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Self-Powered p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/n-ITO Heterojunction Broadband Ultraviolet Photodetector With High
Working Temperature
Yongxue Zhu, Kewei Liu , Member, IEEE, Xiaoqian Huang, Peixuan Zhang, Qiu Ai, Zhen Cheng, Jialin Yang, Xing Chen, Binghui Li, Lei Liu, and Dezhen Shen
Abstract — A self-driven p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/n-ITO hetero- junction broadband ultraviolet (BUV) photodetector was
firstly demonstrated in this work with a high working temperature. In the 25-300 ?C temperature range, the
device exhibits excellent and stable BUV photodetection
performance. Even at 300 ?C, a large peak responsiv- ity of ~132 mA/W, a broad UV response band ranging
from 250 to 400 nm, a high UV-to-visible rejection ratio of nearly 104, and a high ?3 dB cutoff frequency of 20 kHz
can be still observed at 0 V, which is obviously superior to the other reported high-temperature BUV heterojunc- tion photodetectors. The remarkable performance of our device at high temperature can be attributed to the excellent insulation and high crystalline quality of i-ZnGa2O4 layer, as well as the good electrical properties of p-GaN and n-ITO. Moreover, their wide and complementary band gaps make the device have a very broad UV detection band.
Index Terms— Broadband ultraviolet photodetector, het- erojunction, high-temperature, self-powered, ZnGa2O4.
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Manuscript received 21 March 2023; accepted 26 March 2023. Date
of publication 29 March 2023; date of current version 26 April 2023. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62074148, Grant 11727902, and Grant 12204474; and in part by the National Ten Thousand Talent Program for Young Top-Notch Talents and Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), under Grant 2020225. The review of this letter was arranged by Editor T.-Y. Seong. (Corresponding author: Kewei Liu.)
Yongxue Zhu, Qiu Ai, Zhen Cheng, and Jialin Yang are with the State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China.
Kewei Liu, Xiaoqian Huang, Peixuan Zhang, Xing Chen, Binghui Li, Lei Liu, and Dezhen Shen are with the State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China, and also with the Center of Materials Science and Opto- electronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Color versions of one or more figures in this letter are available
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2023.3262755
require stable devices capable of working at high temperature, it is obviously necessary and important to realize thermally stable PDs [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Benefiting from the complementary band gaps, the heterojunction PDs provide a huge potential for broadband detection [11], [12]. Moreover, the built-in electric field at the heterojunction interface could effectively separate the photo-generated carriers, allowing the device to work without external bias [13], [14], [15]. Because no additional bias voltage is required, the heterojunction detector in self-driven operation mode could be completely free from the restriction of dark current when operating at high temperature. Therefore, the self-powered heterojunction PDs formed from different wide-bandgap semiconductor materials, such as, r-GO/HR-GaN [2], β-Ga2O3/4H-SiC [16], Ga2O3/ZnO [17], diamond/β-Ga2O3 [18], Graphene/(AlGa)2O3/GaN [19], and so on, have become ideal candidates for preparing BUV devices that can meet the requirements of high-temperature applications. Although numerous excellent heterojunction devices have been demonstrated with broadband UV response and zero power consumption, the device performance often deteriorates rapidly as the operating temperature increases [2], [17], [19], [20]. The main reason for this phenomenon is that almost all the reported BUV heterojunction devices are based on simple p-n or n-n structures. With the increase of operating tem- perature, the ionization rates of the p- and n-layers increase, leading to the narrowing of the depletion region, which would reduce the quantity of photo generated carriers in it.
Compared with p-n heterostructure, p-i-n heterojunction has special advantages, such as higher responsivity, faster response speed and higher reliability, thus allowing higher operating temperature [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]. In this work, a self-driven BUV PD, which still has excellent optoelectronic
detection capability even at 300 ?C, has been demonstrated
for the first time on p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/n-ITO heterojunction. P-GaN, i-ZnGa2O4 and n-ITO with band gap energies of 3.40, 5.10 and 3.85 eV at room temperature were fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, respectively.
