混凝土抗滲儀/混凝土抗滲儀操作規程/自動調壓混凝土抗滲儀 HP-4.0自動調壓混凝土抗滲儀本儀器用來測定混凝土的抗滲性能,適用于建筑企業,科研院校等部門從事混凝土抗滲性能的測定研究,同時可用于其它建筑材料透氣測定和質量
3、接通電源,紅色信號燈兩,將電接點壓力表上限指針調至0.1MPA 下限指針與之可靠近但不能同時接觸(約小于上限指針0.05mpa),然后摁綠鈕啟動電源,此時水泵開始工作,電接點壓力表指針隨水壓上升而順時針轉動,注意觀察壓力上升是否正常,系統有無滲漏水現象,如有異常則應排除后才能進入試驗。
| HBY-35型砼標準養護箱 本儀器根據國家水泥院、*對水泥、砼試件的標準養護要求而設計制造的。內部采用進口不銹鋼板制作,噴霧裝置采用超聲波加濕,制冷采用大功率壓縮機,溫濕度(數顯)是試驗室,質檢部門對水泥,砼試件養護的理想設備. 主要技術參數: 1、溫度控制儀精度:±1℃ 2、箱內溫差:≤2℃ 3、溫度控制:≥95% 4、工作電壓:220V±10% 5、加熱功率:600W 6、壓縮機功率:180W 7、內部尺寸:1200×560×1400mm (可放置水泥試件80組,砼試件36組,可放150×550抗折試件12組) |
| BYS-Ⅱ標養室自動控制儀 本儀器適用于建筑、公路科研質檢及施工工地對水泥、砼試件標準養護,具有操作方便,溫濕度自控數顯等優點,由大型負離子加濕器噴霧,不銹鋼水箱加熱。 主要技術參數: 1、 控溫范圍精度:0-50℃ 精度:20±2℃ 2、 控濕范圍:≥90% 加熱功率:3Kw 3、 制冷功率:1-4千大卡(選窗機) 4、 zui大溫濕控面積:15M2 5、 電壓:220V±10% |
| HS-4型混凝土抗滲儀 本儀器適用于混凝土抗滲性能的試驗的抗滲標號的測定,同時可用于其它建筑材料透氣測定和質量檢測。主模采用優質鋼,臺面采用不銹鋼板。 主要技術參數: 1、抗滲儀zui大壓力:5Mpa 2、水泵柱塞直徑12,行程10(mm) 3、工作方式:電動手動兩用 4、外型尺寸:1100×900×600mm |
| HCZT-1型程控磁盤振動臺 本儀器實驗室內震實成型混凝土試件及制品之用。 主要技術參數: 1.臺面尺寸: 1m2 0.8m2 0.5m2 2.振動頻率: 2860次/分. 3.振 幅: 3-0.6mm 4.電機功率: 1.5KW 380V |
| ZH.DG—80型混凝土磁力振動臺 主要用于試驗室內混凝土抗壓試塊振實成型。 主要技術參數: (1) 臺面尺寸:800X600mm (1) 振幅(全幅):0.5mm (2) 振動頻率:50HZ (3) 每次成型試件數量:1503,試模6個1003,三聯試模3條 (4) 凈重:約240kg |
| SjD—60型強制式單臥軸混凝土攪拌機 本機適用于建筑科研不口建筑公司及混凝土構件單位試驗室,可攪拌普通 混凝土和輕質混凝土,也可用到其它行業試驗室對不同物料進行攪拌。 主要技術參數: (1) 進料容量:96升 (2) 出料容量:60升 (3) zui大出料容量:66升 (4) 攪拌均勻時間:≤45秒 (5) 攪拌軸轉速:45轉/分 (6) 電動機功率:2.2千瓦 (7) 電源電壓:380伏 (8) 外形尺寸:1520X 530X1060mm |
| UJZ-15型砂漿攪拌機 用于建筑工程、大專院校、科研質檢部門等作墻體粉面材料及磚砌墻用砂漿強度試驗的攪拌機,也適用于人造大理石廠家面料及其它粉末狀材料的作業。 主要技術參數: 1、攪拌葉轉速(順時)80±4r/min 2、攪拌筒轉速(逆時)60±2r/min 3、攪拌筒容量:15L 4、 攪拌筒內徑:380x250mm |
| HVC-1型混凝土拌合物維勃稠度儀 本儀器是測定砼拌合物的維勃稠度值。用于評定混凝土拌合物坍落度在10mm內的混凝土,骨料zui大粒徑40mm。符合GBJ80-85的國家標準。 主要技術參數: 震動頻率:50±3Hz 電機:0.25千瓦380V 空載振幅:0.5±0.1m |
