- 公司名稱 奧譜天成(廈門)光電有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地
- 廠商性質 生產廠家
- 更新時間 2024/2/22 16:07:15
- 訪問次數 2829
聯系方式:劉鴻飛18020740586 查看聯系方式
供貨周期 | 現貨 |
The S11510 series is a family of FFT-CCD image sensors for photometric applications that offer improved sensitivity in the
near infrared region at wavelengths longer than 800 nm. Our unique technology in laser processing was used to form a
MEMS structure on the back side of the CCD. This allows the S11510 series to have much higher sensitivity than our previ-
ous products (S10420-01 series).
In addition to having high infrared sensitivity, the S11510 series can be used as an image sensor with a long active area in
the direction of the sensor height by binning operation, making it suitable for detectors in Raman spectroscopy. Binning op-
eration also ensures even higher S/N and signal processing speed compared to methods that use an external circuit to add
signals digitally.
The S11510 series has a pixel size of 14 × 14 μm and is available in two image areas of 14.336 (H) × 0.896 (V) mm (1024
× 64 pixels) and 28.672 (H) × 0.896 (V) mm (2048 × 64 pixels). The S11510 series is pin compatible with the S10420-01
series, and so operates under the same drive conditions.