E+H電磁流量計Promag H Promag H 200恩德斯豪斯
- 公司名稱 上海愛丁機械設備有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2016/8/25 21:01:42
- 訪問次數 651
E+H雷達物位計,E+H導波雷達物位計,E+H機電式物位計,E+H超聲波物位計,E+H電容式物位計,E+H靜壓液位計,E+H差壓液位計,E+H放射線物位計,E+H音叉料位開關,E+H電導料位開關,E+H浮子開關,E+H阻旋料位開關,E+H微波限位開關,E+H控制單元,E+H調試工具,E+H伺服 / 浮子罐
E+H電磁流量計咨詢俞 E+H電磁流量計Promag H Promag H 200恩德斯豪斯
Your benefits
Genuine loop-powered technology for seamless 2-wire integration and robustness in process applications
E+H電磁流量計Promag H Promag H 200恩德斯豪斯
Sizing - correct product selection
Applicator- the reliable, easy-to-use tool for selecting and sizing measuring devices for every application
Installation - simple and efficient
- Compact design
- Suitable for installations in the hazardous area
- Reduced wiring effort due to two-wire technology
Commissioning - reliable and intuitive
Guided parameterization - "Make-it-run" wizards
Operation - increased measurement availability
- Measurement of volume flow
- No pressure loss, no moving parts, immune to vibrations
- Diagnostics; Automatic data restore by HistoROM
Cost-effective Life Cycle Management by W@M
- Accurate bidirectional measurement of liquids with a minimum conductivity of ≥ 20 μS/cm for chemical applications.
- The electromagnetic measuring principle is unaffected by pressure and temperature. Additionally the flow profile has a minimal effect on the measurement results.
Device properties
- Medium temperature: max. +150 °C (+302 °F)
- Nominal diameter: DN 02 to 25 (1/12 to 1") with a very large selection of process connections
- Vacuum-resistant PFA liner and seals
- Two-wire aluminium transmitter
- Graphical local display with operation from the outside (Touch Control)
- Communication via 4-20 mA HART
- Ex approvals accepted worldwide: ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus (intrinsic safety or flameproof enclosure)
測量原理 Electromagnetic Product headline Loop-powered volume flow meter for measurement of conductive liquids in standard chemical / process applications, suitable for Ex-zones Sensor features HistoROM
Diagnostics acc. to NE107 (NAMUR)
Seamless loop-powered system integration
Quick Set-Up
3 Totalizers
3A authorization and EHEDG-tested Nominal diameter range DN 2...25
1/12"...1" Max. measured error ±0.5% Measuring range 0...18 m3/h Max. process pressure PN16...40 Medium temperature range -20...+150°C
(-4...+300°F) Degree of protection IP 67 (NEMA 4x) Display/Operation Four line display
Touch control Outputs 4...20 mA + pulse-/frequency-/status(configurable) Digital communication HART Hazardous area approvals ATEX
- 水質采樣器
- 水質毒性分析儀
- 鹵素分析儀/水質鹵素分析儀
- 水質在線自動監測系統
- 水質重金屬檢測/監測儀
- 大腸桿菌測定儀
- 污泥檢測儀/界面計
- 磷(硅)酸根監測儀
- 水中VOC監測儀
- COD消解儀/COD消解器
- 水質常規五參數監測儀
- 懸浮物測定儀
- 硫化物測定儀
- 高錳酸鹽指數測定儀(CODMn)
- 揮發酚測定儀
- 葉綠素a/藻類分析儀
- 水質分析儀
- 離子檢測儀
- COD測定儀
- BOD測定儀
- TOC分析儀/總有機碳分析儀
- 氨氮測定儀
- 測油儀(紅外/紫外測油儀)
- 溶解氧測定儀
- 總磷測定儀
- 氰化物測定儀
- 余氯測定儀/二氧化氯測定儀
- 水和廢水監測儀器
- 藻類計數儀/浮游動植物計數框
- 污染指數(SDI)測定儀
- 其它水質分析