Peter Hirt直線軸承
瑞士Peter Hirt公司公司擁有超過30年的經驗,在精密工程。顧客滿意的高層次,通過始終如一的高品質,并且始終是我們的首要任務。
舜極機電設備(上海)有限公司優勢供應歐美備件,歡迎詢價!!! 業務員:王振 : :
Linear Ball Bearings
Preloaded Linear Ball Bearings are the ideal guiding element of modern machine and fixture design. Their smooth running (no Stick-Slip Effect), high linear resolution and extreme repeatability are only a few of their outstanding features. A large assortiment of catalogue items is paralleled with numerous custom made products. Size, shape and materials are adapted to customers requirements. We are pleased to consult you – take advantage of our more than 30 years of experience. Economically produced precision. PHZ – your partner for catalogue items as well as for custom tailored solutions. We are always one µ ahead!
該公司的特點是兩個主要產品線:球軸承和探頭。線性軸承用于對精度和質量有高要求的機械結構。這種類型的軸承特別適用于線性運動的傳遞,在使用壽命和傳遞精確度方面是其他產品無可超越的。所有線性軸承都可在使用前進行手動調節。根據線性軸承的不同用途,Peter Hirt公司可以提供不同用途的標準和非標線性軸承。
主要產品:Peter Hirt直線軸承、Peter Hirt傳感器、Peter Hirt模塊、Peter Hirt壓力表
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