration enhancers | 60 downloads | 1.7 MB |
Permeabilization of human-stratum corneum and full thickness skin samples by a direct dielectric barrier discharge | 92 downloads | 3 MB |
permeation and reservoir formation | 98 downloads | 415.8 KB |
Permeation measurement of gestodene for some biodegradable materials using Franz diffusion cells | 83 downloads | 746.1 KB |
pharmaceutics-02-00209 | 76 downloads | 285.9 KB |
pharmaceutics-10-00148 | 114 downloads | 1.3 MB |
pharmaceutics-11-00138 | 85 downloads | 3 MB |
Physical and chemical penetration enhancers in transdermal drug delivery system | 71 downloads | 700.1 KB |
Pre-validation-of-an-in-vitro-skin-irritation-test-for-medica_2018_Toxicolog | 54 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Pre-validation-of-an-in-vitro-skin-irritation-test-for-medica_2018_Toxicolog | 100 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Predicting-drug-permeability-through-skin-using-mol_2018_Journal-of-Controll | 94 downloads | 3.2 MB |
Preparation and optimization of lidocaine transfersomal gel containing permeation enhancers | 78 downloads | 2.4 MB |
Preparation and optimization of lidocaine transfersomal gel containing permeation enhancers | 86 downloads | 2.4 MB |
Preparation of irritant polymer samples for an in vitro round robin study | 74 downloads | 536.8 KB |
proceedings-02-00945 | 80 downloads | 718.5 KB |
RNA Loading on Nano-Structured Hyperbranched β-Cyclodextrin | 70 downloads | 811.1 KB |
Round-robin-study-to-evaluate-the-reconstructed-human-epidermis-_2018_Toxico | 87 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Simultaneous membrane transport of two active | 64 downloads | 811.2 KB |
Size and charge dependence baswan | 59 downloads | 602.1 KB |
Skin models for the testing of transdermal drugs | 79 downloads | 560.5 KB |
Skin models for the testing of transdermal drugs | 60 downloads | 1 MB |
Skin Penetration and Permeation Properties of Transcutol®—Neat or Diluted Mixtures | 110 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Skin Penetration Flux and Lag-Time of Steroids Across Hydrated and Dehydrated Human Skin in Vitro | 63 downloads | 176.7 KB |
Skin Permeation Enhancement in Aqueous Solution Correlation With Equilibrium Enhancer Concentration and Octanol Water Partition Coefficient | 88 downloads | 733.8 KB |
Skin permeation profile and anti-inflammatory effect of anemonin extracted from wei | 72 downloads | 861.4 KB |
Skin toxicity of topically applied - Hashempoor Review | 80 downloads | 1 MB |
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SkinEthic--RHE-for-in-vitro-evaluation-of-skin-irritation-_2018_Toxicology-i | 79 downloads | 972.9 KB |
Solenopsin A and analogs exhibit ceramide-like biological activity | 81 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Standardized method for in vitro human skin - TAAP2019 | 24 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Surging footprints of mathematical modeling for prediction of transdermal permeability | 78 downloads | 1 MB |
Techniques For Conducting In Vitro Studies On Semisolid Formulations | 233 downloads | 1.1 MB |
The combination of Nanomicelles with Terpenes for Enhancement of Skin Drug Delivery | 123 downloads | 1.5 MB |
The development of an all copper hybrid redox flow battery using deep eutectic solvents | 115 downloads | 636.4 KB |
The development of simple flow injection analysis tandem mass spectrometric methods for the cutaneous determination of peptide-modified cationic gemini surfactants used as gene delivery vectors | 118 downloads | 2.1 MB |
The effect of different polymers on the solubility permeability and distribution of poor soluble 124-thiadiazole derivative | 113 downloads | 733.8 KB |
The effect of heat on skin permeability | 107 downloads | 4.1 MB |
The effect of penetration enhancers on drug delivery through skin - Enhancer-Ghafourian-rev | 158 downloads | 443.1 KB |
The effects of chemical and physical penetration enhancers on the percutaneous permeation of lidocaine through equine ski | 89 downloads | 317.4 KB |
The Influence of Formulation and Excipients on Propranolol Skin Permeation and Retention | 57 downloads | 1.5 MB |
The oral cavity as a biological barrier system Design of an advanced buccal in vitro permeability model | 188 downloads | 1.8 MB |
The role of ceramide chain length distribution on the barrier properties of the skin lipid membranes | 107 downloads | 1.2 MB |
The skin prick test – European standards | 61 downloads | 433.7 KB |
The three moments of skin cream application | 62 downloads | 466.8 KB |
The transdermal drug delivery market | 113 downloads | 457 KB |
The-effects-of-polar-excipients-transcutol-and-dexpanth_2016_Journal-of-Coll | 59 downloads | 964.9 KB |
