WaveMaster 8Zi-A 集合了zui高帶寬 (45 GHz) 和采樣率 (120 GS/s) ,具有高級的信號保真性能以及全部4個輸入通道上每通道20 GHz的帶寬。可以選擇4-45GHz全帶寬范圍內的不同模塊進行升級。X-Stream II架構在各方面均達到了zui高速度,使用力科靈活深入的分析工具,可在zui大記錄長度上進行全面的分析。
WaveMaster 804Zi-A (4 GHz Bandwidth, 4 Input Channels, 40 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
帶寬 4 GHz
采樣率 40 GS/s
(80 GS/s on 2 Ch with optional interleaving)
zui大存儲深度 256 Mpts/Ch
輸入通道 4
垂直分辨率 8-bits
高達30 GHz,80 GS/s采樣率,極其穩定的時基。14.1 Gb/s串行觸發能力。WaveMaster 8Zi-A的硬件性能可以捕獲目前主要的高速信號。
內置的強大計算機具備2.6 GHz四核處理器,32GB內存。借助力科X-Stream II流式結構,即便做zui的分析也能實現快速波形處理。用戶可以自定義運算和測量,或者與第三方程序無縫連接,比如MATLAB。
WaveMaster 8Zi-A提供zui強大的波形分析工具集。SDAIII-CompleinQ串行數據和串擾分析軟件可以同時顯示四路眼圖,并對這四路信號計算Tj, Rj 和 Dj。EyeDrII 和 Virtual Probing(虛擬探測)工具利用S參數分析通道的相互影響。串擾分析工具提供測量垂直噪聲的能力,并分解成Tn, Rn 和Dn,從而確定噪聲問題根源。QualiPHY軟件為一系列串行數據標準簡化了標準*性自動化測量,并能自動生成報告。
存儲深度選件 |
WM8Zi-S-32 32 Mpts/Ch Memory Option for WaveMaster 8 Zi. SDA 8 Zi, and DDA 8 Zi. Includes 4 GB RAM standard |
WM8Zi-M-64 64 Mpts/Ch Memory Option for WaveMaster 8 Zi. SDA 8 Zi, and DDA 8 Zi. Includes an additional 4 GB of RAM (8 GB total) |
WM8Zi-L-128 128 Mpts/Ch Memory Option for WaveMaster 8 Zi. SDA 8 Zi, and DDA 8 Zi. Includes an additional 4 GB of RAM (8 GB total) |
WM8Zi-VL-256 256 Mpts/Ch Memory Option for WaveMaster 8 Zi. SDA 8 Zi, and DDA 8 Zi. Includes an additional 4 GB of RAM (8 GB total) |
采樣率選件 |
WM8Zi-2X80GS 80 GS/s on 2 Ch Sampling Rate Option for WaveMaster 8 Zi (not available for 820Zi, 825Zi or 830Zi).Includes two separate external interleaving devices with storage case. |
高速輸出附件 |
LSIB-1 High speed PCIe Gen1 x4 digitizer output for LeCroy oscilloscope. Half-height card with custom connector |
LSIB-HOSTBOARD PCI Express x4 Host Interface Board for desktop PC |
LSIB-HOSTCARD PCI Express x1 Express Card Host Interface for laptop Express Card slot |
LSIB-CABLE-3M PCI Express x 4 3-meter cable with x4 cable connectors included |
LSIB-CABLE-7M PCI Express x 4 7-meter cable with x4 cable connectors include |
串行數據分析 |
WM8Zi-SDAII SDA II Serial Data Analysis Option WM8Zi-SDAII (Standard on SDA 8 Zi and DDA 8 Zi) |
WM8Zi-CBL-DE-EMBED Cable De-Embed Option (Standard on SDA 8 Zi and DDA 8 Zi) |
WM8Zi-EYEDRII Eye Doctor II Advanced Signal Integrity Tools |
串行數據*性測試選件 |
QPHY-MIPI-DPHY QualiPHY Enabled MIPI D-PHY Software Option |
QPHY-PCIe3 QualiPHY Enabled PCIe 3.0 Software Option |
QPHY-DDR2 QualiPHY DDR2 Compliance Software Option |
QPHY-DDR3 QualiPHY Enabled DDR3 Software Option |
QPHY-DisplayPort QualiPHY Enabled DisplayPort Software Option |
QPHY-ENET QualiPHY Ethernet Application Software |
QPHY-HDMI QualiPHY Enabled HDMI Software Option (TF-HDMI-3.3V-QUADPAK required;WavePro 760Zi requires SDA II option) |
QPHY-LPDDR2 QualiPHY LPDDR2 Compliance SW |
QPHY-PCIe QualiPHY Enabled PCIe Software Option (for Gen1 and Gen2 testing) |
QPHY-SAS2 QualiPHY SAS2 Compliance Software |
QPHY-SATA-TSG-RSG QualiPHY Enabled SATA Software Option |
QPHY-USB USB Application Software Package |
QPHY-USB3-Tx-Rx QualiPHY Enabled USB 3.0 Software Option |
QPHY-UWB WiMedia UWB Transmitter Measurement Software Option |
