布式硬度測試是現(xiàn)今常用的硬度測試法中最古老的方法,此測試方法于1900年由瑞典工程師Johan August Brinell提出,廣泛應用于判定鑄造件和鍛造件的硬度,因為鑄造件和鍛造件的晶粒結構太粗糙而很難進行準確的洛氏和維氏測試。
軼諾的NEXUS3100, 3001, 3200, 3300, 3400, 8100, 9603B系列的布氏硬度計由力傳感器閉環(huán)控制;均由軼諾的研發(fā)中心所研發(fā),設計,并完成耐久測試。
The Brinell hardness tester uses the oldest method of hardness testing commonly used today. It was invented in Sweden by Dr. Johan August Brinell in 1900. This test is often used to determine the hardness of castings and forgings whose grain structure is too course for accurate Rockwell or Vickers testing.
Brinell hardness test conditions have approximately 25 different load/ ball combinations of testing allowing almost all metals able to be tested by way of Brinell test by simply varying the ball size and test force based on the sample’s dimension and design. In some cases, as long as the ball size to test force ratio remains constant, the results are considered accurate when changing between Brinell test conditions.
Results from the Brinell Hardness tester are used extensively in industry as a basis of acceptance of commercial shipments, and for quality control purposes . These results may correlate with other metallic characteristics such as: ductility, tensile strength, wear resistance, etc. Our Brinell hardness testers are able to withstand the most hars environments, if required with an air filtration system to protect the interior against dust.
The Brinell test can be simply explained as an indentation hardness test consisting of two basic steps.
Step one: Using A known indenter and a known force; apply the known force through the known indenter perpendicular to the material under test and hold the know force for specified amount of time(dwell).
Step two: Measure the diameter of the resulting indentation in at least two directions perpendicular to each other. The Brinell hardness value is then computed from the mean of the diameter measurements by the use of a mathematical formula designed for this purpose, or more frequently from a chart based on the formula.