RX-1600-A120 滑板輪硬度計
- 公司名稱 深圳市漢斯福特科技有限公司
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- 產地
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2024/6/26 18:47:22
- 訪問次數 99
聯系方式:楊工13352927502 查看聯系方式
進口硬度計,美國Check-Line RX-1600-A120專為冰鞋行業而設計,測量滑板輪的硬度。
The new Checkline RX-1600-A120 durometer features a scale specifically designed for testing the hardness of skateboard wheels that measures up to 120 on the "A" scale. Normal type A durometers only read to 100 however as wheel manufacturers began to satisfy the demand from riders who wanted harder wheels, wheels with hardness ratings over 100 A became available.
Our Check-Line RX-1600-A120 features a dial that reads from 20 to 120 on the "A" scale to allow wheel manufacturers and riders to accurately measure their wheels in the over 100 range.
Specially designed for the skate community
Made in the USA
Includes carrying case.
120 is better than 100.
Measuring Range | 20 - 120 A Scale |
Accuracy | ±1 durometer unit |
Dimensions | 2.25" x 6.125"H |
Weight | 6 oz. |
The RX-1600-A120 is supplied as a complete kit including the durometer & instruction manual in a foam-fitted metal carrying case.
RX-1600-A120 Skate Wheel Durometer Hardness Tester