| HJ-84型混凝土快速養護箱 本儀器適用于施工現場,預制構件科研等單位作混凝土快速養護,它可通過不同加速養護法預測出7天、28天令期砼抗壓,抗折強度,是砼質量控制*的設備。 主要技術參數: 1、箱內尺寸:800×580×400mm 2、工作壓力:380V 3、電熱功率:單組3Kw 計3×3Kw 4、控溫范圍:10-100℃ 5、可放試模:150×150 2組 100×100 3組 |
| HC-7L砼含氣量測定儀 本儀器適用于集料粒徑不大于40mm,含氣量不大于10%有塌落度的混凝土拌和物中的含氣量,符合*發布94-07-05<公路工程水泥混凝土試驗規程>(JTJ053-94)的全部規定,該測定方法符合GBJ80-85標準。 |
瀝青試驗儀器 土工路面試驗儀器 混凝土 水泥儀器 防水卷材試驗儀器 工程塑料試模產品有:養護箱, 標養箱, 混凝土滲透儀, 混凝土鉆孔取芯機, 混凝土自落式攪拌機, 水泥電動抗折試驗機, 行星式水泥膠砂攪拌機, 產品廣泛應用于大專院校、公路鐵路、橋梁隧道、石油化工、水利建設、國防等領域。在生產銷售自主產品的同時,我廠與國內外各名優廠家一直保持著良好的協作關系,代理銷售其品牌產品,價格比廠價更優惠,我們能讓廣大客戶朋友以低廉的價格使用到更優質的產品 主營產品:混凝土標準養護箱 | 水泥標準養護箱 | 混凝土抗滲儀|混凝土鉆孔取芯機 水泥凈漿攪拌機|水泥膠砂攪拌機 河北鼎盛路達實驗儀器設備廠 同時供應瀝青試驗儀器 土工路面試驗儀器 混凝土 水泥儀器 防水卷材試驗儀器 工程塑料試模,并為你組建各種實驗室。商砼攪拌站試驗儀器--商砼攪拌站混凝土試驗儀器
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Concrete impervious instrument/concrete impervious instrument operation procedures/automatic regulating concrete impervious instrument
HP - 4.0 concrete impervious instrument
A, applicable scope
Concrete, is now widely used in the construction of artificial stone, for some construction, such as hydraulic construction, underwater, water, underground and other architectural engineering, building requirements has special performance - anti-permeability so-called anti-permeability is refers to the structure of material in use can resist water and/or other liquid (light oil, heavy oil) of the medium pressure infiltration under the action of performance.
HP - 4.0 type impervious instrument is mainly used in lake screw soil anti-permeability and is test and anti-permeability label measurement. At the same time can also be used for building material permeability measurement and quality inspection, so to get the relevant production, construction, the design, the research of various departments such as widely used.
