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PMAC Dynamic Scale Loop
隨著近幾十年來經濟的發展,對于能源和資源的需求持續攀升。水作為一種重要的資源,將其重復使用,是緩解水資源短缺的重要途徑。在工業用水中,冷卻水的用量居于*,約占工業用水的90%以上。 節約冷卻水的方法就是不斷循環使用,提高濃縮倍數,但隨之而來的問題就是水中的離子也被不斷的濃縮,從而導致碳酸鈣,磷酸鈣等污垢的形成并在管道以及設備表面沉積下來。因此,阻垢是循環冷卻水處理的關鍵環節之一。投加阻垢劑是目前實用的阻垢方法,在國內外得到普遍使用,本研究采用了一種新型動態方法來評價阻垢劑的性能。
Original PMAC System for evaluation of scaling tendency and inhibitor performance
The PMAC System is an invaluable research and development tool for technologists responsible for the design, operation and efficiency of water handling systems in which thermal; pressure or chemical changes promote the deposition of scales.
The PMAC System provides an accurate, reproducible and rapid method for selecting and quantifying the most effective means of controlling scale deposition under dynamic conditions.
The PMAC series is suitable for use where the process or reservoir temperature is greater than 100 deg C. It is also recommended where the effects of pressure on scaling tendency is to be studied. It is the only means of studying the deposition of Anhydride under dynamic conditions.
The PMAC Series are designed to the specific temperature and pressure range conditions desired by the client.
Temperatures can range from ambient to 250 deg C and pressures up to 3000psi or higher.
Electronic Module The Control panel gives a pictorial flow diagram of the instrument processes and controls. Digital displays allow the operator visual control of the test parameters.
Pressure Monitoring
The outlet pressure is controlled and maintained at a constant pressure while the inlet pressure varies according to the capillary restriction due to scale build up. The differential pressure is monitored and represents the scaling profile across the test coil. Thepressure sensing is done using a differential pressure transducer, which tolerates aqueous fluids on the two ports and monitors the change in pressure across the test coil. The two pumps allow different ratios of two brines to be mixed in a mixing cell.
The addition of other channels allows evaluation of different chemical
Range of Dynamic Scale Loops (DSL)
PMAC now offer a full range of DSL’s, from the Manual Atmospheric Pressure Rig through to the Fully Automated Computer Controlled HP HT/ LT (below room temperature) model.
Deviations are custom built to individual client needs, such as:
Multiple dosing:
. the instrument can be built with an automated sequencer allowing for the automation of serial dilutions,
. programmed for pre-scaling, before running the dynamic test, simulating more “realistic" pipeline conditions,
. programmability for self cleaning after the analysis is complete, before coming to a stop.
Combined these capabilities reduce manpower needs allowing 24 hour operations, offer repeatable conditions thus reducing errors within the lab(s).
Replacing the Loop with an inline filter:
- allowing for detection of ideal for lead and zinc sulphide inhibitors (reference PMAC Field Sidestream for Scale and SPE paper100627)
Note: The DSL could be fitted with both the Loop and the Filter, configured in series, parallel and or independently to individual requirements.
Add HP HT pH Measurement Probe:
- PMAC have devised an inline pH measurement capability, mounting pH probe and HT reference probe within the heated zone, at the outlet of the test coil providing for pH measurement at test conditions in excess of 100degC and up to 2000 psi.
Heating Module
- Depending on the application this can be either an Oven or a Water Bath; both come with a precision temperature controller. The water bath option allows for low temperature monitoring, used in subsea tie-back well studies.
Shanghai E-sci Scientific Instrument co.,LTD