Therapeutic Effectiveness of Immunoradiotherapy on Brain-metastatic BRAF-MEK Inhibitor-resistant | 65 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Tolterodine Tartrate Proniosomal Gel Transdermal Delivery for Overactive Bladder | 80 downloads | 13.4 MB |
Topical All-Trans-Retinoic Acid (ATRA) is a promising chemopreventive agent for skin cancers | 112 downloads | 39.9 KB |
Topical and Targeted Delivery of siRNAs to Melanoma Cells Using a Fusion Peptide Carrier | 94 downloads | 1.9 MB |
Topical bioavailability of diclofenac from locally-acting dermatological formulations | 91 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Topical co-delivery of methotrexate and etanercept using lipidnanoparticles A targeted approach for psoriasis management | 169 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Topical Delivery | 181 downloads | 562 KB |
Topical delivery of anti-TNFα siRNA and capsaicin via novel lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles efficiently inhibits skin inflammation in vivo | 120 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Topical Lyogel Containing Corticosteroid Decreases IgE Expression and Enhances the Therapeutic Efficacy Against Atopic Eczema | 83 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Topical ophthalmic formulations of indomethacin for delivery to the posterior segment ocular tissues | 98 downloads | 4.6 MB |
Topical ophthalmic lipid nanoparticle formulations (SLN NLC) of indomethacin for delivery to the posterior segment ocular tissues | 164 downloads | 2.1 MB |
Topically applied ceramide accumulates in skin glyphs | 92 downloads | 2.9 MB |
Tortuosity of Aligned Channels in Alumina Membranes Produced by Vacuum-Induced Surface Directional Freezing | 98 downloads | 4 MB |
Trans Penetration of Atrazine | 74 downloads | 120.4 KB |
Transbuccal Delivery of CNS Therapeutic Nanoparticles Synthesis Characterization and In Vitro Permeation Studies | 110 downloads | 2.6 MB |
Transcorneal Permeation of L - and D - Aspartate Ester Prodrugs of Acyclovir Delineation of Passive Diffusion versus Transporter Involvement | 98 downloads | 240.9 KB |
Transcutaneous iontophoretic delivery of STAT3 siRNA using layer-by-layer chitosan coated gold nanoparticles to treat melanoma | 127 downloads | 2.8 MB |
Transdermal Assay System NCI PHE May 2014 | 81 downloads | 335.1 KB |
Transdermal delivery enhanced by magainin pore-forming peptide | 90 downloads | 781.1 KB |
Transdermal delivery of betahistine hydrochloride using microemulsions Physical characterization biophysical assessment confocal imaging and permeation studies | 112 downloads | 1.6 MB |
Transdermal delivery of bupropion and its active metabolite hydroxybupropion a prodrug strategy as an alternative approach | 87 downloads | 437.8 KB |
Transdermal Delivery of Molecules is Limited by Full Epidermis Not Just Stratum Corneum | 84 downloads | 623.3 KB |
Transdermal Delivery Through Rat Skin | 91 downloads | 161.7 KB |
Transdermal Drug Delivery System - A Review | 94 downloads | 467.5 KB |
Transdermal Drug Delivery System: An Overview | 204 downloads | 902 KB |
Transdermal drug delivery system: Formulation, development and evaluation - An overview | 56 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Transdermal Drug Delivery: A Way for Better Tomorrow | 60 downloads | 896.9 KB |
Transdermal Drug Patches | 125 downloads | 362.6 KB |
Transdermal formulation of 4-benzylpiperidine for cocaine-use disorder | 149 downloads | 1.4 MB |
Transdermal Iontophoresis | 162 downloads | 269.4 KB |
Transdermal Permeation of Drugs in Various Animal Species | 47 downloads | 540.2 KB |
Translocation of Cell Penetrating Peptide Engrafted Nanoparticles Across Skin Layers | 97 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Transpapillary Drug Delivery to the Breast | 87 downloads | 794.3 KB |
Transport & Biodistribution of Dendrimers Across Human Fetal Membranes | 81 downloads | 4.8 MB |
Transport and Biodistribution of Dendrimers Across Human Fetal Membranes Implications for Intravaginal Administration of Dendrimers | 86 downloads | 4.8 MB |
Transport mechanism of chitosan-N-acetylcysteine chitosan oligosaccharides or carboxymethyl chitosan decorated coumarin-6 loaded nanostructured lipid carriers across the rabbit ocular | 115 downloads | 1 MB |
Transport Pathways & Enhancement Mechanisms within Localized & Non-Localized Transport Regions in Skin | 83 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Transport Pathways and Enhancement Mechanisms within Localized and Non-Localized Transport Regions in Skin Treated with Low-Frequency Sonophoresis and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate | 78 downloads | 1.1 MB |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Increases P-glycoprotein Expression in a BME-UV In Vitro Model of Mammary Epithelial Cells | 94 downloads | 785.7 KB |
