【上海精瑞科學儀器有限公司 thermofisher 一級代理商】一家專業提供HPLC色譜柱、GC色譜柱、SPE前處理小柱和其他實驗室常用耗材、配件的公司,同時提供各種進口標準品和各類分析儀器
ES542 Stainl. Steel Emitters, 40mm, OD 1/32 質譜儀金屬噴針
OPTON-53010/70005-60155 ESI源金屬針 32G MTL NDL REGULAR FLOW KIT
OPTON-Gauge metal needle kit for low ?ow LC ?ow rates between
OPTON-Gauge metal needle kit for high ?ow LC ?ow rates between
OPTON-20432 Upgrade to MSQ 2.0 with Xcalibur 2.0 includes LC Devices 2.02
OPTON-09015 Validation MSQ Plus on Xcalibur 2.0OPTON-20004 High ?ow metal needle kit
OPTON-20005 Low ?ow metal needle kitOPTON-20016 High ?ow metal needle kit
OPTON-20017 Low ?ow metal needle kitOPTON-53003 High ?ow metal needle kit
OPTON-30004 Low ?ow metal needle kitOPTON-20034 H-ESI metal needle kit
OPTON-20011 USI ESI probe
OPTON-20012 USI APCI probe