美國MEFs (CF1)小鼠胚胎成纖維細胞的介紹
美國MEFs (CF1)小鼠胚胎成纖維細胞是美國PrimCells原代細胞:PrimCells的原代細胞產品采用*的高效提取方法, 分離,并通過盡量縮短體外培養時間從而保證其更接近體原始狀態,以適應客戶對細胞品質的嚴格要求。PrimCells亦是多種腎臟來源原代細胞的世界獨JIA供應商,為多家藥物研發企業提供藥物藥效與毒理測試。此外,PrimCells還開發出多種轉基因胚胎干細胞、原代胚胎成纖維細胞等產品,是干細胞與重編程領域的報告基因原代細胞提供商。
Species: | Mus Musculus (CF1) | Catalog Number: | PCEMM02 |
Cell Number: | ~1x106 | Storage/Shipping: | Dry Ice |
Primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) are typically derived from E13.5 mouse embryos. They are relatively easy to maintain and have robust proliferation rate. MEFs can be powerful tools to study gene functions especially when comparison experiments between wild-type and knockout cells from the same liter are required. Meanwhile, MEFs have also been used as feeder cells to support growth of embryonic stem cells from a variety of species1.
PrimCells is proud to isolate and provide the primary cultures of embryonic fibroblasts from CF1 mice to the research community. Irradiated culture of these cells has been confirmed to support both human and mouse embryonic stem cells. They are the ideal choice for your needs of good supportive feeder cells.
公司匯集了資深的生物醫藥技術專家,獨立開發了多項原代細胞和干細胞相關的專有技術。 公司以“細胞研究的優選擇"為宗旨,自主研發超過70種創新產品,多個特種細胞市場的空白。例如其誘導性表達細胞庫和高效3D皮膚培養系統,皆為該類產品目前市場上少數的規模化供應商。此外,公司以高質量的數據與快速穩定的項目完成時間,長期為多家制藥公司提供解決方案,獲得用戶廣泛贊譽。
報告基因干細胞 2. 原代細胞(含報告基因原代細胞) 3. 誘導性穩定細胞株
4. 人源重組蛋白 5. 創新型培養試劑
PrimCells 解決方案
1.誘導性穩定細胞株開發 2. 原代細胞開發 3. 藥物體外毒理和效能測試 4. 3D-皮膚培養
A.生物制藥公司:輝瑞(Pfizer), 諾華(Novartis), 禮來(Eli2 Lilly),. Amgen, EMD Millipore, Regeneron等公司的毒理和醫藥研發部門
B.科研機構:冷泉港實驗室,哈佛醫學院, 麻省理工(MIT),, UCSF, NYU, Salk, UIUC, USC等