HA405-DPA-SC-S8 pH計
為了克服化工行業的各種挑戰并滿足多樣需求,梅特勒-托利多開發出一系列非常堅固耐用的pH/氧化還原傳感器,即使在zui惡劣的條件下也能夠提供可靠的性能。采用裝有預加壓液體或凝膠參比系統或可承受壓力的固態聚合物 (Xerolyt®) 電解液,是含有固體顆?;蜓趸瘎┤芤旱睦硐脒x擇。
智能傳感器管理 (ISM) 系統進一步減少這些傳感器的維護需求,而不會影響測量可靠性或過程安全性。
智能pH傳感器從過程條件中了解信息,以便提供非??煽康膫鞲衅髟\斷,并對過程更加充滿信息。隨著智能傳感器管理 (ISM) 技術的采用,傳感器維護工作量減少,使用壽命延長,即使在zui惡劣的條件下也如此。
隔膜數量 | 1 | |
pH測量范圍 | 0...14 | |
壓力(bar) | 過壓zui高達2.5 bar | |
壓力(psi) | 過壓zui高達36 psi | |
參比系統 | 銀-氯化銀系統 | |
銀離子阱 | 是 | |
消毒的 | 否 | |
溫度范圍 | 0...100 °C (32...212 °F) | |
耐高壓 | 否 | |
隔膜 | 陶瓷 | |
ISM | 否 | |
簡短描述 | 低維護的pH電極 |
Short description——HA405-DPA在線pH電極
Low-maintenance combination electrodes of the DPA Series from METTLER TOLEDO for the continuous measurement of pH/ORP come complete with a factory-filled, pressurized gel-electrolyte reference system. These long-life electrodes have been designed primarily for use in the chemical industry and in the field of water and wastewater treatment, i.e. for the broadest possible spectrum of chemical process applications. A whole range of integral technical features ensures trouble-free, continuous and highly accurate pH measurement with a very short response time:
- Prepressurization of the gel electrolyte provides permanent internal pressure within the electrode, thereby preventing the ingress of process medium into the reference system and, at the same time, ensuring continuous cleaning of the diaphragm through the constant slow outflow of smallest amounts of electrolyte.
- – The patented silver-ion barrier integrated in the reference system avoids contamination and clogging of the diaphragm with black silver sulfide during measurement in process media containing sulfur compounds. – Designed for use in stirred tanks (STR), vessels, open tanks and pipes in the chemical industry under harsh process conditions at up to 2.5 bar overpressure.
- – Equipped with VarioPin (VP) connector (IP68) and, similar to the InPro 3250, offer additional benefits such as temperature compensation, Eex certification, and certification following the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).