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PL2230 PL2230系列高能量全固態鎖模皮秒Nd:YAG激光器



北京歐蘭科技發展有限公司專業代理、銷售世界激光及光電產品公司的激光器件,包括皮秒,納秒,飛秒,連續波激光器,固體激光器,光電子設備,光學元件,精密位移定位平臺,壓電陶瓷納米制動器,納米位移平臺,CCD相機,激光光譜探測系統,激光參數測量設備,燃燒和流體診斷系統,PIV,PLIF,LII, PDI, PDPA, PDA, 粒子成像測速場儀,激光相位多普勒干涉儀,相位多普勒粒子分析儀, 材料形變應力分析,太赫茲實驗系統和組件,表面形貌測量,材料應力形變分析, 界面特性分析,液滴氣泡分析儀,等儀器和設備。

主要產品有:高/中/低功率半導體泵浦和閃光燈泵浦的調Q/鎖模飛秒/皮秒/納秒固體激光器; 準分子激光器,二氧化碳激光器,通訊激光器;激光能量計,功率計,光束品質分析儀; 和頻光譜測量系統,四波混頻光譜測量系統,皮秒時間分辨光譜測量系統,納秒激光光譜測量系統,橢偏儀,布儒斯特角顯微成像分析儀,表面等離子體共振成像分析儀,波導模分析儀,接觸角測量儀,液滴氣泡分析儀,激光差分雷達;光學(激光)診斷系統,粒子成像測速系統(PIV);超快、超高幀頻(增強型)CCD相機,增強型及特種CCD相機;各種非線性晶體,紅外晶體,激光晶體;光學精密機械元件;激光器電源及附件。這些產品已經被廣泛應用于物理、化學、材料、通訊、制造、能源、航空航天等領域。






  • Hermetically sealed DPSS master oscillator

  • Diode pumped regenerative amplifier

  • Diode pumped power amplifier producing up to 25 mJ per pulse at 1064 nm

  • Air-cooled

  • < 30 ps pulse duration

  • Excellent pulse duration stability

  • Up to 50 Hz repetition rate

  • Streak camera triggering pulse with <15 ps jitter

  • Excellent beam pointing stability

  • Thermo stabilized second, third or fourth harmonic generator options

  • PC control trough USB and with supplied LabViewTM drivers

  • Remote control via keypad



  • Time resolved spectroscopy

  • SFG/SHG spectroscopy

  • Nonlinear spectroscopy

  • OPG pumping

  • Remote laser sensing

  • Salite ranging

  • Other spectroscopic and nonlinear optics applications


Ekspla is proud to introduce the first commercial fully diode pumped high pulse energy mode-locked laser, producing 28 ps pulses with up to 25 mJ pulse energy at a 50 Hz pulse repetition rate.

Innovative design

The heart of the system is a diode pumped solid state (DPSS) master oscillator placed in a sealed monolithic block, producing high repetition rate pulse trains (88 MHz) with a low single pulse energy of several nJ. Diode pumped amplifiers are used for amplification of the pulse to 25 mJ output. The high-gain regenerative amplifier has an amplification factor in the proximity of 106. After the regenerative amplifier, the pulse is directed to a multipass power amplifier that is optimized for efficient stored energy extraction from the Nd:YAG rod, while maintaining a near Gaussian beam profile and low wavefront distortion. The output pulse energy can be adjusted in approximay 1% steps from 2.5 mJ to 25 mJ, while pulse-to-pulse energy stability remains at less than 0.5% rms at 1064 nm.
Angle-tuned KD*P and KDP crystals mounted in thermostabilised ovens are used for second, third, and fourth harmonic generation. Harmonics separators ensure the high spectral purity of each harmonic guided to different output ports.
Built-in energy monitors continuously monitor output pulse energy. Data from the energy monitor can be seen on the remote keypad or on a PC monitor.
The laser provides triggering pulses for the synchronisation of your equipment. The lead of the triggering pulse can be up to 500 ns and is user adjustable in ~0.25 ns steps from a personal computer. If required, up to 1000 &mu;s lead of triggering pulse is available when a PRETRIG option is installed.
Precise pulse energy control, excellent short-term and long-term stability, and a 50 Hz repetition rate makes PL2230 series lasers an excellent choice for many demanding scientific applications.

Simple and convenient laser control

For customer convenience the laser can be controlled through a user-friendly remote control pad or USB interface. The remote pad allows easy control of all parameters and features a back-lit display that is easy to read even with laser safety eye-wear.
Alternatively, the laser can be controlled from a personal computer with supplied software for a WindowsTM operating system. LabViewTM drivers are supplied as well.


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