ENET-2ADA-BNCSMA 2 x BNC to SMA Adapter |
ENET-2CAB-SMA018 2 x 18 inch SMA to SMA Cable |
ENET-2CAB-SMA036 2 x 36 inch SMA to SMA Cable |
WM8Zi-ET-PMT Electrical ecom Mask Test Software Package |
WM8Zi-SDM Serial Data Mask Software Package (Standard on SDA 8 Zi and DDA 8 Zi) |
計算機升級選件 |
GPIB-2 GPIB Option for LeCroy oscilloscope. Half-height card with custom connector. |
WM8Zi-500GB-HD Upgrade from Standard Size Hard Drive to 500 GB Hard Drive |
WM8Zi-160GB-RHD-02 Additional 160 GB Hard Drive. Includes Windows Vista OS, LeCroy Oscilloscope Software and Critical Scope Operational File Duplicates |
WM8Zi-500GB-RHD-02 Additional 500 GB Hard Drive. Includes Windows Vista OS, LeCroy Oscilloscope Software and Critical Scope Operational File Duplicates |
串行觸發和解碼選件 |
WM8Zi-FCbus D FibreChannel decode annotation option for WaveMaster 8Zi series |
WM8Zi-SASbus D SAS Decode annotation option for WaveMaster 8Zi series |
WM8Zi-DigRFV4bus D DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi series |
WM8Zi-SATAbus D SATA Decode annotation option for WaveMaster 8Zi series. Supports SATA Gen 1, 2, and 3 |
WM8Zi-1553 TD MIL-STD-1553 decode option for WaveMaster 8 Zi |
WM8Zi-8B10B D 8b10b Decode Option Standard on SDA 8 Zi and DDA 8 Zi) |
WM8Zi-ARINC429bus DSymbolic ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi |
WM8Zi-AudioBus TD AudioBus Trigger and decode Option for WaveMaster 8Zi 7Zi |
WM8Zi-AudioBus TDG AudioBus Trigger, decode, and Graph Option for WaveMaster 7Zi |
WM8Zi-CANbus TD CANbus TD Trigger and Decode Option |
WM8Zi-CANbus TDM CANbus TDM Trigger, Decode and Measure/Graph Option |
WM8Zi-EMB Embedded bundle, Includes I2C TD, SPI TD, UART TD |
WM8Zi-DigRF3Gbus D DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi |
WM8Zi-DPHYbus D D-PHY Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi |
WM8Zi-FlexRayBus TD FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option |
WM8Zi-MSO-EMB Embedded bundle, Includes MS-500-36 with I2C TD, SPI TD, UART TD |
WM8Zi-FlexRayBus TDP FlexRay Bus Trigger, Decode, and Physical Layer Test Option |
WM8Zi-HSPT 50 Mb/s to 3.125 Gb/s High-speed Serial Pattern Trigger Option for 4-30 GHz Oscilloscopes and Disk Drive Analyzers (Standard on SDA 8 Zi) |
WM8Zi-I2Cbus TD I2C Bus Trigger and Decode Option |
WM8Zi-LINbus TD LIN Trigger and Decode Option |
WM8Zi-PCIEbus D PCI Express (Gen 1.x, 2.0, and 3.0) Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation for WaveMaster 8 Zi Series Oscilloscopes and Analyzers |
WM8Zi-PROTObus MAG Serial Debug Toolkit - Measure Analyze Graph for Wavemaster 8Zi |
WM8Zi-ProtoSync Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Software Synchronization Option for WaveMaster 8Zi/Zi-A |
WM8Zi-ProtoSync-BT Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer+Bit Tracer SW Synchronization Option for WaveMaster 8Zi/Zi-A |
WM8Zi-SPIbus TD SPI Bus Trigger and Decode Option |
WM8Zi-UART-RS232bus TD UART and RS-232 Trigger and Decode Option |
WM8Zi-USB2bus D USB 2.0 Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi |
