ROTRONIC 瑞士羅卓尼克為您提供全系列的溫濕度測量產品:溫濕度變送器、記錄器、手持表、指示器、探頭、傳感器和濕度發生器,用于測量和校準相對濕度、溫度、露點、水分活度和各種濕度學參數。
ROTRONIC 瑞士羅卓尼克的溫濕度產品廣泛應用于暖通(HVAC)、智能管理系統(BMS)、生產和過程控制、氣象、食品安全和制藥等。 ROTRONIC 瑞士羅卓尼克的產品基于*的 HygroClip 數字技術,代表了*的濕度學參數測量技術,以高精度、高穩定性著稱于世。
廣州微卓測控科技有限公司(Weizhuo measurement and control,Weizhuo M&C Co., LTD)專致于瑞士ROTRONIC羅卓尼克產品的銷售和技術服務,我們立足于中國經濟較活躍的窗口—廣州市,以較新的技術資訊和服務理念面對不對需求的用戶,精選Z適合的方案和服務提供給客戶比較、參考。wei-zhuo.com wei-zhuo.cn
ROTRONIC offers a comprehensive range of humidity instruments: transmitters, data loggers, indicators, probes, sensors and humidity generators for the measurement and calibration of relative humidity, dew point, water activity and other humidity parameters. Problem-free, accurate measurement results from the most stable humidity sensor in the industry combined with our unique HygroClip® digital technology. Our instruments and probes measure both humidity and temperature because temperature is critical to the proper measurement and interpretation of humidity.
The ROTRONIC product range includes humidity temperature transmitters for HVAC, BMS, manufacturing and process control applications, handheld portable humidity temperature indicators, humidity temperature data loggers, humidity temperature generators for the metrology laboratory, meteorological humidity temperature probes as well as water activity indicators for quality control of foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. For special applications, we offer a line of intrinsically safe humidity probes and transmitters. wei-zhuo.com
The ROTRONIC product range includes humidity temperature transmitters for HVAC, BMS, manufacturing and process control applications, handheld portable humidity temperature indicators, humidity temperature data loggers, humidity temperature generators for the metrology laboratory, meteorological humidity temperature probes as well as water activity indicators for quality control of foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. For special applications, we offer a line of intrinsically safe humidity probes and transmitters. wei-zhuo.com
公司名稱 | 廣州微卓測控科技有限公司 |
成立日期 | 2010年04月23日【已認證】 |
注冊資本 | 人民幣401萬元 【已認證】 |
法定代表人 | 李命珍【已認證】 |
注冊號 | 9144010655441829X1【已認證】 |
營業期限 | 長期【已認證】 |
登記機關 | 廣州市天河區工商行政管理局【已認證】 |
企業類型 | 一人有限責任公司【已認證】 |
經營范圍 | 研究和試驗(具體經營項目請登錄廣州市商事主體信息公示平臺查詢。依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后方可展開經營活動)【已認證】 |
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