美國Steinen公司由William Steinen成立于1907年,開始于新澤西州紐瓦克作為工具和模具車間。根據客戶要求,公司擴大了其業務范圍,包括螺桿機和金屬沖壓功能。在1946年,公??司進入流體分散領域,引入了Steinen油燃燒器噴嘴,為*的加熱和工業領域服務。Steinen工業噴嘴于各種制造和加工應用的標準和特殊噴嘴,如空氣和氣體清洗,氣體冷卻,防火,防塵,高壓清洗,加濕,食品加工,半導體和印刷電路板,化學銑削和加工以及污染控制洗滌器,還提供用于地下采礦業的各種噴嘴。油燃燒器噴嘴、工業噴嘴、固體錐噴霧器、方形噴霧器、噴水器、球閥、過濾器
美國STEINEN噴嘴S2.5GPH 30 degree
美國STEINEN噴嘴S4.5GPH 45 degree
美國STEINEN噴嘴S2.5GPH 60 degree
美國STEINEN噴嘴S3.5GPH 60 degree
6.5GPH 45 °SS
5.5GPH 45 °SS
2.5GPH 60 °S
4.5GPH 45 °SS
2.5GPH 30 °S
6.0 60SS油嘴/噴嘴 Steinen/史丹尼 燃燒器配件 美國原裝 加工定制:噴嘴、油嘴 外形尺寸:span> 品牌:Steinen/史丹尼 噴射圖案:半實心圓錐 流量:6.0 usgal/h 噴射角度:60 美國STEINEN噴嘴適用不銹鋼材質,耐磨、耐腐蝕。 噴嘴標號齊全。 Steinen manufactures oil burner nozzles and accessories, industrial nozzles and mining industry nozzles. Our products have demonstrated a worldwide reputation for quality, performance and reliability. They are sold domestically and internationally through a company sales organization, independent sales representatives and distributors.Steinen’s worldwide reputation for quality and reliability is a direct result of our 100% devotion to producing the best oil burner nozzle on the market. Today, virtually every major burner manufacturer relies on Steinen nozzles to achieve optimum burner performance.Our state-of-the-art facilities are available to meet our customers’ most demanding requirements. As one of the few nozzle manufacturers who fabricate all components on-site, Steinen completely controls every aspect of nozzle fabrication, ensuring the consistent quality and reliability that make Steinen the number one choice. Every Steinen nozzle is performance tested for flow capacity, spray characteristics and spray angle before leaving our factory. This assures our customers the quality, performance and consistency they have come to expect from Steinen nozzles.With one of the largest sales and service organizations in the industry and office locations throughout the world, Steinen continues to provide its customers with the products they need to compete in a global market.Steinen Dyna-Coin Process is a trademark of the Wm. Steinen Mfg. Co. The Dyna-Coin Process provides a high quality finish for a perfect seating surface between the metering valve and the nozzle body, thus assuring consistent, accurate fuel delivery. 因為產品技術參數涉及相關因數較多,請與在線人員及時交流,以免買到不適用或者錯誤的配件。買錯了備件,不退對客戶不公平,退貨產生的費用又會讓客戶增加太多的成本,退換貨耽誤的時間和造成的損失,會遠遠超過貨物本身的價值。也會讓我們從微利變成虧損。所以,請您多花時間與我們工作時間隨時在線的銷售人員溝通。網頁中公布的價格請您作為參考,成交的價格請您與在線人員談好,以合同的形式確定。希望我們能夠幫您節約更多等待配件到貨的時間和維修時間,而不只是一個更便宜的價格。讓您的機器設備為您創造更多的價值! 網站標注價格為參考價,產品質量有保證,長年備有大量庫存現貨,隨時要貨,隨時發快遞。全國范圍內1-3天可以到達。 如需了解更詳細,