當前位置:> 供求商機> 介電強度測試儀
I. Applicable Scale and Function
The tester is mainly used in testing breakdown strength and withstand voltage of solid insulating materials (including plastics, rubber, film, resin, mica, porcelain, glass and insulating varnish etc.) at power frequency voltage or direct voltage.
The tester is controlled by computer and it is the second-generation dielectric breakdown tester independently developed by our company. The tester comprises digital integrated circuit system and software control system to let the rate of voltage boost accuray, exactly and immediay detect the data of leakage current. The tester is capable of drawing the real-time curve, displaying the test data with the accurate diagnosis, saving, analyzing and printing the test data.
(淘汰了*代產品通過調壓器和步進電機進行升壓而導致無法檢測漏電電流、步進電機丟步而導致升壓速率不準確、步進電機在升壓過程中擊穿試樣后由于轉速慣性而無法立刻停止而導致擊穿電壓數據錯誤,并且復位需要通過物理接觸來完成等缺點 )。
(The tester overcomes the disadvantages in the first-generation tester; for example, the first-generation tester boosts the voltage with voltage regulator and stepping motor so that it fails to detect the leakage current. Furthermore the stepping motor loses the step to cause the inaccurate rate of voltage boost, and the stepping motor causes the breakdown voltage data error in the process of voltage boost because it fails to stop after breaking down the sample due to the inertia of rotation speed. Also it realized the reset by physical control).
II. Software Function
01. Software Platform: WINDOWS operating platform, the interface is directly perceived through the senses and easy for operation.
02. Curve Display: capable of dynamically displaying the test curve in the experiment.
03. Data Export: capable of importing the test results into EXCEL.
04. Lab Report: capable of manual set for report name and printing the lab report.
05. Test Method: to supply the flexible options on DC and AC test according to requirement.
06. Test Method: to select breakdown voltage, withstand voltage test and gradient test according to requirement.
07. Parameter Setting: capable of setting the different parameter values according to the different test methods.
08. Sample Setting: capable of flexibly setting the sample parameters with the different standards.
09. Personnel Management: to set the user name and password and different operators log in the different tests without the interaction for each other.
10. Standard Option: to select the different standards available according to the requirement.
11. Continuous Operation: capable of directly selecting the motor reset in the software and implementing a second test in case of the continuous operation test.
III. Technical Requirement:
01、介電強度試驗儀輸入電壓: 交流 220 V
01. Input Voltage: AC 220 V
02、輸出電壓: 交流 0--50 KV ;
02. Output Voltage: AC 0--50 KV;
直流 0—50 KV
DC 0—50 KV
03、介電強度試驗儀電器容量: 3KVA
03. Capacitance of Electrical Device: 3KVA
04、介電強度試驗儀高壓分級: 0--5KV; 0-10KV; 0--20KV;0--50KV
04. High Voltage Hierarchy: 0--5KV; 0-10KV; 0--20KV; 0--50KV
05、升壓速率: 100 V/S 200 V/S 500 V/S 1000 V/S 2500 V/S 5000 V/S
05. Rate of Voltage Boost: 100 V/S 200 V/S 500 V/S 1000 V/S 2500 V/S 5000 V/S
(Note: Different rates of voltage pressure available according to user’s different requirement)
06. Test Method:
介電強度試驗儀直流試驗:1、勻速升壓 2、梯度升壓 3、耐壓試驗
介電強度試驗儀交流試驗:1、勻速升壓 2、梯度升壓 3、耐壓試驗
DC Test: 1. Voltage boost at constant velocity 2. Gradient voltage boost 3. Withstand voltage test
AC Test: 1. Voltage boost at constant velocity 2. Gradient voltage boost 3. Withstand voltage test
07. The tester is equipped with the high-sensitivity over-current protective device to ensure that the power is cut off within 0.1S when breaking down the sample.
08. The tester adopts the advanced non-contact original voltage regulation mode at constant velocity.
09. The tester supports short circuit test in a short period.
10、介電強度試驗儀電壓試驗精度: ≤ 1%
10. Precision of voltage test: ≤ 1%
11、介電強度試驗儀試驗電壓連續可調: 0--50 KV
11. Test voltage to be continuously regulatory: 0--50 KV
12. Withstand voltage duration setting: 0-6h
13. The tester supports 20S and 60S voltage boost at high velocity.
IV. Safety Protection
This tester is possessed of the relatively excellent safety precautions:
Circuit protection control of this tester:
(1)超壓保護 (2)過流保護 (3)短路保護 (4)漏電保護 (5)軟件誤操作保護
(1)Over-Voltage Protection (2) Over-current Protection (3) Short Circuit Protection
(4) Leakage Protection (5) Software Mal-operation Protection
Power-off protection control of high voltage input loop:
(1)總電源開關 (2)調壓器復位開關 (3)高壓斷電開關
(1) Main Power Switch (2) Reset Switch for voltage regulator (3) High Voltage Power-off Switch
(4)試驗箱門安全開關 (5)高壓回路開關 (6)漏電保護開關
(4) Safety Switch for test door (5) High Voltage Loop Switch (6) Leakage Protection Switch
V. Test Method
1. The dielectric strength tester in air
2. The dielectric strength tester in oil