Second, the main technical parameters
1, the maximum working pressure: 4 mpa
2, working ways: automatic constant pressure (digital display type: automatic constant pressure and automatic booster)
3, a can make specimen number: six
4, try die geometry (also called Lord die)
Die cavity flowing diameter: φ 174.8 mm
The mouth cavity diameter: phi 185 mm
Height: 153 mm
5, plunger pump parameters:
Flow: 0.16 L/min
6, motor:
Power: 120 w
Power supply: 380 v - 50 hz
7, physical size: 950 x 800 x 950 mm
8, quality: ≈ 220 kg
Three, the main working principle and its agencies (sees attached figure 1)
HP - 4.0 type impervious instrument is to use airtight container internal pressure is equal principle (waterhead negligence except), with water pump to the whole system to lose pressure, and through the electric contact pressure gauge and pressure controller pressure of the size of the pressure to achieve pressure water from down to up penetration pressed in the mold of the specimen, so as to test specimen anti-permeability and calculate its anti-permeability label of the instrument. HP - 4.0 type concrete impervious instrument is mainly composed of housing, table, the stainless steel panel is made, and install a six mold base and 36 M12 bolt, used for installation of mold.
For pressure system, by the motor, power box, water pump, water bag, relief valve, pipe and other components, motor used to the system to provide the power supply, power box used to motor provides power supply into a back and forth movement of the power supply and water pump, pump to the whole system to provide water, water for bag to stabilize supply system of hydraulic pressure, and the water source, power box used to motor provides power supply into a back and forth movement of the power and supply water pressure, and the water source of the shunt effect; The relief valve installation word water bag central, the role of the safety valve is to ensure that the system pressure is not more than 4 mpa4, work station, mainly by the electric control and control valve composition.
HP - 4.0 type concrete impervious instrument electric control section (sees attached figure 2), the red green button switch and one electric contact pressure gauge composed,
Green button to start switch, red button to stop switch, electric contact pressure gauge used to control system for pressure the pressure to remain in you need range and, when the pressure pointer to the limit, pump stop work, because specimen penetration and other reasons, the hydraulic pressure drop, pointer anti-clockwise rotation, leave the upper limit position, until the lower reach, a water pump restart, hydraulic pressure rise to cap a (2) control valve. The open and closed and general valve are the same, namely clockwise to relationship, anti-clockwise rotation for open, each valve corresponding control a try die,
HP - 4.0 type digital display concrete impervious instrument electric controlling part: the combination switch and one pressure sensor connection of the controller. Combination switch control impervious instrument source, "0" position close "1" for the open position; Controller term control for pressure system pressure to remain in the scope of you need. About the operation of the controller that see appendix "digital display anti-permeability meter pressure controller operation instructions"
Four, installation and use
1, ready to
A, will anti-permeability instruments on the level off, solid indoor basis,
B, closing is located in the lower right of the water pressure relief valve
C, open six control valve
D, first use, water injection into the box and open the valve, starting power supply, and 6 mold base internal water overflow so far, in order to discharge the air inside the system.
E, close control valve
2, sample production and installation
A, specimen forming curing, according to the design requirements of the ratio of materials with mold (also called vice die) making forming, and then press department or the international standard for cover.
B, and curing good specimen surface dried, then in its side TuShan melting sealing materials (sealing wax or sealing wax) note specimen two face, forbidden coated with sealing material.
C, will try to die heating to 40 ℃, then coated with seal material specimen into cavity, and then in the press (screw press or borrow laboratory pressure testing machine) will test pressure into the test mould and cooling to room temperature, it is best to use the factory supporting the production of HT - 200 type multifunction stripper, already but outfit, release, and splitting specimen, observation
Water penetration depth.
D, will put pressure good specimen trial die installed in impervious instrument work on stage, and even tighten the screw nut
3, switch on the power, the red light two, the electric contact pressure gauge cap pointer adjustment to 0.1 MPA floor pointer and the reliable near but not at the same time contact (about 0.05 MPA is less than the limit pointer), and then press the green button to start power supply, the water pump to work, electric contact pressure gauge pointer with hydraulic pressure rise and clockwise rotation, attention to the observation of pressure rise is normal or not, the system for permeability