Benefitting from the good crystalline quality and excellent insulation of i-ZnGa2O4 layer and high electrical conductivity
Fig. 1. (a) Side-view SEM image and (b) ω-2θ scanning pattern of the p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/n-ITO heterojunction.
of p-GaN and n-ITO, our p-i-n heterojunction device can work in a wide temperature range with excellent performance. At 300 ?C, the device shows a broad UV response band ranging from 250 to 400 nm, a high peak responsivity (Rpeak)
Fig. 2. (a) Carrier density and mobility of p-GaN and n-ITO layers versus
of ~132 mA/W at 352 nm, UV-to-visible rejection ratio of
temperature. (αhν)
as a function of (hν) of (b) n-ITO, (c) p-GaN and
nearly 104, and a high ?3 dB cutoff frequency of 20 kHz.
The Mg-doped p-GaN film was firstly grown on undoped GaN (u-GaN)/sapphire template at 750 ?C by MBE. During growth, the N2 flow rate was fixed at 1.8 sccm with radio frequency power of 350 W, and the temperatures of Mg and Ga cells were controlled at 343 and 1120 ?C, respectively. Subsequently, i-ZnGa2O4 film was deposited on the p-GaN layer by MOCVD. Diethylzinc and trimethylgallium with high purity nitrogen as carrier gas and 5N-purity O2 were employed as Zn, Ga and O sources, respectively. The chamber pressure was kept at 23 Torr and the substrate temperature was maintained at 650 ?C. After that, n-type indium tin
oxide (ITO) was fabricated on i-ZnGa2O4 layer by radio- frequency magnetron sputtering. Ni/Au (~50/50 nm) and In (~100 nm) have been used as the ohmic contact electrodes to p-GaN and n-ITO, respectively.
The material characterization was performed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (HITACHI S-4800), a Bruker D8GADDS X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a Lakeshore Hall effect measurement system and an UV-3101PC scanning spec- trophotometer. Agilent B1500A semiconductor device ana- lyzer was used to measure the time-dependent current (I-t) and current-voltage (I-V) curves. 310 nm light was produced by light emitting diode (LED). A monochromator with a UV-enhanced Xe lamp (200 W) was used to measure the spectral response of the device.
Fig. 1a presents the side-view SEM image of the p-GaN/ i-ZnGa2O4/n-ITO heterojunction. The thickness of n-ITO, i-ZnGa2O4 and p-GaN layers can be estimated to be about
40 nm, 200 nm and 600 nm, respectively. Fig. 1b shows the ω-2θ scanning patterns of p-i-n heterojunction prepared on u-GaN/sapphire template. Besides the sapphire substrate
diffraction peak, the peaks at 2θ = 31.1? and 34.6? can be
respectively attributed to the (100) and (002) planes of GaN.
And the diffraction peaks located at 18.85?, 37.56?, and 57.48? can be assigned to the (111), (222), and (333) crystal facets of
ZnGa2O4, respectively [26]. The strong and narrow diffraction
(d) i-ZnGa2O4 layers at different temperatures.
Fig. 3. (a) C –V, and (b) I –V characteristics of the p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/ n-ITO heterojunction at different temperatures. The insets of
(a) and (b) are the schematic device structure and the I –V characteris- tics of In/n-ITO and NiAu/p-GaN contacts, respectively.
peaks in XRD pattern indicate that both p-GaN and i-ZnGa2O4 have good crystalline quality.
To research the optical and electrical properties, optical absorption measurements and Hall effect were carried out at various temperatures of 25, 100, 200, and 300 ?C (see Fig. 2) The hall mobility and carrier density of p-GaN layer
were measured to be ~5.4 cm2/Vs and ~4.0 × 1018 /cm3 at 25 ?C. With the increase of temperature, the ionization
rate of acceptor impurity increases, leading to the increase in hole concentration. At the same time, Hall mobility decreases with increasing temperature. In contrast, the electron concen-
tration and mobility of n-ITO at different temperatures were similar, which can be estimated to be ~1.4 × 1020 /cm3 and ~25 cm2/Vs. Variation of (αhν)2 versus the photo energy (hν) of n-ITO, p-GaN and i-ZnGa2O4 under various tempera-
tures are shown in Fig. 2b, 2c and 2d, respectively. The band gaps of ITO (3.85 eV at 25 ?C), GaN (3.40 eV at 25 ?C) and ZnGa2O4 (5.10 eV at 25 ?C) narrow with increasing temperature, and decrease by 0.19 eV, 0.15 eV and 0.20 eV from 25 to 300 ?C, respectively.
To further investigate the photodetection performance, a cylindrical p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/n-ITO heterojunction device
with a diameter of ~0.66 mm was fabricated (inset of Fig. 3a).
