- 公司名稱 上海京工實業有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地 意大利匹磁
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2017/3/9 14:32:25
- 訪問次數 484
3.自動或手動溫度補償RTD Pt100
u 測量參數:PH-ORP-電導率-溫度-余氯-溶解臭氧
u 帶隔離的模擬輸出4~20mA-帶隔離的RS485數字輸出ASCLL-Modbus
u 隔離:輸入到輸出間1000V
u 供電:9~36Vdc
u 外形尺寸:71*95*58mm(標準4單元)
pH / ORP transmitter 4-20 mA and RS485 4-20 mA isolated 2-wire current loop RS485 isolated interface B&C and Modbus protocols Alphanumeric LCD 8x1 characters pH or ORP measurement Manual/automatic temperature compensation °C or °F temperature display Digital input with hold function Recognition of the standard solution Password at two levels Last calibration date Totalization of operating hours Power 9/36 Vcc Extractable terminal block DIN rail enclosure
General informations:
The transmitter can be configured for the measurement of pH or ORP and it can also work with the antimony pH electrodes. The measured values, along with support and instruction messages, are also visualized on an alphanumeric display. The transmitter displays the temperature value measured by a Pt100 and performs the manual/automatic compensation (pH only). The extractable terminal blocks and DIN rail mounting make easy the maintenance and the installation in the field.
Analog mode:
The transmitter can be connected to a PLC or instruments BC 7335 - BC 7635 - BC 7635.010 or BC 7687 - BC 6587 which provide the Vdc power supply, measuring values, two set point and the alarm. The digital input can place the current loop on hold.
Digital mode:
When in digital mode, the transmitter is a slave device interrogated by a master device with protocol B&C (ASCII) or Modbus (function 03). The analogue and digital modes can be used simultaneously
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