100D CH093PL、100D CH095PL、100D CH097PL
這些 -檢測mantles是由美國酒類、煙草管理局規定的,用于縱火調查,并適用于zui常收集證據的三種油漆罐。建議的程序將燃燒的碎片加熱到汽化的可疑的加速劑,如果存在的話,被收集在一個木炭管進行分析。根據美國火的縱火資源目錄管理,“即使火可能摧毀99%的煽動性的證據,適當的設備和人員實驗室通常可以確定9油漆罐披風的催化劑類型、燃燒設備,或所使用的分析zui微小顆粒的提交證據。ATF(第3.4段):“為了減少對證據重新包裝的需要,建議購買兩種或兩種以上不同尺寸的油漆罐。”“這些mantles對于用樹脂和膠粘劑制成的金屬罐頭也很有用。mantles配備了緊湊的電源控制,有固態電路、正關開關和指示燈。
These -detection mantles are specified by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms* for use in arson investigations and fit the three sizes of paint cans in which evidence is most often collected. The recommended procedure heats fire debris to vaporize suspected accelerants, which, if present, are collected in a charcoal tube for analysis. According to the Arson Resource Directory of the U.S. Fire Administration, “Even though fire may destroy 99 percent of incendiary evidence, properly equipped and staffed laboratories can often determine the 9 PAINT CAN MANTLES type of accelerant, incendiary device, or explosives used by analyzing the most minute particles of submitted evidence.” ATF (paragraph 3.4): “ To minimize need for evidence repackaging, suggest buying two or more different sizes to fit paint cans most often received.” These mantles are also useful for work done in metal cans with resins and adhesives. The mantles are equipped with compact power controls that have solid-state circuitry, positive-off switches, and pilot lights.