PHH-257-KIT pH計 美國omega
- 公司名稱 深圳市鑫博恒業科技有限公司
- 品牌 OMEGA/美國
- 型號
- 產地
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2024/4/5 19:15:46
- 訪問次數 2254
聯系方式:趙先華13823144468 查看聯系方式
PHH-257-KIT pH計 美國omega
Splashproof Case
Suitable for Ion Selective Measurements
Automatic Buffer Recognition and Calibration
Diagnostic Error Code Displays for Faculty pH Electrode
Recorder Output
LCD Meter Display
The PHH-257-KIT is designed for field and laboratory measurement of pH. Supplied as a complete kit, the PHH-257-KIT is perfect for transporting to remote locations, keeping the equipment organized and ready for future measurements. Standard features include automatic buffer recognition and calibration, diagnostic error code display to indicate defective electrodes or incorrect buffer solution. The meter has a very precise 0.1 mV resolution, ideal for ion selective measurements. The PHH-257-KIT comes complete with meter, epoxy-bodied general purpose pH electrode, temperature probe, carrying case and user’s manual.
PHH-257-KIT pH meter with case, pH electrode and temperature probe
PHE-4201 Clear, epoxy-bodied, gel-filled combination electrode
PHAT-3016 Temperature probe
PHH-257-KIT pH計 美國omega
- 水質采樣器
- 水質毒性分析儀
- 鹵素分析儀/水質鹵素分析儀
- 水質在線自動監測系統
- 水質重金屬檢測/監測儀
- 大腸桿菌測定儀
- 污泥檢測儀/界面計
- 磷(硅)酸根監測儀
- 水中VOC監測儀
- COD消解儀/COD消解器
- 水質常規五參數監測儀
- 懸浮物測定儀
- 硫化物測定儀
- 高錳酸鹽指數測定儀(CODMn)
- 揮發酚測定儀
- 葉綠素a/藻類分析儀
- 離子檢測儀
- COD測定儀
- BOD測定儀
- TOC分析儀/總有機碳分析儀
- 氨氮測定儀
- 測油儀(紅外/紫外測油儀)
- 溶解氧測定儀
- 總氮分析儀/總氮測定儀
- 總磷測定儀
- 氰化物測定儀
- 余氯測定儀/二氧化氯測定儀
- 水和廢水監測儀器
- 藻類計數儀/浮游動植物計數框
- 污染指數(SDI)測定儀
- 其它水質分析