WM8Zi-USB3bus D USB 3.0 Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi |
抖動分析軟件 |
WM8Zi-JITKIT Clock, clock-data Jitter Analysis and views of time, statistical, spectral, and jitter overlay |
示波器同步選件 |
Zi-8CH-SYNCH HW Kit to allow combination of channels from two 8Zi oscilloscopes |
通用附件 |
OC1024 OC1024 scope cart is sturdy and |
OC1021 OC1021 scope cart is sturdy and |
KYBD-1 Keyboard |
ZI-EXTDISP-15 Top-mounted, Fully Integrated 15.3" GA with Touch Screen Display, Including all Cabling and Software |
WM8Zi-HARDCASE Hard Carrying Case |
WM8Zi-SOFTCASE Soft Carrying Case |
WM8Zi-RACKMOUNT Rackmount Accessory for Converting aWM8Zi Series Oscilloscope to an 8U Rack-mounted Package |
TTL-AUX-OUT Accessory for Zi oscilloscopes to enable TTL level output from the Aux Out connector |
Zi-FrontPanel Removable front panel for WavePro 7Zi and WaveMaster 8Zi Oscilloscopes |
Zi-FrontPanel-4Ch Removable front panel with 4 independent channel controls for WavePro 7Zi and WaveMaster 8Zi Oscilloscopes |
Rise-Time-Filter-100ps Low-Pass Rise Time Filter 100 ps |
Rise-Time-Filter-150ps Low-Pass Rise Time Filter 150 ps |
20dB-SMA-Attenuator 20 dB Attenuator |
其他軟件選件 |
WM8Zi-SPECTRUM Spectrum Analyzer and Advanced FFT Option |
WM8Zi-EMC EMC Pulse Parameter Software Package |
數據存儲軟件 |
WM8Zi-AORM Advanced Optical Recording Measurement Package |
WM8Zi-DDM2 Disk Drive Measurements Software Package (Standard on DDA 8 Zi) |
WM8Zi-DDA Disk Drive Analyzer Software Package |
電源分析軟件 |
WM8Zi-PMA2 Power Measure Analysis Software Package |
數字濾波軟件 |
WM8Zi-DFP2 Digital Filter Software Package |
混合信號解決方案 |
MS-500 500 MHz Maximum Input Frequency, 18 Channels, 50 Mpts/ch Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option |
MS-500-36 250 MHz Maximum Input Frequency, 36 Channels, 25 Mpts/ch Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option |
MS-250 250 MHz Maximum Input Frequency, 18 Channels, 10 Mpts/ch Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option |
混合信號附件 |
PK400-1 Large gripper probe set for 0.10'' (2.54 mm) pin pitch, includes 10 probes with color-coded leads |
PK400-2 Medium gripper probe set for 0.04'' (1.0 mm) pin pitch, includes 10 probes with color-coded leads |
PK400-3 Small gripper probe set for 0.008'' (0.2 mm) pin pitch, includes 10 probes with color-coded leads |
MSO-MICTOR Mictor Cable, D0-D35 |
MSO-3M 3M Interconnect Cable, D0-D17 or D18-D35 |
串行數據測試夾具 |
TF-DSQ Probe Deskew and Calibration Fixture |
TF-ENET-B 10/100/1000Base-T Compliance Test Fixture |
TF-ET ecom Adaptor Kit 100Ω, 120Ω, 75Ω |
TF-HDMI-3.3V-QUADPAK HDMI Pull-Up Terminator Quad Pack – for Use with the Efficere ET-HDMI-TPS-S Test Fixture |
TF-SATA-C SATA Compliance Test Fixture (*WavePro 7 Zi and WaveMaster 8 Zi class oscilloscopes require the SDA II software option; **20M memory required) |
TF-SATA-C-Kit SATA Compliance Test Kit (*WavePro 7 Zi and WaveMaster 8 Zi class oscilloscopes require the SDA II software option; **20M memory required) |
TF-USB-B USB 2.0 Testing Compliance Test Fixture |
TF-USB3 USB 3.0 Test Fixture Set TF-USB3 ("A" male, "A" female, "B" female) |