Tuning the rheological properties of an ammonium methacrylate copolymer for the design of adhesives suitable for transdermal patchs | 188 downloads | 1 MB |
Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy | 71 downloads | 275.1 KB |
Ultra-flexible nanocarriers for enhanced topical delivery of a highly lipophilic antioxidative molecule for skin cancer chemoprevention | 97 downloads | 1.8 MB |
Ultrasound-Enhanced Delivery of Antibiotics and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs into the Eye | 115 downloads | 1 MB |
Ultrasound-Enhanced Transcorneal Drug Delivery | 95 downloads | 500 KB |
Ultrasound-Mediated Delivery of RNA to Colonic Mucosa of Live Mice | 101 downloads | 1.3 MB |
Ultrasound-mediated gastrointestinal drug delivery | 77 downloads | 726.3 KB |
Ultrathin chitosan–poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel films for corneal tissue engineering | 110 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Ultraviolet A Enhances Cathepsin L Expression and Activity | 65 downloads | 1 MB |
Undeclared Formaldehyde Levels in Patient Consumer Products | 56 downloads | 324.1 KB |
Understanding the formidable nail barrier_ A review of the nail microstructure, composition and diseases | 67 downloads | 857.2 KB |
University of New South Wales - School of Risk and Safety Sci.. | 76 downloads | 59.2 KB |
Use of Human In Vitro Skin Models for Accurate and Ethical Risk | 65 downloads | 2.6 MB |
Use of Permeapad® for prediction of buccal absorption | 67 downloads | 362.9 KB |
USP Chapter 1724 | 2990 downloads | 4.4 MB |
USP M5695 April 5-2 | 85 downloads | 2.4 MB |
USP_Draft_Gen_Chapter_1724-Updates_052012 | 91 downloads | 1 MB |
USpatentApplic-20070232985-2 | 75 downloads | 473.4 KB |
Ussing-Transcorneal Permeation of L- and D-Aspartate Ester Prodrugs of Acyclovir-1 | 102 downloads | 309 KB |
V6 Stirrer - Video File Download | 63 downloads | 113 bytes |
Vaddi 2009 | 79 downloads | 589.4 KB |
Vaginal Microbicide Gel for Delivery of IQP-0528 a Pyrimidinedione Analog with a Dual Mechanism of Action against HIV-1 | 88 downloads | 2.5 MB |
Validating the traditional use of medicinal plants in Maputaland to treat skin diseases | 86 downloads | 5.2 MB |
Validation of a Static Franz Diffusion Cell System for In Vitro Permeation Studies | 56 downloads | 504.8 KB |
Validation Protocol Automated In Line | 97 downloads | 7 MB |
Validation protocol of an automated in-line flow | 152 downloads | 369 KB |
Validation_of_a_Static_Franz_Diffusion_C | 96 downloads | 205.9 KB |
Valiveti 2003 | 112 downloads | 169.1 KB |
Vapor-gap membranes for highly selective osmotically driven desalination | 99 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Vesicular drug delivery systems: A novel approach for drug targeting | 68 downloads | 182.6 KB |
Voltaren Emulgel | 123 downloads | 746.2 KB |
Voriconazole-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for drug delivery in deeper regions of the nail plate | 138 downloads | 2.4 MB |
Washability of Mucoadhesive Gels | 99 downloads | 118.8 KB |
Water and Salt Transport | 73 downloads | 188.5 KB |
Water and Salt Transport Behavior | 90 downloads | 188.5 KB |
Water and salt transport properties of disulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) desalination membranes formed by solvent-free melt extrusion | 98 downloads | 577.9 KB |
Water and salt transport properties of zwitterionic polymers film | 95 downloads | 704.5 KB |
When drugs plasticize film coatings Unusual formulation effects observed with metoprolol and Eudragit RS | 123 downloads | 713.4 KB |
WHO Dermal Absorption | 192 downloads | 1.5 MB |
whodraftofdermalabsorption | 84 downloads | 1.5 MB |
Wiley InterScience_ Journal_ Abstract | 78 downloads | 67.1 KB |
World Health Organization - Dermal Exposure and Permeation | 172 downloads | 11 MB |
Yu-Evaloffluoprobesurfaceintensitiesasindicatoroftransdermalpermeantdistributions | 99 downloads | 317 KB |
Zein Microneedles for Localized Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Agents to Treat Breast Cancer Drug loading release behavior and skin permation studies | 91 downloads | 1.2 MB |
Zein Microneedles for Transcutaneous Vaccine Delivery Fabrication Characterization and in Vivo Evaluation Using Ovalbumin as the Model Antigen | 82 downloads | 10.2 MB |
Zinc Acetate Carrageenan Gels Exhibit Potent Activity In Vivo against High-Dose Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Vaginal and Rectal Challenge | 127 downloads | 1.7 MB |