The quasi-linear I –V curves (inset of Fig. 3b) of In/n-ITO/In
and NiAu/p-GaN/NiAu indicate that both p- and n-type con- tacts are Ohmic in nature. C-V characteristics of the device are characterized at different temperatures as shown in Fig. 3a.
Fig. 4. (a) Spectral response and (b) time-dependent current mea- sured from 25 to 300 ?C under 0 V applied bias. (c) Temporal photo response (at 300 ?C) under the modulated light of a 310 nm LED.
(d) (Imax ? Imin)/Imax versus illumination modulation frequency under various temperatures.
At 0 V, the capacitance of the detector is about 180 pF at 25 ?C, 184 pF at 100 ?C, 200 pF at 200 ?C, and 1.47 nF
at 300 ?C.
Below 200 ?C, the capacitance of the device almost does not change with the bias voltage, indicating that i-ZnGa2O4 layer has been completely depleted. When the temperature rises to more than 200 ?C, impurities in i-ZnGa2O4 layer would be ionized, leading to a slight narrowing of the space charge region, which further results in the increase of capacitance. Fig. 3b presents the dark I-V curves of the p-i-n PD at different temperatures and clear rectification characteristics can be acquired.
Fig. 4a shows the spectral response measured from 25 to 300 ?C under 0 V bias. A broadband UV photoresponse (10% of Rpeak) ranging from 250 to 400 nm can be clearly observed at all temperatures. According to the experimental band gaps of three semiconductors in our device (ITO: 3.85 eV, ZnGa2O4: 5.10 eV, GaN: 3.40 eV), the response in the UVA/UVB region should be mainly attributed to p-GaN and n-ITO layers, while the response in UVC region is mainly associated with i-ZnGa2O4 layer. Additionally, with increasing the temperature, the long-wavelength cut-off edge determined by p-GaN layer shifted towards the longer wavelength region due to the decrease of the band gap. At 300 ?C, the peak responsivity at 352 nm is as high as 132 mA/W, and a high UV-to-visible rejection nearly 104 was obtained. To further
study the response speed characteristics, the I-t curve was measured by turning ON/OFF a 310 nm LED (0.768 mW/cm2) under various temperatures at 0 V (see Fig. 4b). Obviously, the device presents an excellent ON/OFF switching property with fast speed, good reproducibility and high stability at all temperatures. Due to the self-powered operating mode, the device maintains a high ON/OFF current ratio of more than
103 at 300 ?C. To further estimate the response speed, the normalized temporal response (at 300 ?C) of the device were measured at 0 V by oscilloscope under 310 nm modulated LED illumination with different modulation frequency (see Fig. 4c). And the rise and decay times can be estimated to be about 13 µs and 14 µs, respectively. Even at frequencies up to 50 kHz, the device still maintains good optoelec- tronic detection capability. Fig. 4d plots the relative balance
(Imax?Imin)/Imax as a function of illumination modulation frequency at different temperatures, where Imin and Imax are
the minimum and maximum current obtained by switching ON/OFF 310 nm light at each frequency. As the modulation frequency increases, the relative balance gradually decreases, and the ?3 dB cutoff frequency of the detector exceeds 20 kHz at all temperatures (see Fig. 4d).
Some key parameters of the high-temperature self-powered heterojunction PDs were summarized in Table I. It can be seen that our device has the fastest response, the widest response band and the largest responsivity speed at high temperature. In fact, most of the reported devices have only observed the UV response at high temperature, while the detailed performance parameters are rarely studied. The high crystalline quality and excellent insulation of i-ZnGa2O4 layer, as well as the good electrical properties of p-GaN and n-ITO could account for the superior photodetection performance of our device at high temperature. Moreover, their wide and complementary band gaps enable the broadband UV detection.
In summary, a high-temperature self-powered heterojunc- tion BUV PD was demonstrated based on p-GaN/i-ZnGa2O4/ n-ITO structure. Benefitting from the excellent insulation of i-ZnGa2O4 layer, good electrical properties of p-GaN and n-ITO, and their wide and complementary band gaps, the p-i-n heterojunction PD shows a high peak responsivity of
~132 mA/W, a broad UV response band ranging from 250 to 400 nm, a high UV-to-visible rejection ratio of nearly 104 and a high ?3 dB cutoff frequency of 20 kHz at 300 ?C. The result reported in this letter provides a feasible way for developing
BUV PDs with high operating temperature.