德國BRUAN轉速繼電器 d421系列
D421.31U1 ,D421.31U2 ,D421.33U1 ,D421.33U2 ,D421.51U1 ,D421.51U2 ,D421.53U1 , D421.53U2 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.54U1 ,D421.54U2 ,D421.55U1 ,D421.55U2 , D421.57U1 ,D421.57U2
BRAUN ,德國BRAUN 磁感應傳感器,轉速繼電器,光電傳感器,多功能監控器,轉速模塊.諾希德優勢提供!
With a comprehensive line of suitable products, from the sensor to any measurement and monitoring. Providing ready solutions for applications in mechanical and electrical engineering, specifically with turbines, pumps and feeders in power plants. In chemical plants, foil and fibre production, paper and textiles. At testing facilities, plant maintenance, and R&D.
With nearly 50 years of experience, we provide competent advice and assistance.
ISO 9001 certified Quality.
Sensors - Non-contact Sensors = no wear, no maintenance, safe at any speed.
With various functional principles – which ever fits your application best. - ATEX-approved intrinsically safe versions for use in Ex-areas.
- Wheel transmitters for linear and surface speed.
- Incremental encoders for very high resolution of a rotation.
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Devices for permanent installation - measuring speed, difference and ratio (slip, stretch, synchronism), sense of rotation, acceleration.
- Meters and alarms, converters to analog or data signal, with various designs. Isolating barriers to Ex-areas.
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Speed Monitors for enhanced safety requirements - Redundancy up to 3 channels, for the maximum in protection and machine availability.
- Various systems offer solutions appropriate to every application and function. Approved for level SIL3 according to IEC 61508. Compliant with API 670.
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Portables for variable use - Easy to operate, with maximum performance.
- MOVIPORT computing handheld-tachometer.
2-channel portable units with enhanced output and measuring facilities. | |
德國GMBH磁感應傳感器(cgy)德國 GMBH
德國BRUAN GMBH 轉速繼電器 d421系列
D421.31U1 ,D421.31U2 ,D421.33U1 ,D421.33U2 ,D421.51U1 ,D421.51U2 ,D421.53U1 , D421.53U2 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.54U1 ,D421.54U2 ,D421.55U1 ,D421.55U2 , D421.57U1 ,D421.57U2, 供電電源 24V(18… 40V) AC/DC 115/230V(85… 265V)AC/DC
德國GMBH光電傳感器(gd)德國 GMBH
□轉速測量范圍廣:0-25000 脈沖/秒(響應時間< 20 毫秒)
□接受精密的和粗糙的測速齒形發出的脈沖信號,如鋼 (鐵) 制齒盤、齒槽、凸輪等。
□與旋轉測速部件的安裝zui大可達到3.5 mm
□環境溫度范圍: – 40 °C … + 125 °C,
□傳感器不銹鋼(1.4305)外殼結構緊湊(1.4305) , IP67 防護等級,電纜進線可選擇螺紋式插頭,或塑封電 纜。
德國GMBH雙通道多功能監控器C124德國 GMBH
德國GMBH軸配合轉速傳感器(zph)德國 GMBH2008-11-21
3 種安裝型式
測量傳動機構的速度和滑差,顯示和監測流速,適用于各類流量計。德國 GMBH2007-1-15
用于機器轉速監控,針對機器過速或低速檢測,并把測量結果轉變為模擬量輸出,增強故障報警安全性。具有雙重一體化并行工作通道,自動選擇高值報警和模擬量輸出。與單通道型轉速監控器相比,是保證安全性的的選擇,不必像3 選2 系統那樣需要昂貴的費用。可接收A4S 、A5S 無觸點傳感器信號和增量型G1000/3000 光電編碼器信號。
德國 GMBH2008-6-24
3 種安裝型式
德國BRUAN GMBH 轉速模塊d421系列
D421.31U1 ,D421.31U2 ,D421.33U1 ,D421.33U2 ,D421.51U1 ,D421.51U2 ,D421.53U1 , D421.53U2 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.52U2 ,D421.54U1 ,D421.54U2 ,D421.55U1 ,D421.55U2 , D421.57U1 ,D421.57U2,
供電電源 24V(18… 40V) AC/DC 115/230V(85… 265V)AC/DC 德國 GMBH2008-6-25
德國GMBH單通道轉速監控器D1553工作原理和技術特點快速響應由一個輸入脈沖間隔加上一個zui小的時間決定。為保證快速響應,儀器自動控制單位測量間隔的輸入脈沖數量,每秒鐘輸入脈沖數量限制在200HZ 以內。可編程的預分頻器可對周期脈沖間隔的變化進行補償。測量和模擬量輸出的響應時間為一個輸入脈沖間隔加上5 毫秒。繼電器接點輸出響應時間需另加5 毫秒。精度為0.01%zui后數據位。
德國BRUAN GMBH 轉速變送器d421系列
D421.31U1 ,D421.31U2 ,D421.33U1 ,D421.33U2 ,D421.51U1 ,D421.51U2 ,D421.53U1 , D421.53U2 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.52U1 ,D421.54U1 ,D421.54U2 ,D421.55U1 ,D421.55U2 , D421.57U1 ,D421.57U2, 供電電源 24V(18… 40V) AC/DC 115/230V(85… 265V)AC/DC
德國 GMBH三通道轉速監測系統E15□E16概述
三個測量通道獨立地測量顯示機器轉速并發出可靠的報警信號。當3 個測量通道的測量結果不同時,報警信號的發出由3 個通道中的2 個通道同時確定。系統不斷檢查傳感器輸入回路,不同通道的傳感器輸出信號被同時監測,并對各通道進行合理的控制,以便發現功能故障。任何一個故障都發出報警信號。每個E15 或E16 系統包含一個獨立的數字信號發生器,用以模擬轉速變化,方便用戶對系統運行進行全面的調試實驗,可實現手動操作或自動模擬。德國